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Posts posted by macx98

  1. :cool:

    Nothing wrong with replying (because online nga tayo). 


    Here's a problem:  My DVD drive does not read the "newer" dvd's.  I don't want to [try] placing a DVD cleaning cd because from recent experience nababawasan ang "half-life" ng cd drive ko when saksakan ko ng cleaner.  What should I do (besides buy another DVD drive)?


    buy a new dvd drive. :D

  2. Sorry but this would not work.  The reason kaya no sound ang RA is because they have been hacked out of the installation CD; maybe for space, usually kasi bundled sa RA cd na yan ang cd-1 &2.  My guess is pati yung mga movies ng RA ay wala... Best pa rin ang to get a complete installation cd (or better yet, bili ka na lang ng legal instead of the pirated para talagang walang sabit.


    just covering my bases boy... online tau u could never no the specifics of the problem.

  3. This problem always happen when you install the partial (hacked, cracked, and pirated) RA game.  Go get another copy of RA and make sure that it is the COMPLETE installer, the one where you need the CD to work.  Para hindi hassle ang CD install a program like Virtual CD.


    yup. r update ur direct x and sound card drivers.

  4. dati nka smart sila, she got a 9210.  nung nag upgrade n yung mga tao sa ofis, nag globe sila!  ano ba yan!

    naman kase sun eh.... mahina ang coverage dito sa amin sa angeles city


    sana by the time im ready for a line ok n reception ng sun signal dito sa amin... so far, ayos nman ang addict mobile prepaid ko...


    actually, sun cellular is now contructing cell sites thoughout luzon to improve network coverage. un nga lang na southern luzon pa lang ung phase ng project.

  5. WWE and NBC Universal have signed a three-year agreement that will return the wrestling company's cable programming, including ''RAW,'' to the USA Network beginning in October. The agreement is a homecoming of sorts for WWE, which launched ''RAW'' on USA in January 1993. ''RAW'' remained on USA for seven years before moving to Spike TV (which was then TNN) in September 2000.


    In addition to ''RAW,' USA will air a one-hour weekend ''RAW''-branded program, and NBCU's Telemundo will air Spanish-language versions of ''RAW,'' according to a statement released earlier this week. NBC will also air at least two yearly, 90-minute late night ''RAW'' Saturday specials.

  6. 1) the guy is rich

    2) the guy's father is rich

    3) the guy's mother is rich

    4) the guy's grandfather is rich

    5) the guy's grandmother is rich


    it's that simple- gusto niyo example? assunta and jules. gretchen and ____. etc. etc. it's true when ladies tell you that physical attributes have influence when "falling in love", sometimes having boatloads of cash count too.

  7. that line of thinking is sooo typical of FLEX readers... bro, dont be blinded by their bullshit... dietary cholesterol has little to do with blood cholesterol... 1 stick of marlboro will mess up ur lipid profile much more effectively than a big plate of lechon...


    pre i do read flex, but i dont just read that magazine. i also do my own research on different websites on the web. I am a certified fitness trainer too, and I also have a few friends practicing what they teach in the US... so please dont resort to name calling if you dont agree with something here, we're all at the same side.


    para di ot: "1 stick of marlboro will mess up ur lipid profile much more effectively than a big plate of lechon..."- true, pero pareho pa ring bawal for those watching their cholesterol levels.

  8. You know how to flirt when you want to.


    You've mastered the art of giving off sexual energy without leading anyone on. Men feel flattered by your attention, and you feel more alive after a bout of flirtatious banter. Nothing wrong with that!


    **Well, I have always believed that flirting is a social skill. ;)


    flirting is a manyak skill. :D

  9. 1) student assistant (fitness specialist, marketing assistant then marketingmanager, webmaster)

    2) write for a newspaper(broadsheet d tabloid) while studying

    3) accepts made to order electrical circuit plates for drafting

    4) made to order c/c++ programming.

    5) buy and sell magic: the gathering cards (buy low, sell high!)

    6) tutor elementary math, science and english. (i love to teach) :D

    7) fix computers at a neighborhood net cafe (practice my craft)


    di naman sabay sabay lahat yan, pag may pagkakataon lang.

  10. yep it is called a roman chair... but u really cant compare the muscle recruitment of the hanging leg raise to the reverse crunch... depending on wat u read, its either the hanging version hits the lower abs better or u make use of a certain leg muscle too much to gain any quick benefits... try both to find out then... however, exercise alone cant trim down ur waistline... u gotta watch wat u eat... thats d price u have to pay for getting fit  <_<





    pre di mo naman binanggit ung saktong prblem mo.

  12. It's not really an incompatibility, but rather different mindsets and ways of doing things. Distributions usually differ from each other in a few areas which are package management system used, update cycles, packaged software, and primary language. Some distros are also offered on specific hardware architectures and offer/use different tools and styles for administration and usage.


    The three good starter distros in my opinion would be Mandrake, Slackware, and Debian. If you have the time and resources, you can RedHat (since after the 9 release, they no longer have free downloadable versions). Another distro for the normal user as I have posted earlier is Ubuntu. I suggest you try using the Live CD instead of installing it on a machine first so that you get used to the feel first and have a better idea as to what to expect from the Ubuntu installation.


    Another choice is Fedora Core (a development version of the packaged RedHat distribution). A good thing about these distributions is that there is an abundance of free and readily available documentation regarding the installation, usage, and administration of not only these distributions, but also the software applications that come with it.




    pre that's a damn good explaination!!! :D

  13. the gurl should learn to accept and love the kind of person i am, and the kind of person i was, and the kind of person i aspire to be someday. what better way for her to know and love the real me but give her access to my life and the messages i recieve. they say you can define yourself by the company you keep;


    kung matagal na kayo and you're hoping that this might be the ONE, i don't find anything wrong (suffocating) about that; i dont think i would lose my identity by doing that.


    i am who i am, and i have the paper work and testimonials to prove it.

  14. thank you for the info  :cool:


    btw, do you know of any websites which offer free web hosting (say for a period of 30 days)?


    my friend wants to test an e-Learning webpage she created  :)


    100webspace.com- php site host, text ad driven nga lang. mabilis, 100mb space, good signup interface, instant activation, meron control panel!! :D :D :D

  15. thanks for the advise


    another question and need advise/help again for the gurus


    1. I tried connecting two computers for internet connection using dial-up, I used an external modem d-link, an 8 port cnet hub, here's what I did set up the internet tools, internet connection sharing wizard in computer 1 (the computer connecting to the internet), created a client floppy disk for computer 2, put an ip address of then, then double click network, configuration, add, protocol, add, microsoft, then TCP/IP, then ok, then restart, got connected and able to do normal surfing, chatting, e-mail, this computer is newly bought about two days ago


    2. computer 2, I run the client for the internet browser for the internet connection, set the ip address to, then, tried pinging computer 1, it replied same otherwise with computer 2 pinging computer 1, it replied too,  then network, configuration, add, protocol, add, microsoft, then TCP/IP, then ok, then restart,  but when I opened the IE the page cannot be displayed, no connection or cannot share connection to the internet using computer 1 connection, this computer 2 is about 6 months old, with some viruses using only AVG free edition. However, it connects to the internet (do normal surfing, chatting, e-mail) when by itself alone using dial up but not with local area network.


    Any advise how I can share the connection, by way of LAN.


    here's the quick painless answer.


    1) setup up computer 1 for internet connection.

    2) set up computer 2 for lan

    3) look for and download AnalogX proxy server software("FREEWARE!!!"; google it, use "analogx" and "proxy server" as search terms). install and run in computer 1. The computer will flag you a message when the software is running. And it would continue on running in the background.

    4) on computer 2, get inside the browser and configure the proxy server settings. you input the ip address given to u by the proxy server software(open the HELP TEXT FILE included for the list of ports to input into your Web browser and the default ip address of the proxy server),


    a.) IE- on the menu, tools> internet options> connections tab> lan settings> click proxy server> advance> enter port numbers(http, ssl, ftp... etc.)


    B.) Firfox- tools> options> general tab> connection settings> click manual proxy config> enter port numbers(http, ssl, ftp... etc.)


    *http refers to your browser, ftp refers to file transfer protocol- kewl for those who uploads and downloads stuff to their domain...


    5) you can duplicate this setup by just entering ip address of the primary gateway on any additional clients.

    6) you wouldn't have any problems concerning the speed of internet connection as long as your clients and proxy server are connected properly.

    7) total setup time: 8-12 minutes :D :D :D


    Cons: you have to keep the primary gateway on for this to work. since only one computer is connected via dialup, this wouldnt be a problem for you.

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