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Lord God Almighty,


I kneel before you, weak and hurt.

I seek refuge in you.

Fill my heart with your love, Oh God.

Surround me with your presence.

Teach me to listen with the ear of my heart.

That I may find solace amidst the troubles of life.

May Your Spirit bring sunshine to darkness.

Bless me with the rest you promised.

That I may clearly see the beauty of life now and forever.



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let me be focus on what's important

and allow me to settle in the calmness of your presence.

i never know what keeping a quiet heart means

but you've always managed to appease me everytime.


thank you for trusting and loving me endlessly.

i hope to wake up one morning soon

that things will be looking bright and sunny.


to you be the glory and praise, amen.

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Today I have gained a better

understanding of forgiving others.

As You have freely forgiven me, guide me

and heal my relationships with others.

Let me practice forgiveness today

by starting with the little hurts.

I will let go of all the everyday events

that do not go the way I want,

and the moment I begin to become aware of

the familiar feeling of anger or resentment,

I will practice forgiveness by invoking

Your loving and peaceful Presence.


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Thank You for all the blessings You have given my family

I realize that You have blessed me so that I may return the favor.

Teach me humility and service for others and for my family.

Soften my heart, so my mind will not be clouded by fear and selfishness

I have always tried to be a servant for others Lord

but I know I fail you a lot more than I succeed

I will not relent Lord because You have not given up on me

I will forever be a servant to You and to others Lord,

and with that final leap of faith at 1am in the morning

I can finally say,



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re-teach me the value of your all-time message to me...

how do i keep a quiet heart? i'm sure u know i am trying

my best and i know too that u know how hard it is for me

not to know what will happen next.


i wake up each morning hoping and praying

that the storm has died down and things will go back

to normal.


have said it a hundred times and here i go again saying it...

lord, teach me how to keep a quiet heart.


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More than anything else, I want to get to know You intimately.

Father God, I know that Your greatest desire is to see me happy.

I give You my mind and my soul. I listen to You.

I turn to you in my sorrows and in my joy. Teach me to be happy,

and how to gain true joy and contentment.

This we ask through Jesus and Mary and all the angels and saints.



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dear Lord,


i pray for the success of our upcoming events and the safety of all those involved, especially those in the danger zone.


i pray that my teammates rediscover the true meaning of the words "team" and "peace."


i pray for clear skies and calm waters all the way.


i give thanks for the blessings You have bestowed on my family and my friends.


i give thanks for the opportunity to make a difference, however small, in the lives of those around me.


i give thanks for those who have faith in me and my abilities, and i pray that i will have the strength not to fail them.


i pray for the safety of my loved ones while i am away.


i give thanks for the love of friends and family. they give me strength when i feel my shoulders start to bend from my burdens.


i give thanks for everything, Lord.


thank You.


Your will be done.


- m.

Edited by pussycatdoll
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Please look after Grace tonight. I can't be with her. I can't even talk to her. Please be there for her. Make her realize things will be okay with her.


I know she has tendencies of hurting herself. I pray that you guide her, that you may enlighten her at this time where she may feel alone and inconsolable.


Please make her understand YOUR will.



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With all the wonderful but fleeting things this world has to offer,

it is so easy to be distracted and put You aside, O God.

From the womb, You have already given me the Spirit

to rise above the selfishness of the world

and You have promised that You will be with me through it all.

Help me to keep my eyes and my heart only on You, O Jesus.

May you always be my life's real and eternal treasure.



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