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Posts posted by macx98

  1. option 2, step 2:

    files saved from digital cameras are usually in the jpeg format. this means that you can save your file in way no other file format can: you can control the sharpness and quality of the details in your image! In the "Save As..." menu, choose JPG or JPEG as your file format then click OK.



    step 3:

    You are then taken to the JPEG options menu, where you can toggle the amount of detail that goes into your JPG image. In the scale shown, 12 being the most detailed, sharpest image but with biggest file size and longest attachment time... and 1 being the dullest image but with the smallest file size and least attachment time.



    final step:

    toggle the format options to Progressive scan, and the Progressive scan drop down menu to "5". You can see here that by reducing the amount of quality for each image, the file size has significantly decreased and the estimated downloading time has decreased as well.


  2. continuation:


    option 1, step 3:


    remember to check the "Constrain proportions" check box then replace the number in the top-most field(width) with a significantly lower number (like half the original number). Something above 320, but not more than 800 will do.




    as you can see, by reducing the image size to VGA resolution (640x480), you can reduce the file size considerably.


    option 2, step 1.


    saving the image in lower quality jpeg to decrease file size


    in the File Menu, click Save As...



  3. mga bro, help naman dyan pls. i have a digicam and pics. i have a photoshop cs. now paano ko ba mapapaliitan yung mga pic kasi hirap mag-upload esp. sa email, file size nung pic is 300+ KB. tulong naman dyan pls? kahit link lang?


    two ways to do this


    1) resize pictures to decrease the file sizes


    2) decrease image quality to meet the required file size.


    here's option 1:


    step 1:

    from the "Image" menu, click "Image Size..."



    step 2:

    the "Image Size" will open to reveal the width and height of the image you are working on. IMHO 300K pictures aren't that much of a deal when uploading into e-mails, but if you are having troubles-- just make sure the image width is below 1000 scale. something like 640 by 480 will do. if you are unsure on the mechanics of ratio and proportion, make sure to check the constrain proportion box and just edit either the width field or the height field.



  4. A guy and a girl are lying in a dorm-room bed after just having sex. The guy lies on his side of the bed and rests. The girl rolls to her side of the bed and says to herself, "I finally did it! I'm no longer a virgin."


    The guy overhears her talking to herself and asks, "Are you saying you lost your virginity to me?"


    "Well," the girl explains, "I always wanted to wait until I was with the man I love to lose my virginity."


    Astounded, the guy replies, "So you really love me?"


    "Oh God no!" the girl says. "I just got sick of waiting."

  5. Revenge of the Sith.....or is it?


    Yup, just saw episode 3 and it was just ok. I guess the original trilogy set a really high bar that the new set of Star Wars movies seem to struggle plot-wise.


    The effects were downright awesome and so was the sound (Hail THX!). Its story is the darkest of the three but it seems to feel like they tried to jam so much in so little time that the plot sometimes went rediculously fast. It felt like being "force"(excuse me for the pun) fed at times and they tried to tie some lose ends with regards to the lore, with different results.



    Overall, a good bit of entertainment for the 2.5 hours or so it runs. Word to the would be watcher try watching both volumes of the mini-cartoon series "Clone Wars" so you can better understand what happens in the movie including the beginning and a lot of subtle nuances.


    3.5 out of 5 stars

  6. i hope this does not sound soo stupid.... but i have a dell desktop that has 128 mb 333 mhz memory...


    i want to upgrade it to at least 256 mb... question is how do i buy memory? as in what do i say to the person in the computer shop?


    how do i know if the memory they sell me will fit my pc?


    i feel like such a dumbass but i really dont know how to do this...


    hmmm... have you checked FIRST whether your DELL is under some sort of warranty? if it is, better have the additional memory installed in an authorized service center. i know memory brands are apple and oranges... but it might be the best move if you just install the memory brands recommended by your computer manufacturer.

  7. Is there a way to cut a file into smaller sizes para mai-transport ko?  I have been downloading files via the internet and I want to bring them home using a flash disk.  Problem is 128 ang capacity ng aking flash disk and the files are bigger.


    While on the subject.. how do I set the compression capacity of winzip to maximum? lagi kasi 1% compression lang ang nagagawa ko eh.


    Thank you in advance


    use winrar- u can customize the length of the files unlike in winzip. and u dont have to save the files in the media your using to transport them. and, you can even make your rar files executable.

  8. how can i put sound to a powerpoint presentation na dapat continuous .. ung kahit sa next slide di macut ung sound but mag continue sya...


    thanks in advance


    hmmm... use another program to play the sound, like windows media player or winamp. tapos bayaan mo mag-run ung application sa background

  9. mga bro!!! how can hack a yahoo account!!!??....i need help!!!..... :(


    darn, just install into a keylogger prgram into the pc who's user you'd like to hack into. damn, i shouldn't be even saying this, but you must be one of those wanting to hack into ragna/mu/gunbound accounts and steal items...?

  10. WWE BACKLASH 2005 Results - Manchester, New Empshire



    Date: May1, 2005

    Location: Manchester, New Hampshire

    Report by Carl Walsh @ PowerWrestling.com


    Muhammad Hassan and Daivari vs. Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan


    The music of Muhammad Hassan hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring with Daivari and they look set for action, and Hassan has made a pledge to end Hulkamania here tonight. The music of Shawn Michaels then hit in the arena as he made his way down the aisle and he has new entrance gear on. The Hogan chants started up and then his music hit in the arena as he made his way down to a huge ovation from the crowd. Hogan signalled to Michaels that he wanted to start the match, and we are ready to go.


    Hogan and Hassan went to lock up, but Hassan backed off into his corner. They finally locked it up and Hogan shoved Hassan into his corner. They locked up again and Hogan grabbed a side headlock and then knocked Hassan down with a shoulder block. Hassan backed off to his corner again and then they locked it back up. Hogan worked over the arm of Hassan but Hassan backed him into his corner and then gave him a knee to the gut and then he and Daivari got some double team kicks in.


    Hogan came back with a double clothesline and then knocked Hassan down with some rights and then a big clothesline. Hogan sent Hassan into the boot of Hogan and made the tag. Hogan and Michaels hit a double team big boot to Hassan and then HBK took over with a chop to the chest. Michaels hit a slam but missed an elbow and Hassan tagged in Daivari. Daivari hit some right hands on Michaels but Michaels took over with some chops in the corner and then a high back body drop. Michaels made the tag to Hogan who threw Daivari to the outside. Hogan sent him into the barrier and then into the ring post.


    Hogan hit a huge right hand on Daivari on the outside and then threw him back inside and choked him. Hogan hit a body slam and then a series of elbow drops. Hogan tagged in Michaels but Daivari got a boot to the face, but Michaels came back with chops. Michaels hit a flying forearm and then nipped up. Michaels hit the atomic drop and then gave Hassan a right hand on the apron. Michaels slammed Daivari down and then went up top and came off with the elbow. Michaels started to tune up the band and we could be seeing some Sweet Chin Music. Hassan got on the apron but Hogan came in and knocked him off. The referee tried to get Hogan out of the ring and then Hassan came back in and hit Michaels with a lead pipe!


    Daivari crawled over to the cover but Hogan came in and pulled Daivari off of him. Hassan made the tag and stomped on Michaels as Daivari held him in the corner. Hassan worked over the lower back and then tagged in Daivari and then the two stomped away on the Heart Break Kid. Daivari sent Michaels hard into the corner and then choked him before locking in a surfboard type maneuver. Michaels fought out but Daivari pulled him down by the hair. Hassan made the tag back inside and locked in a rear naked choke on Michaels. Michaels fought out and then locked in a sleeper but Hassan countered into a back breaker.


    Hassan locked in the Camel Clutch on Michaels in the middle of the ring as Michaels tried to inch closer to the Hulkster. Michaels fought out and got Hassan on his shoulder and dropped him backwards to escape the hold. Hogan started getting the crowd behind Michaels as Hassan crawled to his corner for the tag and made it, but so did Michaels! Hogan got in and Daivari backed off as Hogan nailed him with big right hands. Hogan gave them a double noggin knocker and then gave Daivari some more right hands. Hogan took Daivari down with the big boot and signalled for the leg drop as the fans went nuts.


    Hogan went for it, but Hassan hit him in the back with that lead pipe again and Hogan is down! Daivari crawled over for the cover but then Hogan started to Hulk up! Hogan pointed at Daivari and then hammered away with right hands and took him down with a big boot again but Hassan tried to trip Hogan from the outside. Hogan knocked Hassan off the apron and then Michaels laid Daivari out with Sweet Chin Music and Hogan made the cover for the win!


    Winners - Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels

  11. Sorry.. ideas just keep popping up in my head kasi kaya per installment ang replies ko (mods pasensya na sa multiple replies).


    baka hindi compatible and hard disc format.  generally dapat fat32 ka hindi yung bagong ntfs (correct me if im wrong) that windows XP is defaulted to format and partition.


    Yun lang ang maisip ko why sa win XP gumagana but win ME hindi.  also check mo kung ang startup disc mo is from win ME or boot ka na lang sa cd ng windows ME.


    :cool: pede...

  12. I have a problem regarding my Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf game. When I'm playing, it suddenly freezes and if I don't switch to my desktop (Windows key) it crashes! According to the online help, it's due to my computer not meeting the minimum recommended requirements. But my machine EXCEEDS those requirements greatly. I believe it has something to do with the SafeDisc protection so I'm wondering if any of you guys out there has any experience regarding this. By the way, this only happens while I'm playing, not while I'm in the menu interface. Also, here's my complete system specifications:


    Intel Pentium 4 2.4A

    256 MB RAM


    Inno3D GeForce 4 MX440 128 MB RAM

    Liteon CDROM

    Liteon 48125S (burner)

    Seagate 80GB HD




    WindowsXP SP2 Professional Edition w/ latest updates

    Office 2003 SP1

    NOD32 Antivirus v.2.50.2

    Nero Enterprise Edition v.

    Alcohol 120% v.

    Daemon-Tools v.3.47


    My machine also has the NVidia Detonator v.71.84 installed together with the Via Hyperion v.4.55v. Could it be that my machine is too much for this game? Anyway, I hope I can solve this as soon as possible since I'm getting really frustrated at it.  :(


    wow, that is weird. btw, there is no such thing as "Could it be that my machine is too much for this game?", do you have enough hard disk space left for windows to create a virtual memory page file for your game? it's normal occurrence for strategy games to consume more and more memory due to the number of increasing objects in the game... hmmm... have you tried increasing you RAM or tinkering you virtual memory settings?

  13. Just one advice...DON'T EVER INSTALL/USE or even STARE at WINDOWS ME!!! It's way too buggy to be of use! Just use a Windows 98 installation for your final exam...you could say that your machine has issues with Windows ME and it just wouldn't install correctly.  :headsetsmiley:





    this is so dyahe... :D  :P  :lol:


    after being used to installing windows os, i forgot na how to use dos! :blush:


    paano nga ang step by step ng chkdsk? i think its about time i do some on the pc's in the house...


    hehehe...thanks! ;)


    just type "chkdsk"> enter sa start menu> run...

  15. WWE WrestleMania 21 Results -- 4/3/05


    Event: WWE WrestleMania 21 Pay-Per-View Results

    Date: Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

    Location: The Staples Center in Los Angeles, California

    Results by PowerWrestling.com


    Start of the Show:


    Fink introduces Lilian Garcia to sing "America The Beautiful." Shots of the troops are shown as the arena glows in red white and blue. Beautiful opening to the show as the crowd chants "USA." The stage is covered in US colors as a banner raises and a video package is shown with clips of all of the WrestleMania Goes Hollywood commercials. A brand new commercial is then shown mocking The Gladiator with Stone Cold Steve Austin! It was hilarious! At the end he says tonight he will unleash HELL!


    >b>Tag Team Champions Fight

    Referee: Jim Korderas

    Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero


    Eddie Guerrero hits the ring in a low rider with his tag team title around his waist. Rey Mysterio then comes to the ring to a larger pop. He has a way more colorful outfit for the big dance.


    The start:


    The two men meet in the middle of the ring where they lock up. They are even until Eddie hits a headlock takedown, Eddie covers but Rey pops up. Eddie controls the wrist as they get to their feet. Eddie goes for a firemans carry, Rey lands on his feet and takes Eddie down with a shoulder block, but then he runs into a hip toss converted into an arm bar. Eddie goes for a few early covers holding the arms of Mysterio. Back and forth lucha action ends with Rey Mysterio atop the shoulder of Eddie, folding into a sunset pin, Eddie rolls through and tosses Mysterio to the outside with a giant monkey flip. He heads after Mysterio but Mysterio evades, goes for a 619 and misses. The crowd pops as the two head into a stalemate.


    Mid match notes:


    The two men pull a few classic mat moves until action picks up and Rey Mysterio nealy shoots Eddie out of the ring. Mysterio makes a run, Eddie tosses him over the top, Mysterio lands on the apron, Eddie pops him in the jaw and then comes over the top with a cross body block! He tosses Rey in the ring where he hooks the leg for a two count. The men men tango until Eddie drops Rey with a back suplex for another two count. He places Rey in a rear naked choke before hooking the leg and looking for a surfboard. He stands on Mysterio and slaps him in the ribs to get his feet up. A surfboard ensues but Eddie's shoulders are down. The referee counts and Guerrero tosses Rey off the surfboard at two. Eddie then places Rey in an STF as the crowd gets involved in the match a bit.


    Back in the ring Rey hits a sit down senton but he runs right into the elbow of Eddie Guerrero afterwards. Eddie goes for the three amigos, he hits one, but then Rey backs out and rolls him up for a two count. Eddie then drops Mysterio with a back suplex over the knee backbreaker. The two go back and forth, Eddie hits 2 more amigos and goes for a third but Mysterio wiggles out and hits a headscissor sending Eddie to the ropes. Rey tries the 619 but misses and Eddie gives him a titl a whirl backbreaker. Eddie picks Rey up and he drops three more amigos! Eddie climbs the top, goes for the frog splash and BARELY misses Rey Mysterio at the last second.


    Mysterio gets to his feet first and tries a mahistrol cradle for a two count. Eddie walks over to Rey but Rey kicks him in the gut. Rey drops Eddie after flipping out of a powerbomb. Rey drops Eddie on the ropes and hits the 619! Rey comes off the top rope but Eddie Guerrero catches him and drops him with a powerbomb.. 1...2... kickout.


    End of the Match:


    Eddie is frustrated with what just happened and he runs at Mysterio. Rey gives him a high elbow. Rey Mysterio somehow hits a hurricanranna out of nowhere and he pins Eddie with a three count.


    Winner: Rey Mysterio


    Two champions together...?


    HHH and Ric Flair run into JBL and his posse. They mock each other a bit. They talk about who is better and whatnot. HHH says they will have to wait until the end of the night and see who is still champion.


    Adam Sandler and Rob Schnieder are shown in the crowd. The Fink introduces that the next match will be the money in the bag match!


    Money in the Bank Match

    Referee: Jim Korderas

    Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Edge vs. Christian


    Jericho heads to the ring followed by Benoit and then Christian along with Tyson Tomko. the IC champion comes after them followed by Edge. Kane is the last to the ring as all men prepare for this gruesome contest. As Kane comes to the ring, fire egnites the ladders that were set on the stage.


    The start:


    All men run right for Kane on the ramp but he dissolves most of them with hard right hands, tossing them into the security barriers. Kane then runs to the ring to grab a ladder but he is met by Benjamin and Benoit who give Kane a double suplex on the mat outside the ring. Christian is in the ring with the ladder but Jericho pumps it in his face! Jericho crawls for the ladder, Benjamin hits him a few times and takes him down to a knee. JEricho reverses a whip and hits a bulldog on Benjamin. Edge and Benoit fight on the apron and Jericho drops them both with a springboard dropkick.


    Jericho goes over the top with a cross body block. Christian then goes flying over the top onto two men. Benjamin then runs off the ropes and he flips onto all men.; Kane then climbs the top rope and splashes all 5 men PLUSA Tyson Tomko.


    Mid Match Notes:


    Kane grabs a ladder and he cracks Christian with it. Kane is demolishing people until Jericho hits him with a springboard dropkick into the ladder. Jericho then uses the ladder on all participants popping the crowd. Benoit heads behind Jericho and gives him a german suplex sending the ladder FLYING. Benoit goes for the climb but Kane slaps a choke on him. Benoit jumps off the ladder into the crossface! Edge breaks it but then Benoit places him in the crossface. Kane grabs the ladder and slams Benoit in the face with it. He then places Benoit's arm in the ladder where he slams in several times on Benoit. Edge spears Kane and then he and Christian give Kane a ladder sandwhich! Shelton nails both men with a clothesline.


    Several minutes pass and Edge sends Benjamin into the ladder in the corner very hard. Edge sets up for the spear but Shelton moves and throws him face first into the ladder. Christian is outside the ring after getting the spin kick from Shelton with a ladder. Shelton sets Edge up and he gives him a stinger splash on the ladder!


    There is nobody in the ring and Benjmain starts to climb. He is a step away but Jericho meets him. Christian sets up another ladder and now he climbs, and Benoit meets him. Edge grabs a ladder and he climbs. 5 men are up on ladders as Christian and Benoit go flying off with Christian nailing a DDT. Everyone else falls except Shelton and Edge. Shelton grabs Edge and gives him the T-Bone exploder off the top of the ladder.


    Christian hits Shelton in the gut with a ladder. Kane chokeslams Benjamin outside the ring but his foot gets stuck on the ropes. Tyson kicks Kane in the face and helps Christian climb but Kane gets back up and he pushes the ladder over and Christian falls outside the ring onto Tomko. Kane is climing the ladder as Jericho climbs up with him. Both men are at the top of the ladder, the ladder teeters and both men go flying off. Kane gets his neck hit on the rope, Jericho flies to the outside.


    The Finish:


    Benoit climbs the ladder and he is so close to the top but Edge slams him with a chair in the back and arm and Benoit goes down hard. Edge climbs the ladder and grabs the briefcase!


    Winner: Edge


    Eugene is back?! Daivari interupts.. Guess who shows?


    Eugene comes out to the ring. Eugene begins to talk about his favorite wrestlemania moment. He states that this is his second favorite moment behind king kong bundy bodyslamming a midget at wrestlemania III. Muhammad Hassan music then hits in the arena. As soon as he get to the ring he takes the mic from Eugene. Hassan asks Eugene if he knows why Hassan is angry. Eugene replies with a "you dont like Midgets?" Hassan starts bitching about not being on the wrestlemania main card. He starts yelling and screaming and the crowd begins to boo. Dhavari then takes the mic and says a lot of nothing in Arabic. The crowd boos louder. Hassan then says since he is not on the card he is gonna make a wreslemania moment himself. Hassan and Davari being to beat the s**t out of Eugene. As Davari speaks more Arabic, Hassan puts Eugene in the camel clutch. Holy s**t! Hulk Hogans music hits in the arena. He heads to the ring and is jumped by Daivari and Hassan! He fights them off before delivering thundering right hands to Hassan and dropping him with a huge clothesline. He sends Hassan of the ropes and nails him with the big boot! He picks Hassan up by the head and he tosses him out of the ring! Daivari cracks Hogan with a chair but Hogan points and says "YOU!" He drops Daivari and tosses him out of the ring as well! Hogan stands tall as his music plays and he rips his shirt off as the fans go completely insane!


    Hogan heads to the top ramp and he turns around and puts his hand to his ear one more time as he pumps it up as the American flag hangs in the background behind him. Commnetray goes back to Tazz and Cole who let us know that the Legend vs. Legend Killer match would be next.


    Legend vs. Legend Killer

    Referee: Earl Hebner

    The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


    The ring has fire lit on the turnbuckles. The druids head to the ring. The Undertaker's bells toll and he literally GLIDES to the ring in a smog of smoke, not taking a single step! The lights come on and the DeadMan disrobes. Randy Orton heads to the ring to take what's his. Can he k*ll the WrestleMania Legend?


    The start:


    The two men stare down as Taker backs Orton into a corner. Orton slaps his face and Taker goes for Orton with a right hand but misses. The two men lock up and Taker has Orton in a side headlock. Orton evades two blows by the Taker before hitting a standing dropkick for a two count. Orton drops the Taker with a back body drop, leap frogs a Taker blow, but then he catches a right hand right to the jaw sending him down like a sack of bricks. Taker is in control until he runs into a cradle and Orton pins him for a two count. Orton goes for an early RKO but Taker tosses him right to the outside of the ring.


    Mid match notes:


    Taker sets Orton up on the apron and he drops the leg right across the throat of Orton. Taker grabs the arm of Orton and he performs Old School for the fans in Hollywood crashing down on the arm of Orton! Taker runs at Orton with a big boot but Orton evades and Taker goes groin first into the turnbuckle. Orton dropkicks Taker off the apron and sending him flying into the security barrier. Orton takes advantage and he works on the head of the Taker followed by a few uppercuts. Taker fights back with elbows and right hands but Orton explodes off the ropes with a clothesline sending the Taker down. Orton throws Randy off the ropes, Randy ducks, Taker drops him with a DDT and covers for a two count. The Taker whips Orton off the buckle before dropping him with a sidewalk slam. Taker covers and Orton kicks out at two. Taker works Orton over in the corner before whipping him to the other and crushing him with two exploding splashes. Taker drops Orton with the snake eyes on the buckle, but Orton responds with a spinning back elbow and oth men go down. Orton gets up and grabs the head of the Taker before giving him numerous clubbing blows to the chest!


    Orton poses at the crowd but the Taker sits up! Orton cannot believe it. Orton goes for the rights and lefts making the Taker teeter. The two men go back and forth for a bit until Taker places Orton in the dragon sleeper. Orton hangs in it for a bit until reversing the hold into a DDT. Orton jumps on Taker with a front face lock.


    Orton hangs in it for a bit until reversing the hold into a DDT. Orton jumps on Taker with a front face lock. Taker fights himself out but Orton slaps the sleeper on again. Taker counters with a back suplex. Both men get to their feet and Orton runs into a big boot. Taker comes off the ropes but Orton drops him with a powerslam for a close two count.


    Orton takes control and climbs the ropes for a 10 punch count. At nine he poses and Taker grabs him and goes for the last ride but Orton evades. Orton is shoved into the referee. Taker goes for another last ride but Orton falls out. Cowboy Bob Orton comes to the ring and he CRACKS the Taker with the legendary cast! He tosses Orton on the Taker and grabs the referee... 1....2.... KICK OUT! Taker is up! the two men tango and Bob Orton is on the apron calling for the cast. Orton tosses the Taker towards him but the Taker boots him right in the face!


    The Finish:


    The Taker slaps the choke on Randy Orton. He goes for the chokeslam but Orton turns it into an RKO! He makes the cover... 1..2... kickout AGAIN by Taker! Randy Orton then goes to tombstone the Undertaker. He actually has him in position but the Taker turns it around. The Taker drops Orton with the tombstone and covers Randy Orton. 1..2..3. It's over!


    Winner: The Undertaker


    Women's Title Match

    Referee: Jack Doan

    Trish Stratus © vs. Christy Hemme


    Christy Hemme heads to the ring ready to give it a shot at Trish Stratus. The champion heads to the ring and the ladies are ready to get it on.


    The start:


    Trish lays down in the ring and tells Christy to pin her. She gets up and tosses Christy around the ring a few times before tossing her outside the ring and then throwing her into the steps. Back in the ring Trish works Christy over with chops in the corner of the ring.


    Mid Match notes:


    Trish goes for a kick to Christy's head but Christy catches it and Lita distracts the ref and Christy kicks her right in the groin. Christy control a bit with kicks and she springs into a pin but only gets a two. Trish then gains more control and she runs at Christy in the corner but Christy does a split on top of the ropes and she sunset flips Trish. Trish gives some cheap shots to Christy and Lita outside the ring. Back in the ring, Christy starts her kicks up and she rocks Trish off the ropes before hitting her with the twist of fate. She makes the cover but Trish kicks out! Christy pounces on her and she punches the crap out of her.


    The Finish:


    Trish evenntually hits her kick to the head of Christy and she gets the win.


    Winner and STILL Women's Champion: Trish Stratus


    Billy Gibbons and someone from CSI were shown in the crowd.


    Interpromotional Match

    Referee: Jack Doan

    Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle


    The music of Shawn Michaels hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for this Dream Match with Kurt Angle!


    The start:


    Michaels and Angle get face to face and Angle smiles cockily at HBK. Michaels slapped Angle and then Angle took him down amateur style. They rolled around the ring and end up in the ropes and Hebner calls for the break, and gets it. They both stare each other from across the ring and then lock up again. HBK with a go behind into a side headlock takeover, but Angle rolled him over for two. Back to a vertical base as the fans started an Angle chant. HBK kept a hold of the side headlock but Angle took him over into a suplex, but HBK kept control with the headlock.


    Angle escaped the headlock, but Shawn took him down with a side headlock takeover yet again. Angle backed Michaels to the corner and gave another clean break. They tied it up again and Michaels with a go behind into a standing switch and then another side headlock takeover. Angle reversed and then elbowed Michaels in the face and then hit a shoulder block but Michaels came back with a hip toss and locked in an arm scissors on Angle. Angle tried to reverse but Michaels kept the hold in place, and HBK is controlling this match from the offset. Angle powered out by lifting Michaels up while still in the hold but Michaels dropped out into a sunset flip for two. Angle came back with a backslide but Michaels went back to the side headlock yet again. Angle backed Michaels to the corner and then went to work with right hands. They brawled in the corner and wouldn’t separate and the referee had to get between them. Angle took Michaels down with a shot from behind and locked in the Ankle Lock but Michaels quickly escaped and clotheslined Angle to the outside and took himself over as well. Michaels started to dismantle the announce table and things are going to start to get ugly.


    Angle hit some forearm shots and then went for a suplexed onto the announce table. Michaels escaped but Angle got Michaels up into an Angle Slam into the ring post! Angle hammered on the back of Michaels on the outside and then sent him back into the ring. Angle hit a vertical suplex for two, and then made the cover again for another two. Angle locked Michaels in a body scissors on the mat. Michaels fought out and went to work with chops, but Angle sent Michaels into the corner hard, sending him upside down on the turnbuckle, and then hit a belly to belly. Angle hit another belly to belly and covered for two. Angle locked in a reverse chin lock putting more pressure on the lower back. Michaels fought to his feet and hit some shots to the mid section and then chopped the chest of Angle. Angle came back with right hands and then the two traded rights. Michaels slapped Angle and then Angle exploded with a big clothesline for two.


    Angle got Michaels on the turnbuckle and went for a belly to belly from the top but Michaels blocked and knocked Angle off the top. Michaels came off with the elbow drop but Angle avoided it and then took down his straps. Angle went for the Angle Slam but Michaels countered into an arm drag and then Angle charged at Michaels but HBK gave him a back body drop to the outside. Michaels went up top and hit a cross body onto Angle on the outside and both men are down. Both men got on the apron and Angle went for a German Suplex on Michaels, to send him through the announce table, but Michaels blocked it and elbowed Angle and then gave him a low blow and the referee didn’t see it. Michaels kicked Angle into the table and then came off with a suicide springboard plancha from the apron onto Angle on the table!


    Both men are down and out on the outside and these fans seem to be split between the two men. The referee started his count, and Angle is bleeding from the mouth. Both men got into the ring at nine and crawled towards each other in the ring. Both men got to their feet, eye to eye and Michaels hit a right and then a chop. Michaels hammered away on Angle and hit the flying forearm and then nipped up! Michaels knocked Angle down with some right hands and then hit an inverted atomic drop and then a clothesline. Michaels gave Kurt a body slam and then went up top and this time he hit the elbow drop. Michaels started to feel it and tuned up the band in the corner for some Sweet Chin Music.


    Michaels went for it but Angle caught his leg and locked in the Ankle Lock! Michaels was writhing in pain and tried to roll out of it but Angle held on. Michaels tried to make the ropes and he is inches away and managed to get there! Angle screamed at HBK to get up and went for the Angle Slam but Michaels reversed into a sunset flip but Angle rolled up and locked in the Ankle Lock but Michaels got a sunset flip for a long two count. Michaels went for some Chin Music but Angle blocked and hit the Angle Slam but Michaels kicked out! Angle complained to the referee and put his straps back up and then took them down again. Angle went up top and went for a moonsault but Michaels moved and Angle crashed and burned!


    Michaels crawled out to the apron and headed up top and he looks exhausted and Angle popped up and hit the Angle Slam from the top and made the cover but Michaels again kicked out! What a match! Angle is stunned and grabs the head of Michaels and screams at him to tap out but then Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and both men are down again! Michaels slowly crawled to the cover and draped an arm across but Angle kicked up! Both men are out of it here as the fans start to get behind Angle yet again. Angle then locked in the Ankle Lock out of nowhere in the middle of the ring and Michaels tries to get to the ropes and then tries to kick him off but Angle will not let go!


    The Finish:


    Angle wrenches on the ankle and pulls him back to the middle of the ring and Michaels is fighting for all he’s worth to escape. Angle then grapevines the legs of HBK and Michaels doesn’t know what to do and he goes to tap but stops himself! Michaels is screaming in pain and he has no other choice than to tap out!


    Winner - Kurt Angle


    The Aftermath:


    Angle left the ring to his music and then Michaels pulled himself up off the floor to applause from the crowd.


    Piper’s Pit

    Guest: Stone Cold Steve Austin


    The music of Roddy Piper hit as he made his way down to host his Piper’s Pit segment. Roddy thanked them for the honor of the Hall of Fame, and now lets move on and make history! WrestleMania 21! Who’s the baddest man in the WWE? Piper starts to praise Austin and then says bullshit. Let’s bring him on, Stone Cold Steve Austin! The music of Austin hit as he made his way down to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. Austin posed on the turnbuckles, and this is going to be interesting to say the very least.


    Austin posed on the turnbuckles, and this is going to be interesting to say the very least. Piper asked Austin if he was the rebel? Welcome to Piper’s Pit! With that, Piper slapped Austin, and then Austin said thanks for having me, you son of a bitch, and slapped him back. Austin asked if would like another. Piper said he has a lot of respect for Austin. The crowd chanted “What?” and Piper asked them if they were deaf. Piper said he has a lot of respect for Austin, but he has one point to differ. Austin asked what, and Piper said he was here when WrestleMania didn’t have a number. He was pissing Vince McMahon off when the red on the back of Austin’s neck was diaper rash! Piper said Austin or James Dean have nothing on him. Austin said first of all, he doesn’t trust one single son of a bitch. He comes out here and talks his trash, is he meant to be impressed by him? Austin said he is not understanding because Piper doesn’t scare him one single bit. Piper said what we have here is failure to communicate. With that, the music of Carlito hit in the arena!


    Carlito got on the mic and said they are arguing and slapping each other like little girls. He said they have one thing in common, neither of them are cool. Carlito said no one wants to see them anymore, everyone wants to see Carlito. Austin told him to climb his little nappy head into the ring. Piper asked him who the hell he was. He said Carlito looked like Alf Alfa. Carlito told them to relax and said he is the new thing around here, and he is taking charge, and that is cool. Carlito went on to tell them to walk on down to the back. Carlito said if they have a problem with that, and then bit the apple, but Piper took it and took a big bite and spat it right at Carlito. Carlito nailed him and then went to work and Austin looked on with a smile. Austin then pulled him off and sent him to the turnbuckle and stomped a mud hole in him. Austin sent him into Piper and Piper hit his thumb to the eye and Stone Cold hit his Stunner on Carlito. The music of Austin then hit and he called for some beers. He tossed one to Piper and they toasted each other and drank. Austin posed on the turnbuckle drinking and saluting the fans. Austin then gave Piper the Stunner in the middle of the ring and grabbed some more beers and made his way to the back.


    Sumo Match

    Referee: Ren Urato

    Akebono vs. The Big Show


    Tony Chimel gave the rules, and to win you must push your opponent outside the circle, or knock them off their feet. The music of Akebono then hit as he plodded out. Who booked this crap? The Big Show then made his way down in a sumo robe. Tazz mentioned there would be over half a ton of humanity in the ring here.


    The start:


    They took off their robes and Show was wearing sumo stuff, and Akebono’s gut is huge. They stared each other down and tossed salt into the ring which is tradition. The crowd started to boo, and these two are taking a while to lock up here. They finally went at it and slapped away at each other trying to knock each other out of the circle. Akebono nearly got Show out, but Show used his leverage to stay inside. They went at it again and I really don’t know how to call this. Akebono knocked Big Show out of the circle and he landed on the outside of the ring.


    Winner - Akebono


    The Aftermath:


    They nodded at each other and then Big Show got back inside and offered a handshake and they hugged and Show raised Akebono’s hand in victory.


    WWE Championship Match


    John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


    The music of the WWE Champion hit in the arena and his limo is shown driving backstage to the arena, and he has police escorting him on motorcycles. JBL got out of the limo with United States Champion, Orlando Jordan, and then $100 bills came down from the rafters with JBL’s face on them! JBL sent Orlando back into the limo and then made his way down the aisle.


    Mid Match Notes:


    JBL chokes Cena with the top rope before kicking him in the gut and then choking him on the middle rope. JBL grabs the legs of Cena and he gives him a gulliotine on the middle rope throat first. Cena starts to fight back with hard right hands and he whips JBL to the corner, JBL reverses but Cena gets a boot up. Cena runs off the ropes but JBL drops him with a spinebuster. He poses as the crowd boos.


    Cena gets to his feet and fires away but the champion keeps the pressure on him with a clothesline in the corner of the ring. It's been all champion since the get go. JBL drags Cena by his hands up to his feet before hitting him with a short arm clothesline. JBL covers and at two Cena gets his leg on the bottom rope. JBL drops Cena on his ass and then he drives his forearm in the small of Cena's back. He whips Cena off the ropes before putting him in a sleepr hold. Cena wiggles his way around but he cannot touch the ropes. Cena starts going down but he manages to stay on his feet. Cenathen hooks the leg of JBL and he drops him with a back suplex.


    Both men are down as the referee counts. The men get to their feet and they hit each other with a double clothesline. JBL throws a right, Cena blocks and battles but the champion grabs Cena by the shorts and he tosses him outside the ring. JBL follows Cena out of the ring and he gives him another neckbreaker! JBL is in control again as he places Cena on the top rope before clubbing him several times. JBL climbs to the top rope and gives Cena a top rope superplex!


    JBL makes the cover on Cena but Cena kicks out at two. JBL climbs the top rope, he comes flying off but Cena catches him in a powerslam! both men are down as Nick Patrick counts away. Both men get up around 7 and Cena gives JBL a few elbows before firing away and nailing Cena with numerous clotheslines followed by a shoulder block, back body drop, and a side spinning suplex. Cena says "You can't see me" and he drops the five knuckle shuffle on JBL.


    The Finish:


    Cena gets ready for JBL but he misses a blow. The champion comes off the ropes and tries to clothesline Cena but Cena ducks and nails JBL with the FU. He makes the cover and gets the pinfall! We have a new champion!


    Winner and NEW WWE champion: John Cena


    After the match John Cena walks into the crowd and celebrates his victory with the chain gang!


    Hall of Fame:


    Highlights are shown of the Hall of Fame Induction ceremony from last night with commentary from all the stars and video packages of their careers. Mean Gene was in the arena and introduced Nikolai Volkoff, and then the Iron Sheik, who was brought out by Candice Michelle. Paul Orndorff was then introduced who came out with Miss Jackie. Bob Orton then came out with Maria. Next out was Jimmy Hart with Joy Giovanni. Roddy Piper then came out with Torrie Wilson and finally, Hulk Hogan was introduced and led out by Stacy Keibler. The crowd gave respect to the Hall of Famers.


    World Heavyweight Title Match


    Batista vs. Triple H ©


    We go down to the stage and Motorhead are playing the entrance theme for Triple H here tonight. Triple H then made his way out onto the staging area where Motorhead were playing, as the World Heavyweight Champion. He made his way down to the ring looking intense. Ric Flair followed him down and then the music of the Animal, Batista hit in the arena, and this is the biggest opportunity of his career thus far.


    The start:


    Triple H and Batista stared each other down as the referee checked them over for foreign objects. Triple H handed the belt over to him, and this is for the big one, the World Heavyweight Title. The two men got face to face and Batista smiled and then the bell rang to signal the start of the match. They locked up and neither would budge and then Triple H got Batista in the ropes but Batista came back and the two had a stare down. They locked up again and Triple H got Batista in the corner but Batista shoved him away. Another tie up, and Batista got a shoulder block and Triple H backed off to the corner.


    Mid-match notes:


    They locked up yet again and Triple H grabbed a side headlock but Batista threw him off and Triple H this time scored with a shoulder block. Triple H went for an early Pedigree, but Batista countered and then man handled Triple H into a modified power slam. The two traded right hands and Batista sent Triple H to the corner but got an elbow on the charge. Batista shoved him back to the corner and hammered away on him with right hands. Batista scored with a high back body drop and then went for a clothesline but Triple H ducked and hit a high knee to send Batista to the outside. Ric Flair looked to go for some interference and Batista went after him but Triple H attacked him from behind and sent him into the ring steps. Triple H got back in the ring and as Batista was getting inside, Triple H came off the middle rope with an elbow to the back of the head and then stomped him on the mat and choked him the in ropes.


    Triple H distracted the referee and Flair choked away at Batista behind his back. Outside the ring and Triple H drove the lower back of Batista into the security wall and then sent him into the ring apron. Triple H tossed Batista back inside and hit some elbow drops to the lower back of Batista. Triple H drove his knee into Batista’s back as the fans got behind the Animal. Triple H scored with a vertical suplex and then covered for two and then sent his knee into the back of Batista yet again. Triple H hit a back breaker as Flair looked on from ringside and then Triple H distracted the referee again allowing Flair to get some choking in. Batista tried to come back with right hands on the apron but Triple H hotshotted him to the outside. Triple H sent Batista back inside the ring and then hammered away on him in the corner, and the pace here is slow and deliberate.


    Batista fought back with right hands of his own on the Game but Triple H came back with the spinebuster and made the cover for two. Triple H covered again, and then again, but Batista kicked out at two on both occasions. Triple H took Batista down with a neck breaker for another two count and then Batista came back with some shots to the mid-section. Triple H kicked Batista in the gut and went for the Pedigree but Batista back dropped his way out of it. Triple H scored with the face buster and covered but Batista powered out. Triple H went to the outside and then headed up top for a clothesline, but Batista knocked him down with one of his own. Batista hit some more right hands and hit a side walk slam for two. Batista charged at Triple H in the corner but ate the boot of the Game. Triple H went for an Irish whip but Batista blocked it and then sent Triple H hard into the corner, sending him outside the ring.


    Outside, and Triple H regained control, sending Batista shoulder first into the ring steps. Triple H started to re-position the steps and then rolled back inside the ring to stop the count. Triple H went for the Pedigree on the steps but Batista countered and catapulted Triple H into the ring post! Triple H is busted wide open and stumbles around on the outside and then Batista sent him head first into the steps, three times. Triple H went down to his knees as Batista got back inside the ring. Triple H is a bloody mess as Batista hit some clubbing shots into the wound of the Game. Batista then kicked him in the head and Triple H is in trouble here. Batista hit a big clothesline in the corner, and then whipped him to the other corner and hit another one. Batista went for it again but Triple H blocked and then Batista hammered away on him in the corner and then hit a huge clothesline in the corner yet again.


    Batista rammed Triple H face first into the ringsteps repeatedly, then tossed him back into the ring. Batista punched Triple H over and over in his bloody forehead. Batista then hit a running kick to the back of the head. Batista hit a clothesline in the corner, then whipped Triple H across the ring and hit another one. Batista hit a series of elbows in the corner, then delivered a shoulderblock to the midsection, then a running clothesline in the corner. Batista hit a powerslam for a two count, and Triple H rolled to the floor. Batista went after him, and Flair tried to stop him, so Batista knocked down Flair. Triple H went for a chair, but the referee jumped off the apron to grab the chair, and hurt himself. Batista and Triple H got into the ring, and Flair ran in with the title belt, and Batista gave Flair a spinebuster. The referee got back in and rolled Flair out, as Triple H hit Batista with the title belt for a two count.


    Triple H charged Batista and got caught in a spinebuster. Batista went for the Demon Bomb, but Triple H hit a low blow. Triple H went for a Pedigree, but Batista blocked it, and forced Triple H's hands apart. Batista started to backdrop Triple H, then dropped it into a Reality Check/Kryptonie Krunch type move. Batista got psyched up, gave Triple H the thumbs down, then hit the Demon Bomb for the clean pin at the twenty one minute mark.


    Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Batista.


    A bloody Triple H stared at Batista, then left in Ric Flair's arms. Batista celebrated with the title belt to end the show, and a video package of highlights rolled.

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