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Posts posted by TheSmilingBandit

  1. good day to all. we have a land that was owned by my grandfather. he was not able to transfer the ownership to his 2 children, one of which is my father, until he died. the original title was being kept by my uncle, one of the 2 children until the current day, who took it to himself to pay the taxes even when my grandfather was still alive. does my father lose his right to the land just because he did not come up with any money to pay the required taxes for many years? what happens when my father and uncle pass away too without being able to transfer the land under their names. How do we, as the grandchildren sort the ownership of this land?...i'd appreciate your expert advice....many thanks!
    1. does my father lose his right to the land just because he did not come up with any money to pay the required taxes for many years?


    No. Your uncle does not become the sole owner of the property just because he was the one paying taxes. all that he has is a right to be reimbursed for the share of the taxes that should have been paid by your father (see Art. 488, Civil Code).


    2. what happens when my father and uncle pass away too without being able to transfer the land under their names. How do we, as the grandchildren sort the ownership of this land?


    you'll have to partition the property among yourselves, 1/2 of the property going to your uncle's heirs (plus the right to be reimbursed for 1/2 of the amount of taxes he has paid), the other half to your father's heirs. notably, you'll have to likewise settle the estate of your grandfather, since the property originally came from him. all of these will require the payment of estate taxes (plus the penalties and interest that have accrued) due on the estate of your deceased grandfather, as well as the estate taxes due on the estate if your father and uncle. also, transfer tax, documentary stamp taxes, etc.


    it would be better to have the property transferred to your father and uncle's name NOW while they are still alive to avoid complications later on (as well as to stop the running of BIR penalty charges and interest). if the grandfather died without a will, they can now extrajudicially settle the estate of their father.

    On a side note, you can also try to make a deal with the BIR because odds are, if its been over 5 years, the estate tax and penalties accruing may be higher than the value of the property.
  2. parang lalong bumabagal sng paggawa nila, unlike dati kahit mga 11pm ako mapadaan sa ssh may gumagawa pa ding mga trabahador.... m to f & 8 to 5 nalang din ba sila :rolleyes:

    Don't forget to subtract the 1 hour lunch break and the midmorning and afternoon breaks.

  3. chief, does votre bar has ladies to "mingle" with you inside the vip? how about the rates? vip, ladies, and the extras? :D tnx!


    This thread is about bars that you can bring lady friends to in the afternoon. What you are looking for is afternoon delight clubs, look in the KTV and GRO Topics section for the relevant thread.


    I'm not sure that Votre qualifies as a private and cozy place for the afternoons though. I feel that it would be too bright to be "cozy". :lol:

  4. Well the wheels of justice in the Philippines often needs "grease" to move. Otherwise it is lubricated with glue. One of the properties I'm handling now has been in court for over 37 years, the original complainants have already died and the 2nd generation of complainants are already grandparents themselves.

  5. Medical City is where I almost lost my arm because the nurses refused to listen to my complaint that the IV was improperly set. It took 2 days of arguing and my arm beginning to turn green before the nurses and doctors took a close look. True enough, the IV was just pouring the meds and fluids into my arm and not into my veins.


    What did they say?


    "Sorry, we should have looked closer."


    When I asked that the meds and dextrose fees for those two days be removed from my bill, their reply was a very annoying "sir, it still went into you, so you have to pay for it."


    WTF??? And if I had gangrene would I also have to pay for the removal of my arm?


    BTW, the reason I was hospitalized was for a tummy ache which turned out to be gas. Couldn't they have figured that out without my having to stay 5 days in this fcuked up money hungry hospital?


    Oh, and I agree, they ask for payments as the meds are given. Since I was alone, did they expect me to go to the ATM, IV and all?


    Fcuking Medical City, may you all rot in hell.

  6. "How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?"

    Flavors I've tried is Cola, Mint, Marlboro, Oregano, Marijuana.

    It tastes sorta like a very weak cigarette.


    "Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?"

    Not really, not even close. And I'm already using 4x the nicotine level of cigarettes.


    "Does it help you quit smoking?"

    Not at all.


    "How long does a cartridge last?"

    30 minutes (I smoke it pretty much continuously.


    "What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?"

    It doesn't matter, its the refill that's expensive.


    "How much is it and where can I buy it?"

    If you buy here? Expensive, in China, dirt cheap.


    "Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"

    Its pretty sturdy, mine has been abused for months already.


    Thanks to all those who can answer some / all of the questions above.



    If you have recently bought a brand new or almost brand new car at an unbelievably low price...


    Or if someone recently pawned (sangla) you a car at a very low price...


    Please check if you have the original OR/CR with you...


    There is a syndicate operating with the following MODUS OPERANDI.


    1. They acquire cars from investors luring them to think that they will be paid between 2500-5000 per day and that their cars would be used as hotel service..


    2. Instead of having the cars rented, they pawn the cars at very low prices with the promise of big interest or sell them at suspiciously low prices.


    3. They will provide you with a forged set of documents as follows.

    a. Special power of attorney give to a certain EVANGELINE PROTASIO

    b. Mortgage agreement stipulating that if you are not paid within 90days, the car is yours

    c. A postdated check with your interest included

    d. A xerox copy of the scammers passport (EVANGELINE PROTASIO)

    e. An open deed of sale for the vehicle in your possession

    d. Xerox copy of the OR/CR or the VEHICLE SALES INVOICE


    If you have transacted in this manner, chances are the car you may be driving right now is stolen and has already been reported as missing. a lot of people have already been arrested for anti fencing and are facing charges.


    Please pass this on to your friends for they might have already been victimized by this syndicate.


    You may contact any NBI office and let them know that you're one of the victims of ms. EVANGELINE PROTASIO.


    On the other hand, some of the vehicle owners are willing to give monetary rewards for the return of their vehicles and at the same time help you recover your investment from the scammers via filing of multiple estafa and carnapping cases against miss PROTASIO.


    If you are a victim, you can PM kamote_1 for advice.


    If you don't believe this post, please click here..


    Woman Bilks Mayor, 4 Others of 17M


    She did it 2years ago and she has done it again this year.. please join our crusade to put her behind bars where she belongs or she may do it again after a couple of years.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Hmmm ... learn what? That sex should always be guilt free?


    Okay, I've been reading this thread and the problem in my opinion is that we live in a culture that tries to impose an artificial monogamous state on a species that is essentially polygamous.


    Larry, if you want to be loyal to your significant other, then stop fooling around, of course, you are violating the results of thousands of years of evolution, but what the heck.

  9. Dear AbNoy,


    Mukhang may mga panatiko ka pa rin na hindi nakakaintindi kung bakit ikaw ang dapat nanguna at gumawa ng paraan pra sana natapos ng maayos ang nangyaring hostage drama, parang simpleng math lang yan, pero mukhang ayaw lang nila intindihin na ang nangyari ay HINDI LANG BASTA ISANG SIMPLENG "POLICE MATTER" lalo na at mga banyaga ang biktima sa nangyari at kahihiyan at isyung pang ekonomiya, turismo, at foreign relations ng buong Pilipinas ang nakataya iyang apat na dahilan na yan na nabanggit ay sapat na dahilan para sabihin na hindi lang ito simpleng "police matter"...tsk tsk..

    Dear Mr. President,


    It is clear that some people will blame you for everything, these same ignoramuses would forgive your predecessor all of her crimes. Please ignore said people with room temperature (at the artic circle) IQs. Although, in the end, I suppose he has a point, the president is ultimately in charge. Under the tenure of which president was the budget of the PNP wasted for European vacations?


    For that matter, should your predecessor be blamed for each and every act of theft, violence, and other assorted crimes done by any and all perpetrators during her term?


    Ah, the amazing one-sided vision of cretins and idiots.

    • Downvote 1
  10. Dear Mr. President,


    I wonder why so many people seem to think that the president of a nation of 90 million odd people should be in charge of a hostage taking situation? Isn't that why we have police officers for? To rescue hostages? Unless certain citizens assume that the president has nothing better to do than play Rambo. Its obvious that everyone has 20/20 hindsight, gleefully pointing the finger at someone, anyone else than the true culprit, which is to say, the deranged lunatic that held so many people hostage in a bus while the PNP procrastinated and wasted time.


    While we are at it, it seems rather self-evident that the PNP is woefully incapable of doing anything more than adding to the graft and corruption, perhaps a total revamp is in order, why not begin by asking the Department of (in)Justice and the Office of the Ambut-man to terminate the services of these corrupt and rotund police officers who are experts at extracting money from the citizens but are unable to protect and serve them.

  11. ' Appreciate having someone post a break-down of updated costs to help me estimate a future trip. (guides, food, fare, souvenirs, etc.)


    (Damn, TSB! If you can do cave connection, I'm confident I can do it too :lol: )

    Cave connection is easy JotN, its the trek to the 3 Falls that's really bad. Guides average out to about 400 to 600 each (depending on your negotiating skills). Sorry I can't help with fare and souvenirs. Figure food out at roughly 250 per meal per person.

  12. bad news sir..i think the other party started packing his things coz he got the eviction notice but the problem is, he filed a motion according to our lawyer. my parents didn't know what the motion is all about yet but probably to dismiss the case. can the other party file a motion after receiving the eviction notice? also, according to our lawyer, even if the other party received the eviction notice and the 5 day given to him has expired, we still need to wait for the judge's go signal before we could proceed with the eviction. is this true? how long does this kind of case last before it can be resolve? i was telling my parents to bribe the judge so that he or she will automatically grant the eviction and dismissing all motion but my parents are hesitant coz it might cost a lot and also might lead to consequences. damn this is getting frustrating.

    If he has already began packing his things, enforce the ruling of the judge, how many days did the judge give him to leave the premises? Bribing a judge in a case you've already won is a waste of money.

  13. Ask ko lang..mas okay ba sumama sa group tour or mas ok din ang DIY?
    The best is to go there with a group of friends that will enjoy the trekking and just hire guides locally (at the municipal hall). Packaged tours tend to rush you a bit.


    Bring a nice warm blanket, or better yet, a nice warm body to snuggle with at night. :lol:

  14. Skitz, since the dawn of written history, every culture has morals, are you now trying to say that all were divinely inspired?


    Could it possibly be that morals are indeed the development of the collective subconscious?


    Your challenge is to INVENT a moral code. What makes you so certain that moral codes were handed down from an invisible being up there rather than being developed?

  15. Why is it unfair? Look, my moral code, though based on what I believe God commanded, is not an exact copy of the religious right. I believe in contraception but against abortion, I am pro euthanasia, etc. I have my own MORAL CODE. And yes, again, it is mostly based on my THEIST beliefs.


    The thing is, YOU ARE AN ATHEIST. What are your beliefs? Aside from God does not exist that is. TO what ends is your atheism? I mean, these are things you should really think about. If God does not exist does "goodness" even matter?

    Your assumption is that the aforementioned moral codes and variants thereof (depending on place and time) come from a god. What if it really does come from the collective subconscious and is thus from man?

  16. The question is WHY? Why should I follow this moral code? What appears "logical" to you may not be logical to me -- a naturalist (not really, just for the sake of argument). Being a naturalist, I believe that the strong should destroy the weak. Improve the genetic pool. Not let the inferior genes of the retards and half-wits infect the next generation. I say k*ll (or at the very least, sterilize) everyone whose IQ falls below 100. This is more logical. It is NATURAL. This is SERVICE TO OUR SPECIES. (I believe the NAZIs actually implemented such a program in reality). I am NOT saying that atheists THINK THIS WAY. NO. NOT AT ALL. My point is, debunk that argument from your ATHEISTS standpoint. Why is that "code", immoral?
    I didn't say you should follow my code skitz, I was just saying that that is my code, simple and short. However, for the sake of argument, I'll try to see where this is leading.


    Killing is not forbidden in most moral codes, murder is what is forbidden. There is a difference. As for euthanasia and genetic purging, why stop at 100? Why not sterilize/eradicate anyone with an IQ below 200? The problem with such progroms is that in the end, it bites back at you. Where does it end?


    Oh and while we are at it, Heinrich Himmler was a devout Roman Catholic, what does that really say about relative morality. In fact, the Spanish inquisition probably murdered more people than Himmler, so please don't point to the Roman Catholics as paragons of morality.


    Religions of any kind tend to spout out holier than thou art holy phrases that they want their followers to obey, yet they often make exemptions if given enough incentives (see Church dispensations, history of).

  17. Can a non-atheist/non-theist butt in for a second skitz?


    My moral code is, admittedly a fairly short and strange one, but I think it is logical.


    Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. <--Payback is a bitch, so think twice, then think it over again before doing something bad.

    Killing someone is a no-no. <--You never know if you'll need them for something at a later time. Death is so hard to reverse.


    Wow, that is a short moral code isn't it?

  18. Elbert's Steak Room


    I visited this place with an old friend whom I happen to know loves red meat. We were forewarned that it would be a "trifle" expensive, though admittedly even we weren't prepared for the price tag. That said, the food here is excellent. Unlike maester asmodeus, I normally don't take pics, and in this case, it would have been redundant since the restaurant's web page has several nice pics to copy here.


    The resto itself is small, with just 3 tables that can accommodate 4 people comfortably, a couple of semi-private rooms, a largish function room that can seat 8, a "romantic" table for 2 and the bar itself. There is also a small smoking section for those that prefer to pollute their lungs with cigs. (GUILTY)



    The Lover's Cove



    The Smoking Section



    The Function Room



    The rest of the resto



    Just in case nobody figured out, the view is terrific.



    The rib-eye steak, prime USDA quality, just the right amount of juicyness and chewyness. I had mine done medium rare.



    The NY striploin, also prime USDA, extremely soft and tender. My friend had hers done to a medium.


    So for the 2 steaks plus fixings of porcini mushroom risotto and steamed buttered vegetables the subtotal was already above 6,200. Throw in the desserts and that just hit the 7,000 mark. Of course, what is a steak dinner without wine? A very nice Languedoc wine and an Argentinean Malbec padded the bill to just over 11 thousand. Was it worth it? Well the good company of course, of a friend that I've not gone out with in over a decade certainly helped. For a special dinner, I definitely love this place, however, for a more regular dining place, I find it just a bit extremely overpriced. Oh, don't forget to figure in the 10% service charge.


    Oh, and yes, the food is definitely great.


    Would I come back? Maybe with the ONE (if ever), aside from that, only with real food lovers who are, of course, willing to shell out the bucks for a great meal. (Okay, to be honest, I've eaten here alone and the bill has never gone below 4 thousand, but the food is great.)

  19. Mayors Binay fil et pere and their MAPSA bandits have a wonderful collection system going on in Makati, the yellowshirts don't really give a flying f#&k about the traffic (in general mind you, some are helpful while most just stand around looking for ways to extort money from various vehicles) but I just discovered to my dismay that they have an "anti-counterflow parking" act as a violation in which they tow your vehicle because it is parked in an attitude of counterflow (how can a parked vehicle, in a proper parking space, that you pay the MAPA boys 40 bucks for 2 hours be considered as counterflow?) oh and to make things better, these jerks don't just tow your vehicle, they really just jam their chains all over causing scratches and little dents on the vehicle and at the same time rub your tires raw (since you probably engaged the parking brake) while towing it to their compound.

  20. Now how silly is it that a Dear Noy forum, meant to express our messages and wishes for a better country, is being inundated with petty lil fisticuffs between MTC members? ;)


    Dear Noy,


    Lead by example.


    If you care that your government becomes incorruptible, appoint good men to your cabinet, not the same old trapos in newer barongs.


    If you care that your people at least attempt to lead healthy lives, lead by quitting an unhealthy habit. It's a no-brainer. Only a diehard smoker or Coryista would disagree.


    If you care about honesty and integrity, keep all your promises. The people have pinned all their hopes on you. They actually shed tears of joy at your first SONA.


    If you care that people move forward against all odds, move forward yourself and stop blaming the past for your future inadequacies. No matter that you might be accurate in your assessment, the blame game only weakens our already weak national character. We've wasted too many years blaming (pick one: Marcos/Cory/FVR/Erap/GMA) while our neighbors moved forward despite greater difficulties. If you must point fingers, follow it up with real action - punishment. If you don't have the stomach to punish, shut up and move forward.


    Man up, grit your teeth, and start working.


    Or not. You're always free to earn the ire of a righteous, indignant opposition.

    I wonder what his smoking has to do with being a leader?


    Dear Noy;


    Don't worry about the self-righteous people that talk about your smoking, you are in good company. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were both smokers. If you become a non-smoker you may join the ranks of Adolf Hitler, Mao-Tse Tung, and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, all of whom are prominent non-smokers.

  21. good day sir, i would like to ask some follow up questions regarding eviction/sheriff again. according to my mom, our lawyer told her that someone from the sheriff department tried delivering the notice to the other party but the other party supposedly went out of town. my mom called up an acquiantance who's a neighbor of the other party and they confirmed that the guy didn't go out of town coz they see the guy and his family coming home everyday. my mom feels that the sheriff might be lying especially after getting paid already so our lawyer will talk to them soon. my questions are:


    1. is it possible that the other party couldve bribed the sheriff to buy some time?

    2. is it possible for a sheriff to never fulfill their duty or intentionally delay it after getting paid of the sheriff's fee (coz my mom said that they won't move unless they get paid of the fee first perhaps our lawyer told her that)?

    3. what measures can be taken should the other party refuse to receive the notice?

    4. what's the best thing to do in this situation and is the delay even normal?


    thanks for any info.

    Well this is the Philippines, and of course it is possible that the sheriff could have been bribed or is otherwise too lazy to act, though of course you could complain (not that it'll do much good). The best solution is to take a video of the other party and his family going home together with a newspaper so that the date is clearly seen. You could hire a detective agency to do the surveillance for you or perhaps do it yourselves, then show this to the sheriff's office. Alternatively, you could petition the judge for permission to replace the lock on the door. For a cheaper solution, don't replace the lock on the door, just add new locks (the type that is secured by padlocks) to the doors so they can't get in. :lol:
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