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Posts posted by TheSmilingBandit

  1. Not sure this is the place to post this inquiry but does anyone know where I can get canapes in a hurry? I can't find the thread on food inquiries, if there is one.


    I don't need a full-blown caterer, I just need to beef up an existing menu. Thanks so much!

    Recipes or actual canapes dungeonbaby?


    Asmodeus, sushi (if sliced small) could technically fall under the category of canape

  2. Protected coral reef may be 'irreversibly' damaged by US Navy ship (PHOTOS)



    Unless the corals are killed they will regrow in time, what kind of sensationalist crap is that article on ... irreversible damage indeed. It's obvious that the writer has the brain cells of a paramecium for a careless statement like that ... unless the sensationalist headline was someone else's idea.

  3. I agree 100%. Generals in the heat of battle don't have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. They do, however, have at their disposal, the lessons of history and the wisdom of ancient and modern day generals who made the right moves as well as the wrong ones. Military schools teach these lessons to would-be generals who must use this knowledge to fight and win wars.

    Well I agree and disagree with that statement, yes military schools and academies do teach military history as well as tactics and strategy, however, in the heat of battle, how easy is it to remember what was taught and how applicable is each lesson in the specific instance of the battle.


    As an example, during the Battle of Gettysburg it is easy for armchair generals to criticize Gen. Lee, but consider this, Gen. Stuart had led the bulk of the cavalry off on an extended raid and only returned late on the 2nd day of the battle. Without reconnaissance, Gen. Lee's knowledge about his foes dispositions is limited by the fog of war. Perhaps the biggest mistake was that he allowed Gen. Stuart to go off on his extended raid, but even then it was a fait accompli as Gen. Stuart had already left before his messenger arrived to Gen. Lee.


    Even today, with radio and GPS, the fog of war still causes errors in the orders sent by officers to their men. What more in those bygone eras where horse-riding messengers were the only way to pass information?

  4. how about the israelite army when Moses is watching...

    it has been told that during a battle when Moses' arms are raised the Israelite's won't be beaten

    Well what with the "divine intervention" and what-not it would be hard to know what actually happened.


    Has anybody watched the documentary "The Art of War" which was featured on the History Channel? The documentary revolves around Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military strategist. His teachings and genius lives on today on modern day battlefields. Even students at military schools in the US such as Westpoint study his teachings 2000 years after his time.


    The program showed how the Vietnamese used Sun Tzu's tactics to defeat the US military. It explained how US Confederate Army General Robert E. Lee disregarded some of Sun Tzu's advise which resulted in the Union Army winning the American Civil War.


    Here's the video. If you have the time watch it. Highly recommended.



    Very nice link, though of course these gentlemen have obviously forgotten a maxim of war, which is to say, "in war, everything is simple, but even the simple may not be possible." With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight and the decades past it is easy to point a finger and say, "this is where [insert name here] made a mistake at the battle of [insert battlefield name here]. However, during the time in question, at the exact moment, perhaps the fog of war was enough to confuse people?

  5. right now the americans have illegally occuppied our country. Thru the vfa. And they have in place a puppet government. China is not occuppying anything. So we cant kick them out. Coz they are not in.. The best thing that could happen is the puppet governments of the yankees here.. Lose the election. And the new democratic government could cry for help. Definitely Beijing will respond and they will liberate us. Base on the three world theory.
    The PRC is illegally occupying Tibet, as for the Americans, they gave us freedom back in 1946, something they didn't have to do. In fact if you look at the various American territories (i.e. Guam, Northern Samoa, etc. etc.) they are in pretty decent financial shape, something most of the provinces of China, aside from the tourist destinations, do not have.


    what kind of ships. We send a frigate heavily armed with an anti ship gun.. They only send a surveillance un armed ships. To suggest we must not enter their part of that area.. They have more yes because they are richer. Are they aggressive no.
    Un-armed surveillance ships? Are you certain about that? Last I heard the 53H3's come equipped with 16 surface to surface missiles and dual 100mm anti-ship guns. Doesn't sound too unarmed to me.
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