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Posts posted by chiquezee

  1. Hey you. :)


    I wish you were here too.

    Just for a shoulder to lean on, especially since things are not going very well.

    Although like I said, it's not really a problem. It is not, after all, the entireity of my life.

    I can always pursue it some other time.

    I have learned to accept disappointment.

    I have had a couple thrown my way.

    Life is not about fulfilling your plans on time, rather, it's about things happening on time as planned.

    Haha, I didn't make sense at all.


    It was a very stimulating conversation yesterday.

    I am really glad we have kept the quality of our talks.

    I am looking forward to another exchange of ideas... but we both have quite a long day today.

    Til then, I will keep looking forward to the next one. ^_^

  2. Its crazy how things are turning out between us.

    And to think that it is just starting.

    But how can I say it is starting when I insist that it is nothing?

    Or am I making such a big deal out of it for the sake of making a deal out of it?

    I do want to see you soon, but I don't want to see you again.

    Its confusing knowing I want something that I don't want.

    But I am hanging on to what you said -- tomorrow, we'll talk (even if it is about work.)

    So I am foolishly counting the hours, just like I did when I waited for you.

    The hours to tomorrow when we will again talk (perhaps you will call?).

    A friend said it might be a combination of the desire for intimacy and the desire for liberty.


    Maybe not.

    It is quite bizarre at this point to even contemplate about it.

    Anyhow, good night, baby.




    Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of



    I'm not afraid of anything in this world

    There's nothing you can throw at me that I haven't already heard

    I'm just trying to find a decent melody

    A song that I can sing in my own company


    I never thought you were a fool

    But darling, look at you

    You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight

    These tears are going nowhere, baby


    You've got to get yourself together

    You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it

    Don't say that later will be better now you're stuck in a moment

    And you can't get out of it


    I will not forsake, the colours that you bring

    But the nights you filled with fireworks

    They left you with nothing

    I am still enchanted by the light you brought to me

    I still listen through your ears, and through your eyes I can see


    And you are such a fool

    To worry like you do

    I know it's tough, and you can never get enough

    Of what you don't really need now... my oh my


    You've got to get yourself together

    You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it

    Oh love look at you now

    You've got yourself stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it


    I was unconscious, half asleep

    The water is warm till you discover how deep...

    I wasn't jumping... for me it was a fall

    It's a long way down to nothing at all


    You've got to get yourself together

    You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it

    Don't say that later will be better now

    You're stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it


    And if the night runs over

    And if the day won't last

    And if our way should falter

    Along the stony pass


    And if the night runs over

    And if the day won't last

    And if your way should falter

    Along the stony pass

    It's just a moment

    This time will pass

  4. Dearest,


    I can still taste you.

    Your smell is lingering in my memory.

    I regret that you came just now.

    But I appreciate the fact that you came at the most imperfect time.

    Thank you for the sweet, sweet, sweet moment.


    I know you keep brushing off my remarks about not being together again.

    You are so confident that we will not be able to refuse.

    That like magnets, we shall gravitate towards each other

    and "have a blast".


    But then again, I am being sensible.

    I have to be. You seem to be so game.

    But life is not a game, though it can be a gamble.

    And my heart, rather than expose it to a crucible.. I'd rather keep it from the fire.


    Been burned... Don't want that again.


    I just want to have fun, you know.

    I got it... Time to move.

    I realized what I can do. I did it.

    Time to move on and not do it again.


    I just couldn't tell you, because you might think I'm going over board.

    I'm just being practical. But no, I will not let you know.

    I can handle this myself.




  5. I have a feeling I am treading on dangerous soil. I want you to know that I do not intend to stay and should it happen that I linger longer than what is appropriate, remind me to take leave and depart, chase the wind and to never come back.


    I shall look after my self, my interest, and make sure that I stay protected from harm's way. If I neglect to take care of my being, remind me to pick myself up and search for the foot of the rainbow and to not return without my pot of gold.


    As for you, please do not forget to look behind you for the image you have in front of you, that of me, is a mirage, a self indulgence and self exploration of what I am capable of. The image I don't want you to leave behind is what is real and true. Hold on to that. I am but dust and I shall be blown away, find myself on this earth, but never with you.

  6. dear,


    i find it thrilling, scary, and oh so intriguing. I dont even want to think whenever we talk. I know myself. I rationalize too much and I am so damn sure I'll realize its wrong before I even taste how wrong it can be... thing is, I want to and you know that. its the sensibility that you like in me that is making me think twice. But I so dont want to think!!! Urgh!

  7. Hey... I'm having a difficult time juggling my emotions right now. For the most part, I don't want to hurt anybody. But I also think its about time I start giving myself a chance to just be what I want to be, do what I want to do, and be unmindful of how it will affect others, you, in particular. I have always been selfless, regardless of why and to whom. It can be tiring. And although the urge to be selfish is dangling in front of me, nudging my heart, I instinctively stop and contemplate. I am confusing myself and the fact that I am losing control over the situation is driving me insane. I cannot allow myself to break down and falter. I just want to do what I want. I dont want others hurt. I just wish I can go on and be what I want, even momentarily, and for you not to feel anything about it. Thats all I ask. Its not about you, anyway. Its all about me. For once, can it be about me? I wish I can tell you face to face... but while I am still struggling against what I want to do and what I should not do, I'll keep you in mind. There may be a chance though, that I'll just fly like I want to, without asking you if I can. I hope you will understand and just dismiss it as an instinctive desire to try flying. I'll be gliding back to you anyway. :)

  8. you try to find a common ground; see if you have common interests; find out if you'll click:

    - where did you graduate?

    - what movies/music/book/sports do you like?

    - can you sing? do you dance? what other things can you do? breathe fire, walk on wire, eat blades?

    - joke, joke, joke - gotta find out if he has a sense of humor

    - favorites -- color, food, artist, pass time

    - values in life



  9. I don't know what the fuss is all about. T-backs, g-strings or thongs are a necessity for us women. Panty lines are unsightly. We get more ugly stares if there are panty lines through the skirts and slacks. I don't think libog has anything to do with it, or confidence for that matter. Unless you wear it with the purpose of removing it in front of others. Or, pathetic as it may sound, wear a red or black thong under white garments. That is an all together different scenario (and poor fashion taste and statement.) :P

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