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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. This is the Korean Mango [known to the world as Persimmon, and to us, Filipinos as Mabolo]


    *There's a Mabolo tree in my backyard but I've never eaten this fruit until a Korean family served me one. I cannot appreciate this fruit's taste (wala naman yata talaga akong taste?) but I guess it won't be called Fruit for the Gods for nothing. Here in my province, everyone ignores this fruit. I have never seen one person here eat this. But among Koreans, this fruit is a hit. Hmmm. :)




    my fave fruit! i dont think the persimmon and mabolo are the same though. the mabolo fruit is more "bready" in texture. the persimmon is almost like a chico.


    its an awesome, sweet treat and usually comes out during the winter time. i actually have 2 as my "baon" today! :D

  2. word .. lol


    whats the use of having a rolex or an AP if it doesnt make you look good? i mean all these fashion stuff we buy is to make us look good .. cant go out nekkid with only a wristwatch on ...


    mebbe he does!


    me - i went to anthropologie and bought 3 sweaters. kinda expensive for a poor girl like me but ... i splurged LOL.


    i also got a military style jacket from the tweens section @ target. :P


    do i even want to talk about MAC and NARS? ;)


    i'd love to have recently bought 2 expensive watches. rare are those that can buy them both at the same time (or in close proximity to one another). posters who claim this are either uber rich or just plain liars.


    me i just bought a pair of rubber slippers yesterday. :)



    baka naman havaianas? :P

  3. More information from chuvaness.livejournal.com (really helps to read around before opening a thread no?)


    photos & write up courtesy of chuvaness.



    Salon de Ning comes to The Peninsula Manila


    Joining The Peninsula Hotels’ signature collection of exquisite 1930s Shanghainese Art Deco-inspired bars and lounges is Salon de Ning at The Peninsula Manila, set to open this December 3rd, 2010. Inspired by an elegant private residence from a bygone era, Salon de Ning will be a clubby lounge reflecting the glamorous lifestyle of Madame Ning, a celebrated Shanghai socialite, bon vivant, world traveller and international hostess.


    Upon arrival at Salon de Ning, guests will be greeted by a hostess in an elegant oriental dress, and led to the main lounge with a DJ booth and stage for the resident band. Surrounding the main lounge will be four themed rooms decorated with Madame Ning’s intriguing collection of objets and items displaying her varied interests and pursuits. The first room, “Le Boxing Room," will be a shrine to 1937 World Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis (who was rumored to have been madly in love with her).


    The second room—the “Shoe Room”—with its collection of over a hundred boots, stilletos and sandals, will be her homage to shoemakers who transform ordinary footwear into works of wearable art. Other themed rooms are the “Zeppelin Room” and “Shanghai”. The former is inspired by her long friendship with the German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin who pioneered the design of the first rigid airships the world had ever seen.


    “Shanghai” will be a recreation of her mansion along the Bund—enticing dark wood interiors, oriental rugs, while Art Deco touches and sepia photographs line the walls. It will be a stylish mélange of East meets West, the glamour and style of 1930s Shanghai—the “Paris of the East”.


    A range of cocktails will be made available at Salon de Ning, including the signature “Ning Sling," a refreshing combination featuring Absolut Mandarin and lychee liqueur, garnished with mint leaves and a lychee. Fans of bubbly will love Salon de Ning Rosé Champagne, an exclusive label created by Deutz of France for The Peninsula Hotels. A simple, light Asian-inspired menu will also be available.


    Salon de Ning was designed by Henry Leung, the Hong Kong-based Design Director of Chhada, Siembieda Leung Limited, who has created several Chinese heritage projects for The Peninsula Hotels.


    They even have a website!

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  4. I know I said that there would be no more updates...


    but I just have to tell someone this...


    in a wicked twist of fate, my gf, THE gf, suddenly said that she wants to take a break from us


    now I don't believe in coincidences, and this is the biggest mind f#&k ever.


    talk about getting more than you bargained for


    maybe this is your answer - and no i dont mean that you should get together with the other girl.


    use this time to take stock of things and come up w/ a decision as to what you wanna do w/ the rest of your life.


    then go do it.


    youre not one to wallow, right?

  5. actually the threadstarter's issue is why he keeps on letting the same thing happen to him over and over again.



    no offense, saer.


    i don't see much difference in your story with the rest here @topic21662.

    if you really feel that strongly about it, i suggest you make a room in the

    Males section and talk about it there. you're virtually untouchable in your

    own room. that's what i did.


    peace... B)



    the thread was allowed to stay up FOR A WHILE because it sparked an interesting discussion.


    it was going to be merged eventually but got merged prematurely.


    no offense but for a while, THIS thread was just a mournful soliloquy of loves lost and hearts broken.


    larry wasnt mournful, in love or brokenhearted. he just needed a kick in the ass to wisen up.


  6. it's a pretty long slump, and yeah impending nuptials might be the culprit.


    I guess my idea of the longest bachelor's party ever isn't working too well...


    thanks for caring Wyld, I mean it.


    the force is strong within you, my friend LOL.


    srsly tho - just pick yourself up and move on.


    right? right! :P


    lil known fact about wyld shes strict cos she cares lol


    so larry imma play the devils advocate .. swagger comes back after the sentencing .. i mean nuptials .. you gon go and do the same stuff again? i mean MPs and the like?


    im gonna have to ask you to take your first statement back. :P


    dont make him confused muna, maong. :P

  7. i think I've lost my swagger Wyld, I'll find it eventually, just hope that it happens soon, because it's not just affecting this, my lack of mojo's also affecting work (ED. NOTE: this phenomenon has been happening for a while even before this thing with the girl, and one thing isn't necessarily the cause of the other)


    I blame growing old


    it might just be a slump... y'know w/ the impending nuptials and all that.


    get that mojo back and move on STAT, dude.


    i know you can - ive tons of faith in you.



  8. WYLD,


    i call you madam so you would have to think twice before suspending me or something like that, wahahahahaha


    joke lang!!




    youre not naman suspendable (is there such a word?) na eh ... :P


    fair is fair - i only can people who go against the usage policies. you havent. ;)





    yeah walking away's no problem, even she knows that I'll be doing that anytime (she's constantly reminding me of this, as if pushing me into a giant guilt trip).


    walking away with minimal damage is what I'm working on.


    minimal is relative. id say at this point - you just need to save your behind and move.





    like what my dad always told me, QUIT WHILE YOU ARE AHEAD....which is now your case....


    but if you fell in deep s@%t like i was before, it's so hard climbing back up, huhuhuhuhu




    Larry - listen to the voice of experience! :D


    wonder why this thread haven't been merged yet, hahaha




    kasi it got juicy bigla eh. srsly tho - threads that spark interesting discussions are always welcome.


    ill prolly merge this when larry finds resolution.

  9. hold on I never look for regulars <snip>



    anyway just an update, she added my fake fb profile (I have one with no friends, just a place where I can rant and vent and not get seen by the boss, my friends, anyone that matters IRL)...and lo and behold her just got recently changed to "its complicated" and her wall got filled with shoutouts to me, with very obvious references to me as the absentee boyfriend. And all her friends suddenly go "who's this guy?". Slow your roll girl...


    I guess the "she's just playing me" angle is dead in the water.



    not you. SHE was seeing you as her regular. or at least wanting you to be her regular.

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