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Posts posted by orionpax

  1. Tanong lang...

    How in the world did Logan/Wolverine got his adamtium back after Magneto took it from him? Last time I read a Wolverine comic book was when he was battling Cyber. That was at least 8 years ago.


    It has been a mystery too long already. Could somebody shine some light on this?

    Apocalypse gave Wolverine back his Adamantium Skeleton when he was made the 3rd "War" as part of the "Four Horsemen" like what happened to Archangel

  2. from 1975-1982 our family lived inside military camps ( Olivas, Crame and Clark Air Base )...damn..curfew for civilians is as early as 8 pm...buti na lang bata pa ako nun..hehehe

  3. I remember in the mid 80's and in high school, i was playing the piano intro of "Enveloped ideas" by The Dawn everytime we have parties at my friend's house. Did that to impress chicks.... :lol:



    *howlers *howlers *howlers

    Hmmm another piano riff that was hot during those times was the intro of "Take on Me" by A-ha

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