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Posts posted by TheSmilingBandit

  1. ,


    i would like to ask for some legal advice on a case regarding my parent's property. basically, a buyer wasn't able to fulfil his responsibility anymore and my parent's have no choice but to bring it to court. after several delaying tactics from the buyer to lenghten the court proceedings, the judge junked their memorandum to dismiss the case. the sheriff wasn't able to locate the other party to give him the notice of eviction as he have moved out of the property and he has closed down or relocated his business so the sheriff suggested that he will make a memorandum to the judge that we be allow to reposses our property since the other party is nowhere to be found. now the problem is, when the other party moved out of our property, he asked a relative to stay in the property while the case is going on and just recently we found that the relative was already gone and now the other party is renting out our property to someone else. this is really frustrating especially to my parents since they are old already and the problem is an added stress to them. by the way the property is lease to own type. i have some questions:


    1. will the sheriff's recommendation about making a memorandum for repossesing the property since the other party can't be located work?


    2. can we bribe the sheriff to go in the property and repossess it even if it's not stated in the contract that we can forcibly take possession of the property should the event that he cannot pay the monthly payment? if so, how can we deal with the tenant presently renting the property from the other party?


    3. are there any other solution to this problem to finally get our property back and relieved some stress from my parents? i was thinking if only the property is vacant and we force our way in, we would end up getting hold of the property even if he makes an appeal compare to the situation right now where someone is renting our property, the other party might made an appeal when he finds out that we are going to drive his tenant out.


    any info/advice will be much appreciated.

    My advise is to get a court order giving you possession of the property. Does the other party have any contract of lease with your parents?

  2. I haven't dined there in years ....... but I'm almost sure that KATRE is still very much around. (hmmmmmm I should do a Food Trip there again)




    Hmmmmmm surprisingly I'm not familiar with the existence of an UNO Restaurant in the area. Do you know its location??? I think I should try this one out too.

    Katre is still around as far as I know.


    Has anyone tried Zucchini's at the corner of Scout Castor and Scout Tuason?

  3. I'm not really a big fan of most fine dining restaurants in the Philippines, they are mostly either pretentious or overpriced.


    With that said, 3 places in the Mega-Manila Area do strike me as good places for romantic dinners. Lemuria in Horseshoe Village (Quezon City), Lolo Dads along Quirino (Manila City), and Antonio's in Tagaytay.


    Lolo Dads actually has 2 outlets, the original one in Malate and the other one in 6750 in Makati City. While the Makati branch is more upscale and trendy, the Malate branch is for me the more "romantic" location.


    I recently had dinner here with a special someone.


    Even as we were just perusing the menu, fresh baked bread and their "homemade" butter was placed before us.


    It was very good butter and the bread is supposedly baked fresh everyday, and I can believe that the bread is pretty fresh.


    For appetizers we chose 2 different salads, the Romaine Caesar's Salad and their Soft shell crab Salad.


    I forgot to take a picture of their soft-shell crab salad but it was pretty darned good. The Romaine Caesar's Salad in the picture above had a siding of really crispy pancetta and nicely done prawns. Obviously the serving size is a generous one.


    In addition to the salads, we got some oysters to help whet the appetite.


    The rightmost one is baked oyster with foie gras and the other 3 are herb-cheese encrusted baked oysters, were the oysters fresh? Oh yes. Were they tasty? Oh so much so.


    As the intermisso, they provided us with sherbat.


    I like the smoking effect from the dry ice that kept it cold.


    My supper was the cod and lobster over arborio rice.


    The cod was done to perfection, though I did request for them to replace the lobster tails since it was a tad overcooked (rubbery) which they did immediately and the replacement was done to perfection.


    My partner went for the rack of lamb.


    Admittedly I disagreed (privately) with her decision to have it done to toasted quality, but, to each their own. I took a taste and it was still soft (amazing for a meat dish that is basically burnt.) The risotto rice accompanying the lamb was just right for my tastes, but my partner traded for my arborio and chorizo rice which was more to her taste.


    We accompanied the dinner with a nice bottle of Californian Red and followed it up with espresso dopio for myself and pistachio ice cream for her.


    All in all I would say it was a splendid dinner ... together with good wine and fine company, a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

  4. Relationships are all about compatibility.


    There are many types of compatibilities, for a relationship to work, most if not all of the following must be compatible.


    • Diurnal Compatibility – Yes, the “time” factor. A morning person rarely gets along with an evening person because they just have different “time zones”.
    • Emotional Compatibility – Almost all lasting relationships are formed by people in the same stage of emotional maturity, which is why most relationships have older men to younger women since as a rule men are a lot more immature than women.
    • Financial Compatibility – Unless both sides are able to adjust to the financial capabilities of each other, a relationship will not work be it from envy or from resentment that one side or the other earns more.
    • Mental Compatibility – A mental midget and a genius seldom get along for extended period of times, there must be a “meeting of the minds” for a relationship to grow.
    • Sexual Compatibility – Sexual satisfaction is a must for relationships, if one or the other is sexually frustrated, it will often lead to cheating which is the primary cause of break-ups.

  5. Best place in San Juaan is cookbook kitchen. Secluded date place in additional hills must ry is the parmesan crusted fish good for 2 since its really tasty. Sausage chowder is great too my friend describes it as cream of bacon really good. For a meal of fine dine fare won't go beyon 800.00


    Another is angels kiitchen along conneticut near UCC again the parmesan lemon fish bit more expensive but still light on the pocket

    Cookbook Kitchen is in Mandaluyong not San Juan and while the food is good, I wouldn't classify it as fine dining.

  6. My brother, the walking pit, tried Burger Project with 2 of his pals earlier. According to him, none of them could take more than a bite from their burgers so they transferred to Tomato Kick instead.


    The burgers they were served with were under cooked and slightly rancid that they tried to cover up by charring the outside.

  7. either way ...... if you think your group were given really bad burgers, I think it is in our privilege to let the people in charge of the burger joint know about it so that they can perhaps remedy the situation for us future diners.
    Well I'll know for sure later, my brother and 2 of his buds are going there to try it out for lunch today.


    you think you were fed horsemeat ?????
    Its a possibility, though unlikely, I think it was just bad beef.


    Mad Cow anyone? LOL As an aside, most of the restos in this area have poor sanitary conditions.

  8. thats just it ...... if it were an isolated case they maybe (just maybe) they can shrug it off. But if 6 people experienced the same spoiled burger then it simply cannot be ignored.

    Perhaps spoiled is too harsh a term, slightly rancid might be better. :lol: Has anyone considered that it might be a case of hippophagy?

  9. spoiled beef ??? hmmmmm thats not good .....


    did you tell the people manning the station about it ????

    They just shrugged it off. Other people were still eating, so it could be that my group's taste buds were pretty delicate, but I don't think so somehow. If it was just me or any one guy or girl ... maybe, but all 6 of us?

  10. 1521 - Shaw Blvd


    Having dinner with two old and dear friends is always a pleasure, more so if the food is as good as it is in 1521. This is a small restaurant specializing in native fare done with a flair.


    Dinner began with a bagoong salad with eggplant, onions, green mango, and chicharon.

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    This was followed with a white corn soup.

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    The main course was simply crispy pata with bagoong rice and garlic rice split among the 3 of us. The crispy pata is very crispy and delicious without being heavy with oil. The bagoong rice is very tasty as well, a perfect accompaniment.

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    The food was exquisite in taste and reasonable in price. Our total bill was roughly 1300, not bad considering how full we all were at the end of the night.

  11. While having an alarm installed in my beloved's car, I suddenly felt hunger pangs beyond belief.


    I decided to try out Lam Tin restaurant in Banaue.


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    Their Asado Wonton Noodle Soup was pretty good, enough soup to cover the noodles and the taste of the soup wasn't full of MSG, in fact it was probably made using native chicken.


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    Nothing to write home about, their Fried Chicken is decent and at 180 for half a chicken, I'd eat this again.

  12. You Jie Xiao Chao

    Camia Street, Makati City

    Near Power Plant


    This small backstreet restaurant is just an apartment garage turned into a restaurant. There is no sign and the decor is plain. I was brought here by one of my oldest friends and accompanied by my favorite dining companion PeachesNCream.


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    Cold Pig's Ears with Cucumbers

    A good appetizer, tasty with just enough zing to enjoy with some Tsing Tao Beer.


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    Dry Stewed Duck

    I initially thought this was going to be a regular stew, but I was wrong, the duck is cooked in a stew pot together with some ginger, bay leaves, and dried Chinese peppers. Then it continues to cook until the tasty liquid is reabsorbed by the duck and all that is left is the duck with some duck oil lingering.


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    Stewed Pork

    Pretty decent tung po pork.


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    Curry Lamb

    While curry isn't standard Chinese fare, this delicious dish is something to return for.


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    Spicy Eggplant

    This dish was wiped out by my companions, but the small taste I was able to try has just the right level of spice and hotness to make you crave for more.

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