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Posts posted by smart-ass

  1. baguazhang is one of the three major chinese internal martial arts. the other two being taichi chuan, and hsing-i. it is also known as trigram boxing or the bodyguard style. it is the least popular of the internal styles. i was very lucky to have found someone who introduced me to his teacher. my training is still probationary. i can be easily as to leave if i anyway disatify my teacher.

  2. when to classmate ktv last thursday. did what i went there to do after which i lounge in the dine-area. I remembered that this was where the Grand inihaw once was. at that time there were already stories of ghostly apparitions in the place. so out of curiosity i struck a conversation with a waiter. and ask if there are still 'ghosts showing up in the place. And yes there are! the black hooded figures as well as unexplainable presence of children running around at an ungodly hour, the same ones during grand inihaw days. (before grand ini.. a split level house stood in that place during 70's. i concur with a floor manager, and she said the same thing. any way sa mga chinese swerte raw ang negosyong may multo and from the looks of Classmate their making a killing.

  3. novice i am into baguazhang for the past 4 months. hope have the patience to continue. it is private tutoring. hindi sigurado if i make the cut. in my earlier years i studied modern arnis for 3yrs in their quiapo gym. and was later introduced to cinco teros style arnis. i also know a little boxing and combat judo.

  4. fahfrd nasa don bosco mandaluyong. he is quite approachable, just show some courtesy and genuine interest. may principio ang mga iyan. you have to show the proper frame of mind to be accepted as a student. it's not just the money. may parang trial period siya. if they don't think you are sincere and good natured, they can ask you to leave politely

  5. sorry novice pero nasa don bosco mandaluyong na pala. His name is Bong abenir teaches FMA kalis Ilustrisimo and pencka silat. contact number 531-666 ask if he knows someone in the makati area.

  6. try the gym at don bosco makati. look for gym instructor( his name escapes for the moment) but he is the only one there who teaches chinese internal martial arts like tai chi, hsing-i and baguazhang. he also teaches filipino martial arts.

  7. some info on arnis balintawak style, the one by grandmaster silver , which was featured in GAMEPLAN, studio 23. i forgot their website address. kali de leon and pekiti tirsia are more blade-oriented arts, and although some techniques may find translation in the use of sticks, they are really meant to to be used with the blade(more finesse, and less power.) a less lethal art with single stick.

  8. any information about a martial art called bando ( the one practiced by the famed mercenaries/ soldiers of nepal,burma,india border regions, the GURKHAS). i am very interested in the use of their famed blade weapon, the kukris. anyone who knows where i can purchase one? also their effective hand to hand combat techniques as well as other weaponry.

  9. i know a little but nothing to qualify me as a teacher. you can say i am quite knowledgeable and have actually use it on several street situations. i am still alive but have suffered minor injuries. (blades were involved, as well as lead pipes). it is not something to brag about. i still wish those incidents never happened.

  10. there are literally hundreds of styles of arnis or kali or escrima as filipino stickfighting is called. try going to ymca makati as inquire about kali illustrisimo or bakbakan int'l. joining is by invitation only. it is the same art practiced by ronnie ricketts (actor) and congr. miguel zubiri.

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