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Posts posted by TheSmilingBandit

  1. just want to ask this mga sir....


    we have a 3,000+ lot that we bought way before.....my mom is going to have a building na itatayo dun, siguro mga 3 floors, parang commercial building with a grocery sa baba niya tapos yung third floor siguro parang bahay na din namin.., my question is will we still pay for additional fees dahil babaguhin namin yung lupa from just a lot to commercial lot???? yung sa building permits, that's understandable....


    thanks so much in advance sa sasagot...

    A mixed use property such as what you are suggesting would fall under the category of the more expensive item, in this case commercial, if you are not zoned for commercial, you will be spending a fair amount of time converting the property and area into commercial use.




    we are planning to buy a small house and lot, a foreclosed property.


    the title is already in the name of the bank.


    kaya lang may nakatira pa dun sa property.


    sabi ng bangko, when we buy it, the occupant will now be our problem.




    1) di ba dapat pag binili namin, paalisin nila yung nakatira?

    2) kung sakali we buy it, how do we get rid of the occupant?



    Do not, I repeat, do not buy the property with the occupants still there. You won't be buying just a house and lot - you'll also be buying one hell of a headache. It's common practice for the bank to evict the occupants before selling the property, this makes it more enticing for prospective buyers. I know firsthand how difficult and expensive it is to evict people and it can take more than a year if the occupants are willing to fight tooth and nail to keep the property.


    I suggest you make it a non-negotiable condition that the bank clear out the occupants before you sign the contract, like what many prospective buyers do.

    As was mentioned by Pinoymale, odds are that the current occupants were the former owners and that they probably have a court case about the property. I would advise looking elsewhere.
  2. oh TSB sorry for the wrong term


    My God doesn't WANT divorce :)


    Malachi 2:16


    "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit,and do not break faith.


    I've always wondered at the ability of people to "know" what their god/s are thinking. By the way, what bible are you reading? My copy of the King James edition has this for Malachi


    Malachi 2


    1"And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.


    2If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart to give glory unto My name," saith the LORD of hosts, "I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

    3Behold, I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.


    4And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that My covenant might be with Levi," saith the LORD of hosts.


    5"My covenant was with him of life and peace, and I gave them to him for the fear with which he feared Me and was afraid before My name.


    6The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and equity, and turned many away from iniquity.


    7For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.


    8But ye have departed from the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi," saith the LORD of hosts.


    9"Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept My ways but have been partial in the law."


    10Have we not all one Father? Hath not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother by profaning the covenant of our fathers?


    11Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.


    12The LORD will cut off the man who doeth this -- the master and the scholar -- out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the LORD of hosts.


    13And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping, and with crying out insomuch that He regardeth not the offering anymore, nor receiveth it with good will from thy hand.


    14Yet ye say, "Why?" Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously; yet she is thy companion and the wife of thy covenant.


    15And did not He make one? Yet had He the residue of the spirit. And why one? That He might seek a godly seed! Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.


    16"For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that He hateth putting away; for one covereth violence with his garment," saith the LORD of hosts. "Therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously."


    17Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, "Wherein have we wearied Him?" When ye say: "Every one who doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and He delighteth in them," or, "Where is the God of judgment?"


    Oh, also, if you read the entire text, the God of Israel is reprimanding Judah for "marrying the daughter of a strange god" i.e. that Judah converted to another religion, you can't really pick one verse and say that is what God means when in other verses he talks about divorce (see Leviticus 21 and 22) and what to do with divorced women.


    For myself, divorce sounds like a better deal than being separated and unable to secure an annulment without a sizable "donation" to the church.

  3. Matthew 19:9

    "And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whoso marrieth her who is put away doth commit adultery."


    Deuteronomy 24: 1-5

    "When a man hath taken a wife and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favor in his eyes because he hath found some uncleanness in her, then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. And when she has departed out of his house, she may go and be another man's wife. And if the latter husband hate her and write her a bill of divorcement, and putteth it in her hand and sendeth her out of his house, or if the latter husband die who took her to be his wife, her former husband who sent her away may not take her again to be his wife after she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD, and thou shalt not cause the land to sin which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business; but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife whom he hath taken."


    BAN, seems to me that your God does allow divorce, it's your CHURCH that doesn't.

  4. Is it safe to go there during August? I mean, in terms of weather. I'm plannin' to go on a solo trip there next month. ^_^

    Are you driving or taking public transportation? As long as you drive carefully it should be okay.

  5. hi foodies,


    wud it be ok to pose a question, i'll be back in manila in about a month and i was browsing through do u have idea on any good places that would be right for a big group say 8-10 persons? No cuisine preferred in particular, it will be great to hear from the experts here. TIA!

    as far as the Quezon City area is concerned ....... I can recommend 3 restos.


    ROMULO CAFE (Filipino inspired food ) they even have private rooms for big groups.


    CIRCHIO (International Fusion)


    SENTOSA (Singaporean Inspired food)

    All three mentioned are within or close to the Tomas Morato area

    Just to add to the list:



    Barcinos (Julio Vargas Ave.) Spanish Tapas Bar

    Pok Suk Jung (Oranbo Drive) Korean food

    Charlie's Grind and Grill (East Capitol Drive, Kapitolyo Village) Burgers and others



    Kikufuji (Pasong Tamo) Japanese food

    Tsumura (88 Corporate Center, Valero corner Sedeno Sts. Salcedo Village) Japanese food



    Galileo Enoteca (Calbayog St.) Italian cuisine - they also have a branch in Makati somewhere

    1521 (Shaw Blvd) Filipino cuisine


    San Juan

    Choi's Garden (Annapolis St) Chinese cuisine

    Torch (Connecticut St) Fusion cuisine

  6. how much do you tip? it's abnormal in mcdo or any other fastfood to tip, but how much do you tip the waiting staff in a resto whose receipt shows no 'service charge'?


    i'll start:

    class C = 5 bucks or more

    class B = 30 bucks or more

    class A = 50 bucks or more

    20 pesos or 10% of the receipt, whichever is greater is my standard for tipping. Of course this is modified by the quality of service.

  7. Dining out is relaxation, writing about it is work. :P Hope to join one of the group's food trips.


    I haven't "covered" the Chinatown area yet, but it seems promising. So is Barcino. Been to new tapas bar in Greenbelt, though--Cerveseria. :) Will post FR in proper thread.

    We welcome everyone to join the food trips, your post about Cerveseria sounds interesting too.

  8. There were roses in profusion, the most beautiful in the world... From among those lovelies, I was drawn to you and all the others faded slowly. As I drew nearer, Eros let loose his arrow with such force that it entered my eye and penetrated my heart. The arrow, which was named Beauty was so fixed in my heart that it could not be pulled out: it remains there still.


    Then, as I began to make my way even closer to you, the god of love had already grasped another arrow, worked in gold and named Longing. It has caused many to fall and it wounded my heart as well. No man or woman will ever cure me of it. My longing increased and as the pain grew more intense, so did my desire to be with you. It would have been better for me to draw back, but I could not refuse the bidding of my heart.


    I was scared and my mind was urging me to stop .But Cupid was without mercy, and he loosed his third arrow named Courage. The wound caused me great distress, but the fear was gone. And my heart rejoiced at the melody and sweetness of you. My eyes were filled with delight as I looked at yours.


    Venus' son was not done yet. He launched a new assault and wounded me once more in my heart with his arrow named Company. It made me want to be with you for always and a day. There was no other cure or relief for such sweet pain.


    Meanwhile, the archer took another arrow, which he prized dearly and which I hold to be most wounding: It was Fair Seeming, which does not permit anyone to regret serving Love. It was sharp and piercing and keen as a steel razor, but Love had thoroughly anointed its tip with precious ointment that it did not bring any pain but only happiness. You are my happiness.

  9. haven't logged-in for quite a while but anyways, i have relied heavily on the food trip thread lately for my dates with my gf. i am a foodie myself and my gf has particular taste in food "if it doesn't taste like mom's cooking, it aint good", so the thread helps me choose which resto to go to and which restos to try when i travel. so, want to say thank you very much for the people who contribute in that thread and if there are any food trip eb announcements and if my schedule will permit, sign me up.
    That is what this thread is for to announce food trips.


    Just finished browsing thru the food trips, can I just say that I'm sooo jealous! How do I become part of the Food trips? :)
    Anyone that wants to schedule a food trip can just keep an eye out on this thread or even initiate the invites, there are a lot of foodies here in MTC.


    Hello foodies, looks like I've found my lounge. ;) Haven't gotten to writing food reviews for fun because I do that for work, so it kinda feels like work. :P But I enjoy reading those posted here in MTC.
    LOL, isn't it even more fun to collate the opinions of several people when writing food reviews?


    Maester Asmodeus, looks like there are other foodies who want to join ... so what's next? Chinatown foodtrip or Barcino (Spanish Tapas) foodtrip or the Tsumura (Japanese) foodtrip?

  10. Sir, may i ask if what are the things that i need to do and prepare kasi po may sinasanla po sa kin na house and lot.


    Let me get this straight someone is mortgaging their house and lot with you? Better to get a lawyer, a good one, look over the loan agreement otherwise you could get screwed.

  11. hello guys..just want to ask regarding this thing.. i bought a house and lot in quirino quezon city..thru bank amortization.last year since it was pre selling and they told us the house will be ready january this year..but until now the house is not finished yet and we tried to pull out.but the company are asking us to pay some more if we are going to pull out..my question is 1.is that legal that they will give us another payment for pull out?..2 is there anyway that we have our money back because we are very disaappointed.. we are paying monthly in the bank and still we have no house..3.what is the legal remedy for our problem..Hope you could shed light on this..Thank you.

    What was written in your contract with them?

  12. I buy a lot of products from CDR King, so far my router has lasted almost 35 months and still no problem as opposed to my Link-Sys router (at 4 times the price) which lasted all of 4 months before dying. On the other hand, my friend bought the same exact model of router from CDR King and it died after only 9 months. I would say you can get lucky or unlucky, it just depends on the luck of the draw.

  13. Car overheats, I can accept that.


    Car overheats in the middle of SLEX, I can accept that.


    Car overheats in the middle of SLEX and it takes the towing service 2.5 hours to get there, I can accept that.


    Car overheats in the middle of SLEX and it takes the towing service 2.5 hours to get there and another 2.5 hours to bring me back home, I can accept that.


    Car overheats in the middle of SLEX and it takes the towing service 2.5 hours to get there and another 2.5 hours to bring me back home all under the broiling sun, I can accept that.


    But my greedy guts nephew eats up my 7-day dry aged 600 gram rib-eye steak? What did I ever do to deserve this punishment???

  14. Hi, I hope somebody can help me on this matter.


    A client is paying via her condo unit at Torre Venezia located in Timog, Q.C. Problem is the title is not yet with her. IS it safe to have a deed of sale when the title is not yet in her hands? Second, Torre Venezia has been there for some time, maybe around 6 years or so... and still no title transferred to the unit owners.


    I would appreciate your advice and recommendations.


    Thank you.

    The title should already be issued to your client, perhaps she should file a complaint with the HLURB if the developers aren't going to give her the title.

  15. Kappo Kobikicho, Legazpi Village Makati.



    I went here thrice already, the first time only about 3 tables were occupied but their greeter claimed that without a reservation they will not seat you. The second time I visited it was empty but again, no reservation, no seating. I actually waited outside the restaurant from 6:45pm to 10:30pm, nobody went in, I guess they prefer having no guests than seating a guest in without a reservation.


    The 3rd time around I made the reservation and had dinner here with a few friends, the food is excellent, extremely good and tasty, on the other hand you are paying hand over foot for the food and the ambiance. Our bill hit 28K and that was for only 7 of us, lets just say that this is a good place to try ... once in a while.


    I would say that value for money-wise, this really is frequented by the corrupt politicians and extremely rich people only.


    Value for money would still be Kikufuji.


    I tried both SUMO SAM and JOHN&YOKO ........they seem to be more on Fusion rather than Traditional Japanese fare (nowadays, I like to use the term traditional instead of authentic)

    Traditional might be a better term for it.

  16. Kikufuji

    Little Tokyo, Pasong Tamo, Makati City


    Kikufuji is probably the best place (locally) to obtain fresh sashimi and sushi at a reasonable price. The ambiance is classical Japanese (sorta) and assuming you can find a parking spot and a table free, then its the place to enjoy Japanese cuisine.


    Goten Mori (mixed Sashimi)


    An assortment of very fresh and thick sashimi slices, delicious, what else can I say.


    Ebi Tempura


    I've eaten in places with bigger prawns, but normally I get an allergy attack as the prawns aren't deveined properly. No such problem here, these suckers are crunchy but not overcooked.




    Most people seem to find eating chicken gizzard to be objectionable, try this out, it'll definitely change your mind. The only seasoning added before grilling was salt and pepper, but the taste ... wow.


    Buta Bara


    Basically liempo sliced thinly and seasoned with salt and pepper before grilling. The simplicity of the cooking belies the delicious flavor and texture of this dish.


    Natto Maki


    I'm a fan of the Taiwanese stinky tofu, however its Japanese cousin, Natto (fermented beans) and I are never going to be pals. Some people like it ... others don't ... I'm not sure if there is an in-between.


    Gyu Tan


    Grilled ox-tongue. I love ox-tongue, as in I really love it. That said ... I found that the gyu tan was a bit too chewy for my taste, though the flavor was pretty good.


    Enoki Bacon


    Bacon-wrapped straw mushrooms ... two of my favorite foods rolled into one ... all I can say is ... NO SHARING!!! :P


    Oh, and yes, the draft beer here is very reasonably priced, so we also consumed a lot of those.




  17. Tides

    Grill and Bistro

    Panay Avenue (Beside Sangkalan Grill)


    This old house that was renovated into a restaurant is surely a hit. Even at 6:30 parking was almost at Gerardo's along Panay Avenue already. Once inside you can see where they tore down the old home to turn it into a current place to be ... the only question is ... why?





    The place itself is humid, with the high ceilings alleviating only a little bit of the high humidity. Perhaps some misters and more powerful fans are in order here? The table setup is also more than a little problematic, unless you are the type that enjoys having the adjoining tables' conversations spread out over your own table. Still, all in all, I'd say that this place is jumping, in fact by 7pm there wasn't any empty tables left.


    Cheesy Potato Skins


    This Tex-Mex style of potato skins was pretty good, the skin-on potato wedges had liberal amounts of cheese-whiz melted on top with some sauteed ground beef and vegetables sprinkled on top. In my opinion this was the best dish I had here (my pal says this was the 2nd best)


    Grilled Liempo


    Okay, for me this was the start of the downfall. The pork belly was cooked very well, in fact it was just on the edge of being over-cooked, but not quite. Still tasty, still juicy, yet trying to cut it into bite size pieces was a task worthy of Hercules as Tides doesn't have knives. Take note, I didn't say they neglected to give us knives, they don't have any ... at all ... if you want it chopped up, send it back to the kitchen. My friend claims this was the best dish of the night, for me it was the 2nd best.


    Grilled Squid


    The stuffing was literally bursting out of this dish, but like the liempo, trying to separate it into edible chunks was beyond my abilities, so I sent it back to the kitchen where their cooks began the massacre.


    Notice that all the stuffing was wiped out from inside the squid. Oh well, let's give it a try anyway. Hmmm ... chewy ... very chewy ... in fact its like vulcanized rubber ... undercooked vulcanized rubber. Okay, definitely a very bad selection.


    Buffalo Wings


    I've had good Buffalo Wings and I've had bad Buffalo Wings, this falls in the mediocre range. Strangely enough, for an appetizer, this arrived last. It was zingy, it was cooked, but it just lacked ... flavor, aside from the very mild "burn". Again, a poor choice.


    Next time I think I'll have to try their sizzling dishes, it seems to be the popular dish around here.

  18. Tides

    Grill and Bistro

    Panay Avenue (Beside Sangkalan Grill)


    This old house that was renovated into a restaurant is surely a hit. Even at 6:30 parking was almost at Gerardo's along Panay Avenue already. Once inside you can see where they tore down the old home to turn it into a current place to be ... the only question is ... why?





    The place itself is humid, with the high ceilings alleviating only a little bit of the high humidity. Perhaps some misters and more powerful fans are in order here? The table setup is also more than a little problematic, unless you are the type that enjoys having the adjoining tables' conversations spread out over your own table. Still, all in all, I'd say that this place is jumping, in fact by 7pm there wasn't any empty tables left.


    Cheesy Potato Skins


    This Tex-Mex style of potato skins was pretty good, the skin-on potato wedges had liberal amounts of cheese-whiz melted on top with some sauteed ground beef and vegetables sprinkled on top. In my opinion this was the best dish I had here (my pal says this was the 2nd best)


    Grilled Liempo


    Okay, for me this was the start of the downfall. The pork belly was cooked very well, in fact it was just on the edge of being over-cooked, but not quite. Still tasty, still juicy, yet trying to cut it into bite size pieces was a task worthy of Hercules as Tides doesn't have knives. Take note, I didn't say they neglected to give us knives, they don't have any ... at all ... if you want it chopped up, send it back to the kitchen. My friend claims this was the best dish of the night, for me it was the 2nd best.


    Grilled Squid


    The stuffing was literally bursting out of this dish, but like the liempo, trying to separate it into edible chunks was beyond my abilities, so I sent it back to the kitchen where their cooks began the massacre.


    Notice that all the stuffing was wiped out from inside the squid. Oh well, let's give it a try anyway. Hmmm ... chewy ... very chewy ... in fact its like vulcanized rubber ... undercooked vulcanized rubber. Okay, definitely a very bad selection.


    Buffalo Wings


    I've had good Buffalo Wings and I've had bad Buffalo Wings, this falls in the mediocre range. Strangely enough, for an appetizer, this arrived last. It was zingy, it was cooked, but it just lacked ... flavor, aside from the very mild "burn". Again, a poor choice.


    Next time I think I'll have to try their sizzling dishes, it seems to be the popular dish around here.

  19. I went here last night with a pal, parking extends really far in different directions despite the early hour and the place was packed. The ambiance is nice enough, but with all the tables jammed up next to each other it wasn't comfortable.


    Our food arrived promptly enough and the drinks were served before too much of the ice melted, but in all the service was slow due to the congestion of the crowds.


    The major negative points were the filthy toilets (and yes, even as a guy it was just too filthy) as well as the lack of knives to cut the food with.

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