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Let's see LT and Philip Rivers against the vaunted NE defense which is not as dominant as the previous seasons...


Indy against Baltimore? Peyton Manning versus Ray Lewis and Co.!


Plus, what can the Indiana defense have in store for Air McNair?


If New England gets past San Diego, I see them going to the Super Bowl...

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Now is the time for Air McNair to prove to everyone that he is still an elite QB. And he can do so against Peyton Manning...


I see the Ravens defense gaining the upperhand. I think Peyton Manning would do just fine, but their defense would stink up the place...


Well, the Colts D just made me the stupidest guy ever! :D


Next up for Indy, euther the Chargers ot heir nemesis, the Patriots!


Awesome performances by the Saints, especially Deuce and Reggie!

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dami akong nadidinig tungkol dito kay peyton. kesyo bumibigay daw ito pag under pressure na. kala ko nga ganun mangyayari lalo na nung na sack sya ng 2nd quarter ata. but hey, i gotta give it to this guy. showed a lot of composure and came back from 21-3.


hopefully he'll get his first superbowl title.

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