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Posts posted by TheSmilingBandit

  1. Dear Noy,


    Bandit and I are very disappointed that you did not present in your SONA any solutions to what you perceived as the worst state of the nation the country has ever been dumped into -- just your intentions -- to make us dream again.


    I feel bad for Bandit because he was really hoping for it.


    Don't worry about me, though. I never expected anything from you, anyway.

    Dear Noy,


    I feel you should institute a policy ensuring our citizens can learn to read and understand as it is obvious that some people are illiterate or worse unable to understand your speech thus proves that our education is sadly lacking somehow.


    I feel bad for camiar because he can't seem to grasp the meaning of your speech.

  2. I thought this is a "Dear Noynoy" forum? All posts should be addressed to Noynoy, di ba?

    Good point :lol:


    Dear Noynoy;


    Go on and enjoy your task of attempting the rebuilding of this nation after the former president has stolen most of the money of the nation. I do hope you learn to ignore the very loud vocal minority that are still brown-nosing the former president who has fled before your speech can further show how much of a crook she is despite the illusions of others. I do hope however that it is true that you will also be presenting solutions to those problems.

  3. Sa totoo lamg bro hindi ako naniniwala sa religion na ito. Ang pinaniniwalaan ko lang dito is yung concept ng KARMA. Although hindi nako nakapagsisimba at hindi kita sa actions ko,still CHRISTIAN pa din ako.
    A true Christian wouldn't believe in the concept of karma as that goes against the whole heaven/hell/purgatory setting.
  4. Dear Noy,


    Please read this commentary:


    Noynoy Aquino will unwrap his tales from the dark side today in a State of the Nation Address (Sona), supposedly detailing the horrors committed by Gloria during the twilight of her nine-year misrule.


    The Sona will likely be a rehash of Noynoy’s inauguration speech spiced with “shockers” which are Gloria’s dark legacy to Malacañang.


    Thus far, almost a month into the presidency, Noynoy had failed to give the nation even a hint on where his six-year administration is heading. What has been done thus far was for him and his propaganda team to come up with a plethora of promises is no different from his campaign pitches. His presidency, as it is turning out, appears to most a mere extension of his days in the campaign trail.


    His Sona, even with the revelations he is expected to tell the nation, will not likely be of any help, again, in charting the direction of his administration.


    The Palace said that the Sona would be a recounting of the true state of the nation less Gloria’s enchanted tales that Noynoy’s aides believe is a commendable path.


    Many, however, have already heard his promises and his show of good intentions ad nauseum and many have been waiting for Noynoy to spell out where he expects to take the nation under his helm.


    The Sona would be a perfect occasion for Noynoy to show his confidence in being a leader of a nation and to show Filipinos that he knows what to do as the president.


    He had in the past and will give today the nation ways on how not to be a president again with Gloria as specimen. Filipinos are through with that, well, except his yellows who are also still in a campaign mode. But Noynoy should start showing how he intends to become a leader and a president of all the Filipinos, and not just of the yellows.


    But lack of leadership has remained as evident in the way the Cabinet is being apportioned among the groups backing Noynoy with the many business interests that contributed to his presidential bid all properly represented in his government.


    The delegation of authority, while extremely lacking during the term of power-hungry Gloria, seems to have been overdone during the first few days of Noynoy with him seemingly clueless on what is going on right under his nose.


    For instance, Public Works and Highways Secretary Rogelio Singson has been announcing that he is taking over the helm of the Manila Water and Sewerage System, the water service regulator, and when asked by media about the supposed appointment, Noynoy confessed he was unaware of it. Singson was the former president of the moribund Maynilad Water Services Inc.


    The Sona would also be among the few chances of Noynoy to directly talk to Congress which is a branch of government he is expected to have a hard time communicating with, due to the lack of numbers among Liberal Party (LP) members. While LP members in the House of Representatives have boasted to now being the dominant party, its force mainly is made up of alliances from other parties, including that of some Lakas-Kampi members who still owe allegiance to Gloria.


    Noynoy might as well use the Sona to pitch for a compact of cooperation with members of both the Senate and the House to enable quick resolutions of what he terms as the many tasks being confronted by his administration.


    Noynoy can make use of more for his administration through the Sona instead of adding another layer of promises to the list he had already given since his campaign days or to again count the ways Gloria made off with the National Treasury.


    He had said that the Truth Commission will take care of Gloria’s excesses and it is enough for him to assure the people that all her misdeals will be looked into.


    The nation knows Gloria left huge problems for the nation and Noynoy should already be enumerating the ways to resolve these. Filipinos are already familiar with the abuse done under the Gloria administration to express shock about these.


    What would shock the nation more is if Noynoy would merely recount such horror tales without any solutions offered.

    Oh please, why not wait until AFTER the SONA before you start looking for cheese to go with that whine.


    Let's face it, your beloved Gloria is probably the most hated person in the land now, and with what seems to be good reason. She may have been an effective president, but effective at what? Preserving her power base and promoting her supporters?


    I didn't vote for Benigno 3, but give him at least the same benefit of the doubt instead of going on and on shall we?

  5. Going to Sagada is cheap. We were a group of four (including me) and spent only around 5k each! Yun na nga lang, we stayed at a cheap in (St. Joseph's Retreat House), shared rooms and hear this... no heated water. Grabe ang ginawwww. Don't forget to check out the Lemon Pie house which serves really yummy (but limited lemon pies). We befriended the owner and she guided us in going to the big falls and sumaguing cave and even served us pinikpikan for dinner!
    Canaway rest house was 1K per night for 4 beds with hot showers. 4 of us went up there and we averaged about 4K expenses including gas, food, lodging, and guides.


    Hi, hows the road going to sagada? di na ba rough road? how many hours from baguio? when is the best month to go there? Thanks in advance!
    Depends on your route, the Baguio-Sagada road is about 5 hours drive (safely) and is pretty much well cemented except for a few spots. If you take the road from Banaue, then that's pretty much dirt roads. Best months to go there are from September to February in my opinion.
  6. Good day,


    Could you please provide format for an affidavit of no improvement on real property?


    I've tried surfing but couldn't find this among the legal doc formats availble on the net.



    Most city/municipal halls have a format you can follow.

  7. sir, the property is still in my parents name. they haven't fully paid the property yet thus no transfer of names were made. just to clarify..so it won't be illegal to break the locks or break-in even if the belongings of the other party are still inside the house?
    You aren't breaking in, you are repossessing the property of your family, just do it with the sheriff as your witness.
  8. sir, i don't think the other party has received the notice as my parents just paid for the eviction fee and they were told that the other party will be given a 5 days notice before evicting them. i'm just worried that the other party might go into hiding that day to make it look that there's nobody in the house. i can't help worrying bout it since the other party have been giving my parents the run around and my parents don't deserved such treatment considering they're old already. the only fault of my parents was they have been too kind to the other party even when the check's were starting to bounce and my parents keeps giving him a chance hoping that he will be true to his word and at the same time avoid having to go to court. but things were unbearable for my parents already so they had no choice but to file a case against him. i just hope it will be over soon as this have drag on for a year already.
    Okay, that prolongs the agony a little bit. If the evicted party isn't there, but the property is in the name of your parents, you can break the lock/s and replace them with new sturdy ones. The sheriffs will probably help with this (given a little encouragement ... financially speaking). The best bet is to have a locksmith ready to pick the lock/s and replace them. I do mean pretty much all of them mind you.
  9. hi there. i like to ask about eviction aka sheriff.


    is it standard procedure after paying the necessary eviction fee, the court will give 5 days notice to the occupants of the house to move out otherwise they will be evicted forcibly?


    what if the occupants of the house intentionally lock the house and go some place else but all their belongings are still inside the house para sabihin there's no one around that day, can the eviction group force their way inside the house? what will happen and what to do if the occupants intentionally leave the place lock with all their belongings still inside?


    any info will be highly appreciated.

    Has the other party received the eviction notice?


    Thank you for the advice SmilingBandit...I might just negotiate with HO assoc. to at least lower my outstanding dues.
    I hope you can negotiate with them.
  10. Hi, i would like to consult my situation. i have a 150 sq. m lot property in a subdivision in Cavite that i acquired in 1994, i have w/ me the Land Title and has been up to date in paying the real property tax. i wasn’t able to built a house on that lot since i settled in Leyte and had my house built there. last 2008, i asked my sister-in-law to visit and check my property, according to her, one of the homeowner’s assoc. officer of the subdivision inform her that i have an outstanding dues (P50K plus) that i have to pay to the homeowner’s assoc., they said it was the accumulated homeowner’s monthly dues that i haven’t paid since i acquired the property. i refused to pay the aforementioned dues since i feel its unfair for me to be charged with a monthly HO dues coz i don’t have a house there and doesn’t get the benefits of a homeowner. my questions...What is the legal consequences of mine not paying the HO monthly dues they are charging me? Am i really obliged to pay the monthly HO dues even if i don’t have a house there yet? TIA.
    Well the HO dues are for the maintenance of the roads and lighting as well as the payments for the security. Whether or not you are occupying/using the land or not, the dues are dues. Without payment of the dues, they can prevent you from selling the property.
  11. Thanks,


    I asked the father to let each child sign on the DoAS. But he said that some of his children are in the provinces and will be very inconvenient for them to come to Manila.


    I guess the best solution to ease my misgivings is to have everyone (Father + Children + Spouses of children) to sign on the Deed of absolute sale.


    Any more words of advice will be greatly appreciated...


    Thanks again

    LOL, the best way is to have them sign it in front of the notary public, barring that, you can send the DoAS to each child (via LBC or FedEx or whathaveyou) in a row and have them sign it. That's why most people deal with brokers (licensed ones) since they will take care of these things.
  12. What is up with KFC and their portion sizing? In the KFCs in the US, the parts that you find are breast, thigh, drumsticks, and wings (don't ask me why individual wings are considered a serving considering how little meat there is in the darned things). However KFC Philippines includes ribs (the bony section at the back of the breasts) and back (literally the ass and lower back of the chicken) which have almost no meat.

  13. Thanks a lot!


    I'm looking to purchase a house & lot in QC, The TCT bears the name of the father and his 4 children(all of which are married. the mother died and they went thru extra judicial partition process and got a new title.


    So instead of drafting a DOS where everyone (father+ 4 children + 4 spouses)signs on the dotted line, the father wants to get a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) from his children authorizing him to sell the property. This SPA will have all the children signed and not separate SPAs for each child.


    pls note that i have not met with any of the children, just the father. but the certified true copy from registrar of deeds checked out ok.


    So in the DOS, instead of putting all the names of father and children as SELLER. the father alone becomes the seller.


    My questions are:


    1, Is it legal to have so many people sign a SPA?

    2, Is it ok for me to ask for a copy of the SPA?

    3, Is there a way where i verify the authencity of the SPA?


    The thing i want to avoid most is that sometime in the future, one of the children might declared that he did not sign the SPA (his signature is forged) and that he will contest the sale of the property.


    How can i avoid problems like this? thanks

    1. It is legal for so many people to sign the SPA.

    2. You have a legal right to ask for an original copy of the SPA.

    3. You deal with the SPA at your own risk. It is up to you whether or not to accept the SPA.


    On another note, even with an SPA, all the names of the children will still appear on the DOS. What will no longer appear are the signatures of the children in the SPA. Again, accepting the SPA is at your own risk and you will have to make your own decision whether to take that risk or not.

    Thanks for quick answer.


    1, Is it required to have the names of all the sellers (every name that appears in the TCT)to also appear in the DOS?

    2, Will i have trouble with the Registrar of Deeds if only the name of the father appears in the DOS? the seller requested that only name of father(person given the authority to sell) will appear in the DOS.

    3, Once a transaction is done and a new TCT is issued in the buyer's name. Can it still be undone if one of the children comes out to contest it?


    Thanks again

    As the esteemed laird and maester of all things Dr_PepPeR has replied, the acceptance of the SPA is up to you, however to answer your questions:


    1. Yes, then attach the SPA to the DoAS (Deed of Absolute Sale as opposed to Deed of Sale), with the father signing for each of the children. Make sure that the SPA is notarized to minimize your legal responsibility.

    2. The RD can be fairly strict, again that depends on how much greasing you do.

    3. Any and all of the children can contest it and tie up the property for decades (considering the local justice system) in court before the issue is decided, one way or the other.


    Question: Why not just have each child sign the DoAS?

  14. I noticed that the previous thread was chock-full of spam posts, since it would take too long to remove and edit the s@%t, I made this new thread. Any poster going OT (defined as not about Islam, pro or anti) will be taking a 2 day vacation for the first offense and doubling after that.


    Please note that any form of personal attacks or flaming is also verbotten.


    This is a new thread, don't make it a dirty one.

  15. Its not you, its me.


    Its not that I don't love you, but I need space.


    Of course I'll respect you in the morning.


    I love you, I just need to figure out where I am right now.


    Why don't you go out with your friends and have fun.


    I'll try to call you tomorrow

  16. If the name on her current Passport still indicates her former husband's surname. Will it be a problem (with the Consul) if she will state single in the SPA?

    What year did she purchase the property and what year did she get married. If she purchased the property before she got married, then there should be no issue about getting any agreement to sell from the husband. However, it'd be best to say married if her passport has a different surname from the property.


    Wait ... the property in question is still under the developer's name?

  17. That I, (FULL NAME OF OWNER), of legal age, single, Filipino, and resident of (FULL ADDRESS OF OWNER), do by these presents hereby name, appoint and constitute (FULL NAME OF ATTORNEY-IN-FACT), of legal age, married, Filipino, and resident of (FULL ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY-IN-FACT), as my True and Lawful Attorney-In-Fact, for me, and in my name, place and stead, to administer and exercise general control and supervision over my property, consisting of (NUMBER) parcels of land, situated in (FULL LOCATION OF PROPERTY), and more particularly described as follows:






    That as such Attorney-In-Fact, said (FULL NAME OF ATTORNEY-IN-FACT) shall have the power and authority as are generally granted and vested an Administrator, more specifically described, but not by way of limitation, as follows:


    1. To Lease, Let, Rent, Sell, and/or Subdivide, the said parcels of land, with any person, firm, or institution he may choose and under such terms and conditions, and for such amount as my said Attorney-In-Fact may deem proper and beneficial to me; to accept and receipt for the rentals or sale, and to endorse and deposit the checks covering the same, in a bank of his choice and to withdraw the amounts thereof under his own signature.


    2. To make, sign, execute, and deliver all such contracts, agreements and writings of whatsoever kind, nature, and description, with such person, firm or entity he may choose, and upon such terms and conditions acceptable to my said Attorney-In-Fact, pertinent to the lease, or hypothecation of my said properties.


    3. To ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive any and all sums of money, debts, accounts, interests, and other things of value of whatsoever kind, nature and description, as may now be or hereafter become due, owing, payable or belonging to us pertaining to said property; and to have, use, and take any and all lawful ways and means for the recovery thereof by suit, attachment or otherwise, and to compromise, settle and agree to the same.


    4. To prevent by all lawful means the commission of any trespass, waste or injury on said property and to collect, recover and receive any damages which may accrue to me by means of the commission of any trespass, waste or injury upon said property by any person whomsoever.


    5. To eject and remove any and all tenants/occupants illegally occupying or withholding possession of my said property, and to sue them in any courts of justice, represent and testify in my behalf in said actions, present and adduce evidence, and to prosecute or defend the same to its successful termination.


    HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto my said Attorney-In-Fact full power and authority to do and perform any and every act and thing whatsoever requisite or proper to be done in pursuance of the powers herein granted, as I might or could do if personally present and acting in person, with full powers of substitution and revocation, and HEREBY RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING all that my said Attorney-In-Fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done under and by virtue of these presents.


    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands to this instrument, this _____ day of (MONTH), 20__, in (LOCATION OF OWNER).


    Some of the unusable technicalities can be omitted, such as leasing, if that is unnecessary.

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  18. Good Day to All,


    I would like to seek advice/opinion regarding a property that is for sale.



    1.Land Title of the Property is still in the DEVELOPERS Name

    2.Property is not yet fully-paid.

    3.Assumed that balance will be paid then it wil be ready to be transferred to the PRINCIPAL

    4.The PRINCIPAL is the DAUGHTER (Single that time)

    5.DAUGHTER works overseas and execute a SPA and assigned her MOTHER to perform her duties in-behalf in acquiring the property.

    6.From that time till today DAUGHTER gets married and is now separated.

    7.Now, MOTHER is selling the property and to be able to do that she will be requiring a SPA from her DAUGHTER to Sell the property.

    8.In order to minimize the cost of Capital Gains as suggested by AGENT is that to transfer the TITLE directly from the DEVELOPER to a prospected BUYER provided that it will be allowed by the DEVELOPER.


    Supporting Description

    1.Current name of DAUGHTER retains her former husband's surname.

    1a.DAUGHTER is maybe separated but still retains her husband's surname in order for her to stay abroad OR DAUGHTER and her former husband still did not go to the legal process of separation.



    Very nice and clear description.


    1.Can DAUGHTER execute a SPA abroad via Consular Office using her Single's Name?
    She can since as the buyer her name on the contract of sale was still her legal (maiden) name.


    3.In "Description 5". That SPA is now with the DEVELOPER. If MOTHER can have a copy of that SPA, will MOTHER can used that SPA provided that an AUTHORITY TO SELL will be made by the DAUGHTER?
    It depends on the wording of the SPA.


    4.In executing an AUTHORITY TO SELL.

    4a.Does it need to be notarized via the Consular Office?


    5.In "Description 8". Is this possible?
    It is possible, just be careful that the 'agent' doesn't spill the beans. :D
  19. this is also my concern kaya parang mas gusto ko mag invest sa house and lot.

    here's my situation, i'm currently working abroad, but plan to retire sa pinas after 30 yrs pa naman.

    naghahanap po ako ngayon ng property house & lot or condo na pwede ko pag invest. meron po ba kayong suggestion?

    tapos anu po requirements for filipinos abroad. i forgot kung may pag ibig ako, and wala na rin ako bank account sa pinas.


    plan ko rin maging overseas agent. dami tanong sana ma enlighten nyo ako. salamat po.


    and sorry no pm's po, post nyo na lang po lahat dito para magbenefit tayong lahat.


    maraming salamat.


    ok bang developer ang Century Properties? as far as I know AYALA LAND/ AVIDA, DMCI, Robinson ang mga ok na builder. i don't know kung ok rin ang SM, just wanna make sure na ang pera ko nasa good hands.

    In the long run, owning land is better than a condo, after all, the value of land cannot depreciate, unlike condominiums.


    Ayala, Rockwell, SMDC, and DCMI are among the better developers in the market now.

  20. i recently bought a small condo unit at P500K+ 3 years ago. they said the value of my unit is now P700k+ and every year it will increase. my question is: is there a time that my condo unit will start depreciate? 25 years? 30 years? thanks!

    LOL, that's fairly unique. In truth any improvements begin to depreciate as soon as it is constructed. However, depreciation may or may not affect the market value of a property. As for your condo unit, in all likelihood you probably bought it during a preselling deal? When construction has finished, often the value increases, except that there is currently a glut in condominium construction which may mean that while the book value has increased, the market value may not have. Its hard to generalize of course, but without more details, answering your question is difficult.

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