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Everything posted by Blxst

  1. Blxst

    slot machines

    Yup. It's so easy to change the odds on modern slot machines. My paranoia sugfests they might have them update the odds on the fly over the air and just have pitbosses and security teams monitor hot machines for hacking.
  2. Blxst

    slot machines

    That's how they get ya! The house always wins.
  3. Blxst

    slot machines

    I usually put in money for about 10 full buys, yung lahat ng linya may chance to win. I stop when I double up. If I win I win. If I lose, I have the memory of the brief dopamine hit of "uy baka tumama".
  4. Hahaha. I feel like aspin would survive the apocalypse because they'll eat anything no problem.
  5. Haven't read about this, but anecdotally parang ganyan nga. Female dogs tend to be more peaceful and sweet, in my personal experience. But that might be a reflection of we as humans projecting an attitude to the dog and the dog picking up and responding to subtle cues.
  6. Lol! Jumping on the trend much, Dentastix? Diba dapat bacon flavor yan?
  7. Agreed. Aspin have a strong barking instinct but aren't aggressive, which is ideal for guard dogs. Pero yung aspin namin nanghahabol ng motor (SMH). Wala pa kinakagat, but I worry when I'm not there to stop her. Tingin ko dahil sa bagong BARKada nya (she escapes under the gate), kasi hindi naman sya ganun dati.
  8. Seeing some videos and doing very light research (I skimmed two articles), it seems like raw food is best. Anecdotes from YouTube say it improves digestion by eliminating farts and bad poops, makes coat shinier, and improves energy and health. But it might get expensive over time.
  9. So adorable!
  10. I saw a black fluffy askal hanging with his street pack, once. He (had balls. Lol) might've been a samoyed mix.
  11. I think all Pinoy parents get that idea. "Gusto ko po ng aso" leads your dad to find an aspin from the streets, until you get a little more savy and ask for certain breeds. Kids these days have the internet, so labrador for anak, aspin for tatay until they grow up and love all dogs.
  12. True. Ive noticed na makulit at gala talaga ang mga aspin, pero very sweet kapag kasama mo na.
  13. I haven't met one IRL. They're so energetic on TV. Is he/she a handful or chill lang?
  14. It should be fine as long as you make the proper preparations and planning. Treat the puppy like a baby in how he/she will move with you in the car and not among your belongings in the truck. I also suggest that you and the puppy move to the new house on the last day after your belongings go so the stress of things moving and the stress of traveling don't go together.
  15. I haven't seen anyone breeding these, but I'd love a mini coconut labrador. Like, a white Labrador but smaller and cuddlier.
  16. Blxst

    bag collectors

    I got into these for a while, but I haven't been feeling the designs lately. Maybe it was just that one sling bag that I liked.
  17. Blxst

    bag collectors

    If we're talking about mall security, they barely search me most of the time. Maybe 1 in 10 will use their drumstick to peek a little more, but most just give a glance and nod. But yeah, that versatility and compartment variation make it a good concealed carry option.
  18. Blxst

    bag collectors

    I unintentionally have a collection of backpacks.
  19. Nike needs to drop new Kobes. I understand scarcity drives hype, and all that, but c'mon.
  20. My answer might change tomorrow, but I think this is my favorite movie, too
  21. In his universe, Ender Wiggin from Ender's Game.
  22. Classic James Bond for the wacky gadgets. Modern Bond for the slick moves. Jason Bourne for the sick fight choreography.
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