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Everything posted by Blxst

  1. Batman: Let her go! Joker, Rachel over a ledge: Very poor choice of words.
  2. Leia: (to Han Solo as he is lowered for carbonite freezing) I love you. Han: I know. Fun fact, this was ad libbed by Harrison Ford. Legend, mate!
  3. Forrest Gump Jenny: Forrest, why are you so good to me? Forrest: I love you, Jenny. You're my girl.
  4. Such a great movie. If it came out these days, they would have a whole universe of movies. Which I want. Haha
  5. This one isn't a martial arts movie, but Tampopo (1985) is a great movie. First saw it in film class, and twice more afterward. Just great story telling and interesting directorial decisions.
  6. 1 or 2? I haven't finished watching Drunken Master (1). I think it's also called Snake in Eagle's Shadow. I keep catching it on flights and falling asleep or landing. AFAIK, they're not related story-wise. But, like I said, I haven't finished watching Drunken Master 1 to make that call.
  7. Pretty much that and maybe make it into season 7. The ending was rushed so much that it's apparent that they should have slowed down. Sure, they packed in surprises, but I would give up those surprises for a more well crafted ending.
  8. The Three Idiots. It's a 2009 Indian movie. Even if there are no subs, there's enough English and contextual acting and storytelling to understand what's going on.
  9. Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise tend to be involved in a lot of films I like. Not togethe, tho.
  10. True. The movie did promise big with it's trailers. But I lowered my expectations and had fun. It's been a while since I saw the movie, so maybe I'll have a different impression when I'm watching more critically, but we watched it when we had not much else to watch.
  11. I didn't know there was a book, but the movie was a fun romp. Good message.
  12. Not these days. The social value of marriage has gone down, so we're mostly free to do as we like. Back then, you could feel this way, but there were social downsides for unmarried men.
  13. Using my body to give my ex some space, like an animé
  14. It's an extension of family. You're either kuya or a stranger.
  15. I'm probably a 7, too. More than the average person, but not super paranoid.
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