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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. may pogi points agad madam pag regular mo yung mpa's...


    the name of the game (in mpa's) is usually regularization...


    so, money will always be involved....


    :wacko: :ninja:

    tell larry that!


    kasi he had a feeling yesterday that the girl was doing all that she was doing so that he would become her regular.




    ps dont call me madam. di bagay! :P


    so advice ko sa iyo, pare, dahil hindi ka nga naman laging natututo ( di ba sabi mo, "I never learn"?), eh di mga babaeng puti ang gawin mong target! maraming marami sila dito sa australia. sila ang pagbuntunan mo ng mga masasayang bawal na gusto mong gawin. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:



    thats a rather mean attitude to take.


    whether "puti" or not - women should be treated as people. not targets in a game.


    just remember that the rules of karma are inescapable, "puti" or not.


  3. Yeah, I'll move on...eventually like the last time, just looking for the perfect opportunity with minimal collateral damage.


    she said something though about finally moving on, she said when that day comes that I should take my leave properly, and not just disappear. And then she sort of borrows a line from Notting Hill, and goes "until then I'm just gonna be here right in front of me living in the moment with you until it's gone"




    oh well the point is that I'm really stoned and she just texted me and I'm avoiding answering, because being high makes me do weird stuff.


    iono ... seems to me like all the things she is telling you is geared to make you feel guilty and therefore not leave.


    manipulative, much?


    <devil's advocate here>


    i also find myself adoring some mpa's though hanggang dun lang kasi mahirap talaga and money will always be an issue, ALWAYS!!!




    really? does that mean that the mpas get into relationships with guys just so they can get money? or at least some semblance of security?

  4. thanks for the replies, and to goemon, I feel you bro.


    to be brief


    no i'm not falling for this girl. I empathize with her plight, but not in love yet.


    one thing just occurred to me, just right now, this could all just be a play to get me to be a regular (which I already am of sorts). Maybe she thinks I'm some dumb mark (which coincidentally is my MP name) that's gonna fall for this type of thing.


    It's possible though that she's just playing me, I hope to christ that she's just playing me.


    Thing is, I've been played like that before and you can smell that play from a mile away.


    i don't know...I'm gonna smoke up now and watch some porn to clear my head.



    clapclap, smart boy for not falling in love... YET.


    now because you havent fallen yet, MOVE ON already. dont be a stubborn a$$. :D


    at this point, anything is possible. she can be totally playing you or she may not. just chalk it up to one of those things that you will never know.


    i always say no answer is a good answer. so move. the eff. on.

  5. we're probably watching too many ROMANTIC movies that's why we tend to give meaning to sexual encounters whether paid or not...


    but, it just goes to prove we are all human....we tend to make mistakes even though we know that this is wrong....




    maybe so. but i think, in your heart and in your mind, you should be able to determine what has meaning and what is fleeting.


    no arguments about the humanity bit. what i think though is we humans need to learn from the mistakes that we have made in the past. that should hopefully make future choices easier.


    I know what I must do, and it sucks because I know that I will destroy this girl, and I right now I don't think I can handle that kind of thing hanging over me.


    go ahead laugh, I deserve it for being a schmuck.



    i am so not laughing at you ... dude you have landed yourself into a very sticky situation.


    im glad you know what you must do.


    and yes it sucks that you will hurt the girl. maybe there is a way of doing it gently. i dont know.


    i think i said this before when you were in this sitch the last time around - you have to make a choice (im sure you know that already).


    the choices we make will not necessarily make everyone happy. but then again, making everyone happy is a physical improbability.


    just make the choice. whatever choice it is you end up making, i hope it is the one you really, really, really want.


    maybe we are all romantics by nature???? hehehehehe





    or it could be that people tend to romanticize sexual encounters.


    people want sex to have meaning. maybe because they want their actions to move away from the animal and into the human.


    cliche but true - the head is above the heart and must always take precedence. baduy no? LOL.


    -- no. im usually in my red stilletos when i bitch around ;) and i didnt you say you were bitching. i said i love bitching when there are fellow bitches around. ;) but if you think that im bitching at you, that's your pov. maybe then, im a natural bitch :lol:



    whether or not you are a bitch, when you bitch and what you wear when you bitch isnt really my concern or my point.



    -- yup. really. i dont bluff. i dont kiss ass. i just speak my mind out.


    you have already spoken your mind out, and your points have been correspondingly addressed. are you ready to move on?

  9. 1. i havent been bitching around. i have yet to do that. but it's more fun to do just that with fellow bitches around. i so love it.


    2. arent we supposed to use our PM functions for exchanges such as these, to follow the rules of the board, and just as you yourself have said?


    3. of course its not fair to take it out on you, nor anyone for that matter. i dont even know you. but that is assuming i am doing that. i already explained i have nothing against you personally and i just used the guy's words. what now? he can describe you as mod from hell and its ok, but if i use it, it becomes "bitching" around?


    4. no you are not the most convenient mod around.





    1. you havent? well i will have to take your word for it; because it sure seemed like you were. oh and fyi im not bitching at you. im answering your queries in my usual blunt manner.


    2. we can have these exchanges here because your concerns are over THIS thread and YOUR posts being deleted in this thread as well as this thread needing to be merged with another thread - i believe i have addressed your concerns.


    3. let me clarify - i was not the one who deleted your posts. but because im active and actively posting on this thread, i was your target. im used to it by now, but i also wanted to tell you not to bitch AT ME because i had nothing to do with your posts being deleted other than being of the opinion that you and robsalvador should use your PM functions for those excanges.


    it was bitching because you connected it with your posts being deleted and assuming that the mod from hell (me) deleted your posts. that is why i said i am not the only mod in this board.


    4. really? okay. ill take your word for it. again.

  10. srsly, you had to react? but ok. it is your right to do so.


    i was just using his words, and the statement simply meant THIS IS ON TOPIC. Nothing personal against you, please. You know i like you, even if isolated posts of mine in other threads get deleted.


    i may have claws but i use them in real life, never in forums.......for the basic reason that this is merely a forum and online personas are just that - you barely know them, if you do at all. Not worth it.


    and yes, i stand by my request that this topic be merged with the existing thread of MPA's and GRO's, to be fair to others who start duplicate threads but get theirs deleted. I think that is a valid request.




    1. as i have clarified in my PM to you - YES, this topic will be merged in a week or so. im just giving the threadstarter enough time to gather POVS. he knows that.


    the diff between this thread and other threads that have been merged or deleted was this thread actually made for interesting discussion. so unlike other threads that were opened with inane one liners and without even checking to see if their query was already discussed in another thread.


    moderating is not only policing the board. it is also encouraging discussion - and this thread did just that. that is why im letting it stay up for a bit before merging it.


    2. yes, sheath your claws. there is no need for you to bitch because some of your posts were deleted. they were personal asides. use your PM function for that.


    3. whether you like me or not is beside the point in this issue. you are probably miffed that your posts got deleted and took it out on me - the most convenient mod around. no fair and i call it as it is.

  11. It's ok ....... I was happy to see him go too.

    probably AMANDA is so far lucky that someone happens to be cooking far worse than her. How long till her luck runs out ?????

    I was thinking the same thing when I saw her made thos remarks ...... like duuuuh. How can anybody admire ALEX. (I actually can't wait for the reunion episode, of which I'm sure the pea puree issue will be brought up)

    Presently, ANGELO is supposed tobe the strongest ....... he'd better stay focus if he wants to reach the finals.


    I had to admire TIFFANY for helping out KELLY with the rice and I think during plating ........ in th end, both of them were in the top three of the elimination.

    Good thing I'm not a chef because I too am not familiar with Ramps. hahahaha


    Chinese Food ???? I think some of the other chefs are not classically trained hence their unfamiliarity with a little asian cooking.


    tonight is top chef night again. ill remember not to post spoilers LOL.


    as for not knowing what ramps are, and not knowing how to cook chinese food - i think an important trait a chef must have is common sense.


    if you dont know what something is, taste it and based on what you taste, pair it up or cook it in the appropriate way.


    if you havent cooked chinese food before, im sure you have eaten it - based on what you have eaten, break it down in your had and find the flavor profile.


    a lot of it is thinking on their feet. kelly did that by reverse engineering the dish. she looked up ingredients in a sauce mix and used those. that works too.


    to my mind though - its not an excuse to say "i have not cooked / tasted that before" -- youre a chef, youre job is to figure it out and cook it.

  12. thnkng bout this whole scenario .. anybody ever think that it might be the girl at fault? i mean she noes the sitch, and she still goes on and catches feelings for her john? i mean i noe she got feelings but the business shes in im pretty sure its a major major rule not to fall for the clients ...



    while i wouldnt say that its "the girl's fault" i would also say that as someone working in that field, the lady should be the first to know the rules.


    the rules are simple - you provide a service, you get paid, you part ways.


    somehow, i think, one or both parties end up romanticizing the transaction and putting more meaning into it. let's face it, having sex can delude people into thinking that feelings are involved.


    i think it is incumbent upon the professional to remain professional during the transaction - thats part of the job description, and id say a major deliverable in this case.

  13. we went thrifting a month or so ago and i got a a vintage (circa 1980s) coach bag. im not really into coach anymore but this bag is the pure leather kind with a turnlock catch (that they dont make anymore). got it for 12 bucks (which was a bit expensive since it was a thrift store) ... <3 it!


    there were other things - the usual mac cosmetics crap (omg for fabulous felines!), some shirts and skirts and a pair of sandals.

  14. my dad raised me to be a gentleman, to women at least...


    nah im not risking anything, everything goes as planned nothing changes


    its just annoying that it still happens I guess...I mean will it still keep it happening when I'm 40? I seem to just grow older not smarter


    great to still see you keeping the kids in line W :)



    you are. a gentleman, i mean. ;)


    it will happen as long as you let it happen. maybe be a little less nice? iono. :P


    srsly tho - remember its a business transaction first and foremost. they provide a service, you pay and go.


    i dont get attached to the lady who threads my brows and does my pedi ...


    thats really the simplest way to handle situations like that.

  15. so yeah, I posted somewhere about this thing me and an MPA had, it's an old post and I might have asked the mods to delete it, anyway some of you old timers probably remember it...


    so anyway the same sh1t happens again, different MPA, different MP, but jesus christ it happens again.


    Only this time it's so much more intense than the last time. Last time there seemed to be an unspoken agreement between the chick and me, that she had her life and I had mine, and those two are separate. This time, it seems like she really wants to be part of my life (I have a normal life where I'm about to be married, why I do this? Go figure...), asking me out, girlfriend type stuff.......and day by day I find it harder and harder to resist (but I must).


    before you get any ideas, this girl doesn't want money (nor do I have any to give her), it seems like she's genuinely interested.


    anyway that's beside the point, the point is...why does this type of sh1t always seem to happen to me? I don't even try to woo them, I do the Charlie Sheen thing and pay them to get out, but dammit there's always that one girl....


    So have you guys/gals been in this situation, where you always seem to do the wrong thing? That no matter how hard you try you do the wrong thing because it feels right (at the time)?


    *note to the mod from hell (I mean you Wyld, just kidding you know I love you girl :) )please don't merge I want to get legit opinions from girls too, and merging it with another thread would negate that, kthxbye.


    Dear Larry:


    Unbelievable but true - people find something in you that they like. Thats why you always end up in these situations.


    I think it could be because you actually treat these girls like .... girls. By that I mean that when they are with you, they feel less like a paid sex worker and more like a woman. That's why they want to keep you. Or at least try to.


    The decision is up to you - do you want to take your relationship with this girl further and risk your soon-to-be nuptials or not?


    I wont give you a course of action suggestion because I know youre grown up enough to know what you need to do.


    Best regards from the Mod from hell,




    ps - I dont really mind being called the mod from hell, especially by you. :D

  16. Just finished watching the latest episode of Top Chef Season 7 ......


    It was a fun episode. The quickfire challenge really put ANGELO out of his groove. And that also included rattling him in the elimination challenge ....... what was ANGELO thinking in using ready made puff pastry for his dish???? If ALEX hadn't produced a worse dish, then we might have seen the second top seed sent home.


    TIFFANY and ED seemed to be on a roll ...... I think the past three episodes, they have managed to stay on top (if not win the elimination challenge)


    i think if it wasnt alex sent home, it would have been amanda - i have no idea why she is still there. shes ditzy and cant cook to save her life.


    it was so funny when she said she admires alex -- lol birds of a feather, much?


    angelo needs to keep it together - this is always the point when the so called top seeds of the competition unravel (richard blais, kevin gillespie, etc). if he doesnt, then i foresee him going home soon after amanda does.


    how can chefs not know what a ramp is? and how can chefs not know how to make chinese food? im baffled.

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