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simon b

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Posts posted by simon b

  1. eons ago...


    i just lost it...its all on me being a walking complication of layered intricacies

    and she being so much younger


    her tears and sorrow were unbearable to witness...i vowed never to cause a broken heart again







    on the brighter side of things, i see her now happily married.

  2. madalas kasi pag gwapo na may pera - inlab sa sarili..so sarili muna bago yung babae. maski sa sex sarili muna nya inaatupag nya. pang one night stand ang mga tipong ganito.


    panget nga, may pera naman, maalaga, may sense of humor, mabango, at higit sa lahat sigurado sa sarili, meaning smile lang sya pag narinig nya na panget sya. eh kung maskulado pa at malaki ang ari-arian?

  3. i do not have the answer


    some will lead...some will cook

    while i sit and read a book


    each chooses a weapon

    a pen or a matchstick

    a tablet...a cannon

    a song and a lipstick


    i can only write and cajole

    plead and console

    though if you bring me the lost and weary

    i may dazzle them with my theory




    alternate last line:

    we can altogether commit hara-kiri

  4. men without honor...shameless and greedy

    they populate the government


    the sadder thing is they are married to women who are easily blinded by stolen riches and designer bags and paris junkets

    and it follows that both will raise children without honor...shameless and greedier



    let us remember their names

    when the simmer turns to blaze

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