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Supplements - to Take or Not to Take?

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the best supplements after work out are whey and creatine. However, you should also eat carbs to replenish the glycogen that was "used" up after your work...


the thermogenics i suggest are Hydroxycut Hardcore, Xenadrine Hardcore or Hotrox...just my suggestion...noah


what creatine brand would you suggest and how many grams of it must be taken? btw, is it also advisable to take creatine before workouts, because i've read that it enhances strength and provides more energy during workouts.

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what creatine brand would you suggest and how many grams of it must be taken? btw, is it also advisable to take creatine before workouts, because i've read that it enhances strength and provides more energy during workouts.

although most brands are the pretty much the same, but some brands have higher milligrams per servings...i have tried brands such as EAS, Pinnacle and Cell-tech by Muscletech but I find them tooo expensive so I switched to Precision Engineered due to better value per serving and I still feel the same results...I take 1/2 of recommended before and the other 1/2 after working out...Yes, you can take creatine before your workouts but I also take them after working out since creatine helps in flushing in nutrients and water into your muscle cells for better growth... noah

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Will it be OK if I also take WHEY though I'm more on the "trim down" program?  And I guess Amino Acid is a good muscle repair supplement to be taken after workouts?

yes, it's ok provided that you don't take more than the recommended 1 to 1.5 grams/lbs. of bodyweight since you are on the trim down program and could be used as meal replacements...if you are working out, taking it is most beneficial since it builds and repair damaged muscle cells...taking amino after work out is the same as taking whey protein since most wheys contain all the 8 BCAA (branch chain amino acids)...noah

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Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Some foods lack some amino acids which other foods have, this is one of the reasons some foods are paird together (corn and carrots)


If one is on a diet phase, the most important thing is not what supplements you take but you ensure that you burn more calories than that which you consume

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Just a note...

Prior to taking a supplement for the first time, please check with your doctor and/or have him check your kidney/liver and any other organs that may be get affected...Plus, start off your dosage at 1/2 of the recommended for 3-7 days and monitor closely of any changes/reactions to your body...Reactions may include but not limited to upset stomach, diarrhea, skin itching, pimples, mood swing, etc.. Reactions depends on what kind of supplements you are taking...noah

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although most brands are the  pretty much the same, but some brands have higher milligrams per servings...i have tried brands such as EAS, Pinnacle and Cell-tech by Muscletech but I find them tooo expensive so I switched to Precision Engineered due to better value per serving and I still feel the same results...I take 1/2 of recommended before and the other 1/2 after working out...Yes, you can take creatine before your workouts but I also take them after working out since creatine helps in flushing in nutrients and water into your muscle cells for better growth... noah



thanks for the infos bro. should i only drink whey protein supplement before/after workouts or i can also drink it everyday?

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although most brands are the  pretty much the same, but some brands have higher milligrams per servings...i have tried brands such as EAS, Pinnacle and Cell-tech by Muscletech but I find them tooo expensive so I switched to Precision Engineered due to better value per serving and I still feel the same results...I take 1/2 of recommended before and the other 1/2 after working out...Yes, you can take creatine before your workouts but I also take them after working out since creatine helps in flushing in nutrients and water into your muscle cells for better growth... noah



btw, where do you buy your Precision Engineered creatine and how much is it? i checked at GNC and Health & Beyond if they sell Prolab or American Creatine but unfortunately they only sell Twinlab. They sell 60 capsules for P1,750 whereas over the net you can order it for $11.75 onlym equivalent to P658. any place where it's cheaper to buy? thanks

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Too much protein is not good for our body.

I disagree with this. If you're in a bulking up stage, you should be worried if you're taking enough protein.


This thought has been perpetuated by doctors who suggests that the RDA for protein is 0.4 grams per pound of body weight. Well, that may be enough for sedentary individuals. But for us who are resistance-trained, we can't afford to take that RDA.


In the field of bodybuilding, the accepted RDA is 1 gram or protein per pound of body weight. More would be better.


There is no known disease that came from eating "too much" protein. However, digesting more protein requires our kidneys to work harder (hence the myth by doctors that too much protein is bad for our kidneys). You can help your kidneys carry out the work by drinking lots of water, much more than the standard 8 glasses per day. Eat more protein, drink more water, and you have nothing to worry.


There are so many articles regarding protein consumption and the debunking of "too much protein" myth at bodybuilding.com.

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how about focusing on cleaning up your diet first before adding in anything?


Very true. When are these kids going to wake up to the reality that supplements, with the exception of essential vitamins and minerals, will make little, if ANY difference in their gains or losses?


BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS MAGAZINES DEPEND ON SUPPLEMENT ADVERTISING TO MAKE A PROFIT. We've even had money offered to us to carry local (overpriced) whey protein in our branches and push it on our members who trust us. I won't sell out.

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