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Posts posted by orionpax

  1. hmm i like to see how Bats react when a punk like Terry inherited the cape & cowl from an aged Bruce :lol:



    JL Unlimited just finished its Season 3 with 3 good episodes.


    Just finished watching the last episodes and there were quite a few revealing sequences there as some members of the league went back in time and then on to the future as they went after a time travelling  fiend.

    Warning.. spolier here: 


    In the future, the present day JL Batman meets an 80 year Bruce Wayne and Batman Beyond Terry.


    It's just too bad that the Flash was not around -- even in a single episode of Season 3-- as the guy who provides the voice for the Flash ( I forgot his name --but he's the guy who plays Lex Luthor in Smallville ) was tied up in some other studio work.

  2. The bottomline is we are given a choice....


    Globe & Smart are reacting because they know the majority of the market (classes C & D) will shift to a carrier that can provide them basic services at a cheaper cost due to hard times...even at the expense of less coverage & a congested switch network....both Telco giants cant refute that.....


    to the ones who can afford to shell out thousands for your Globe & Smart...its your choice...to have hassle free connection, wider coverage, using WAP & other wireless services shows that its light on your pocket (or your employer's/ parents') to surf via GPRS or use other peso guzzling Video/Multi Media streaming service....


    The challenge to Sun is to improve its services...which they will given the NTC mandate & its internal strategic initiatives...


    for Globe & Smart..its a challenge to provide more services to justify what they are charging now, unfortunately..its focused on markets A & B...unless they decide to lower their costs which will still earn them a lot of money

  3. I stand corrected...only Piltel was bought (which is only a sub of PLDT) since the former is debt ridden, Smart took over Piltel...via a merger concession....a move made similar by Globe which acquired the debt ridden Islacom...only Piltel (a PLDT sub) was acquired, as approved by the MPC :)


    about Globe...they will slide soon...since the wireless market is evolving to be a Consumer Driven market :)



    Ows?  Well, I read that Smart through Mr. Manny Pangilinan and the Metro Pacific Group (not to be mistaken for metro bank) bought a majority of the shares of PLDT and PILTEL.  In fact they bought specifically the shares of Tony Boy Cojuanco's (the President of PLDT and subsidiary Piltel) block.


    They kept Tony Cojuanco for a year as Chairman- though the news states that Tony Boy hardly went to the office.


    This is sourced from all major dailies in particular- Business Day, philippin Star and The Philippine Daily Inquirer- Business Section.

  4. err..Smart did not buy PLDT nor Piltel (as most people think)...its just that Nap Nazareno (PLDTs CEO) was given the position by Manny Pangilinan (now more active in the Metro Pacific Board/but still is PLDt's Chairman) to take a more active role....since Nap has proven that he transformed Smart's GSM network...from 2 to No 1..including making strategic moves that always had globe on its toes...you will notice that Smart is much better than Globe in wireless service innovations


    as for the Ayala's...they have structured their portfolio to focus on their core businesses namely : Real Estate & Hotels (Ayala Land, LPHI, MDC & its subs, Intercon, Oakwood, Ayala Malls), Telco (Globe, Innove, Islacom), Utilities (MWC), Automotive (Isuzu & Honda) Banking (BPI) and IT/Semicon (Ayala Port & IMI) they sold Purefoods to a better equipped SMC to handle such enterprise. The promise of huge profits for wireless services (anchored on SMS & GSM technology and the support of Singtel) made Globe to invest heavily on such infrastructure, being the pioneers...the windfall did deliver that promise :lol:



    I agree with Atong Ang 100%.  It's hard to call through with Sun at 8 pm to 10 pm last Saturday.  As I said before, am keeping my downgraded Globe as back-up- so there.


    However, the point of being screwed "royally" with an overpriced service that's a bull's eye!  Why do you think Smart was able to buy PLDT and it's subsidiary Piltel?  Why did the Ayalas prefer to drop Purefoods in favor of then struggling Globe?


    As well as our electricity, north expresss and other services are over priced, it's about time someone gives them a run for their money.  Am glad Sun has started a trend!  Hope more will follow suit most specially in the power business (We're the most expensive in Asia-so they say).


    As far as the Globe lines are concerned, good enough, it's their customer (non) service and the marketing department that are totally screwed-my opinion.  I like their credit and collection-always on time.


    It's time they stop jerking us off!


    Globe for Good-BYE!

  5. doing this for a colleague


    IE Openings @ Intel Technology Phils Inc


    We have a number of IE openings in Intel, Cavite. I would like to get some resumes for potential consideration.

    Please help disseminate to recent college graduates or those who would like to pursue a career in IE in a manufacturing environment.

    Send resumes to jay.fernando.santos@intel.com


    (a) CMO Industrial Engineer

    Responsibilities In this position, you will be responsible for managing capacity and capital through optimization of factory resources namely equipment, direct labor and space. Your responsibilities will include but not be limited to:

    - Ensuring that factory capacity gaps and risks are identified and strategies defined in support of factory ramp and product start-ups

    - Conducting scenario planning, what-if analysis, contingency planning for factory capacity plan

    - Driving productivity improvement to increase operational efficiency while minimizing cost

    - Driving supply chain management including systems and business processes for continuous improvement related to the different areas of Industrial Engineering

    - Working with various engineering and manufacturing teams both in the factory and globally to meet these objectives

    (B) CMO Area Industrial Engineer

    Industrial Engineers plan plant, production facilities and equipment layouts, determines the most efficient sequence of operations and workflow, and establishes methods for maximum utilization of production facilities and personnel. Develops metrics to measure equipment and factory capacity and output, and to identify equipment and process flow bottlenecks. May establish or assist in establishing accident prevention measures and may plan and schedule training programs for personnel concerning all phases of production operations. Conducts studies pertaining to cost control, cost reduction, inventory control, and production record systems. On the basis of these studies, develops and implements plans and programs for facility modifications and revisions to operating methods. Responds to customer/client requests or events as they occur. Develops solutions to problems utilizing formal education and judgment.

    There are currently 8 Industrial engineering positions open.


    Only qualified applicants will be contacted.

  6. i agree bro clitlicker....i guess Globe's market research team failed to apply the basic Pareto principle :lol: 80% of subscribers are prepaid...and 80% of the spend (or revenue) come from prepaid accounts..not on postpaid....so why focus on the lower end of the spectrum?


    Switching and opportunity costs will sink Globe even further :lol:


    i dropped my Globe 2 yrs ago because its to expensive :angry:

  7. hmmm so the new Batgirl defeated the blood sucking Lady Shiva? ..that definitely changes the order there :)



    Cassandra Cain, the new Batgirl, was the first human to beat Lady Shiva in hand to hand combat.  Batman beat Lady Shiva in the Superman/Batman ongoing series by Jeph Loeb, hence Lady Shiva is the third greatest martial artist in the world?

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