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Posts posted by orionpax

  1. I think Cyclops has anticipated that Jean will die (again and again) so there was a twist wherein Scott & Emma Frost (former White Queen of the Hell Fire Club) are having a "psychic" affair behind Jean's back....well Scott had Madelyne Prior naman di ba? :lol:


    back on the JLA vs Xmen thingie...some writers contend that Phoenix shouldnt be considered part of the Xmen...coz the Phoenix embodiment doesnt consider itself under a team or organization :D


    In All Access, there was a part wherein Batman almost singlehandedly defeated almost all members of the X-men...but cant go past Prof X, only Plastic man is immune to Xavier's psionic powers :D


    As with regards to The Spectre...he is the embodiment of God's wrath...meaning he is omnipotent :D his equivalent is the Living Tribunal of Marvel....based on the continuity...pre Crisis...the Spectre is really part of the JSA, after the Crisis...his allegiance became JLA by default

  2. the Xmen Vs JLA crossover is still part of the Amalgam universe series, they are still contemplating on the plot for this one...based on some forum boards, many see the Xmen will obliterate the JLA because of two people...Xavier & Phoenix......for me, the only heroes on the JLA/JLU roster that can match those two are either The Spectre or Martian Manhunter :D

  3. just visited the RJ guitar shops..they are selling Peavey bass guitars at 9K..hehehe these things used to sell for 19K 3-5 yrs ago :D

  4. Im sure Logan would be dead :lol: as i know he can only regenerate much of his limbs. But a ripped torso? :boo: ...When Magnus ripped off his Adamantium from his skeleton was lethal....imagine the Hulk ripping that torso off like paper? :D


    that was a good storyline... but for this battle (ult. hulk vs ult. wolverine) wolverine got ripped literally from the waist...

  5. Michael Hackett- Ginebra

    Billy Ray Bates - Ginebra

    Jervis Cole - Ginebra

    Ennis Whatley -SMB

    Sean Chambers- Alaska

    Tony Harris-Swift

    Rob Williams-Tanduay

    Carlos Briggs-Anejo

    Bobby Parks-Shell

    Joe Ward - Ginebra




    Dexter Shouse -Shell (Adik)

    Winston Crite - Presto

    Lamont Strothers - SMB

  6. hmmmm the last time i heard Wolverine got seriously wounded was when a sword almost sliced his torso off during a fight with more than 30 Ninjas from the Hand :)


    has anyone read ultimate hulk vs. wolverine (of the ultimate universe of course)?  :thumbsupsmiley:


    first time i've seen wolverine ripped into two... makes me wonder how he would re-attach his lower half back...

  7. Cafe Valenzuela has closed last 1995 i think, i used to frequent that place since my Auntie lives in Baliwag and she meets her barkada before driving back to Manila :D


    The K Rations were great...My Dad and I got our fix (for free) when Clark was still open and AFP officers were treated like Joes inside as well :D


    Wala ring traffic noon.  :thumbsupsmiley:


    Nagsimula nang early 70s hanggang Tabang tapos naextend hanggang Dau noong late 70s. There were times that we go to Dau from UP Diliman just to eat honest to goodness American food and buy stuffs like imported T-shirts (amoy US), combat meals and back issues of US magazines. Our travel time then was only an hour one way.

    Hindi naman OT, we're just connecting the past to the present.  :cool:

    We used to go to my mom's ancestral home in Cabanatuan City and we usually had breakfast at Cafe Valenzuela. I haven't been to Cafe Valenzuela since the Sta. Rita toll opened. I wonder if it's is still open.




  8. I think the mutant from Japan is the deceased Sunfire, the other mutant with fox on their monicker is Silverfox (a former comrade of Logan)


    I do believe Gambit's from the US (specifically in the New Orleans area) as he is a Cajun.


    I've never heard of Red Fox before, what does he/she look like? :huh:


    I 'd like to see Kraven and the Lizard as they are very rich-in-character villains and they would really be good adversaries to Spidey in a movie... IMHO

  9. depends on your experience, if you have prior consulting work experience (like SGV/Arthur Andersen, Price Waterhouse & Coopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, etc) and experience in the job you are applying for you are in a better position to negotiate for a better salary (if from other industries)


    for new grads, its a battle among the top grads from the top schools :D (starting salary is 18K up circa 2004)


    hi! alam ba nyo ang starting pay sa mga bpo? in particular sa accenture? thanks in advance :D

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