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Good going, Metz. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Everyone else can tape the opposing team, but not from the sidelines. In fact, the Pats complained about the Jets doing some taping last year as well without NE's consent, so I think much of Mangini's snitching was aimed to get back at his former boss. I really don't understand why this new rule about taping was even instituted by the NFL. It doesn't really give an advantage to the team taping the opposing side. There are ways by which a team can change their plays--audibles and the like, so there isn't any distinct advantage to be had from taping. Besides, the Pats were caught taping during the first quarter of the first game of the season! It's not as if they gained something out of that!

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^I never really got that part as to why Pats fans defended and continue to defend Hoodie's actions.


I mean c'mon.


You got yourself a good club, now arguably the best in the history of the game.

and by all accounts, you're a pretty good coach, again, arguably one of the best minds in the game.


Then why go out on a limb and do something stupid?

If you really didn't stand to gain anything from it, why the f#&k would you bother to do it in the first place?

If it's really all about execution, most importantly yours, why bother stealing the other teams' signals?

Doesn't he trust his team, his staff and himself enough?


the fact is, well, he broke a rule. it shouldn't change things. and there's no way to sugarcoat it so yes, it smacked of cheating.

and if he's getting flak for that, well he deserves it.


but in the end, like you all say, this doesn't count anyway `coz no one can hold a candle next to a team that went 16-0.

winning is all that matters.

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Good going, Metz. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Everyone else can tape the opposing team, but not from the sidelines. In fact, the Pats complained about the Jets doing some taping last year as well without NE's consent, so I think much of Mangini's snitching was aimed to get back at his former boss. I really don't understand why this new rule about taping was even instituted by the NFL. It doesn't really give an advantage to the team taping the opposing side. There are ways by which a team can change their plays--audibles and the like, so there isn't any distinct advantage to be had from taping. Besides, the Pats were caught taping during the first quarter of the first game of the season! It's not as if they gained something out of that!


but ... there have been rumours of the Pats doing this... as far back when they first won their super bowl... nobody had proof i guess mangini knows who does the taping so he was able to call em out on it ... they go into halftime find out the play calls then adjust their game plan accordingly ... we will never know the full extent of this as the league seems intent in killing the story and just focus on the perfect season


kinda like the rumours of the Giants tampering with the opposing teams radio signal.. and opening all the doors inside the meadowlands to mess up the air flow and mess up the opponent's kicker

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but ... there have been rumours of the Pats doing this... as far back when they first won their super bowl... nobody had proof i guess mangini knows who does the taping so he was able to call em out on it ... they go into halftime find out the play calls then adjust their game plan accordingly ... we will never know the full extent of this as the league seems intent in killing the story and just focus on the perfect season


kinda like the rumours of the Giants tampering with the opposing teams radio signal.. and opening all the doors inside the meadowlands to mess up the air flow and mess up the opponent's kicker


If the rumors are true then someone should put asterisks on those trophies. :thumbsdownsmiley:

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but didnt mclaren have schematics? i havent really kept up to date with that scandal ... but from what ive read they got schematics of their opponent's car .. thats like getting the play call sheet for sunday's match up...


the PATS got caught videotaping play calls .. and analyzing it during the game .. not getting the Jet's playbook for their game


i agree the Pats got a slap on the wrist .. the league shldve spanked em harder .. but it is hard to argue against a team that kept breaking records after theyve been called out .. the nfl now is difft from what it was back in the days ... in the late 80's and 90's some big lineman wouldve knocked brady out .. or a safety wouldve clotheslined randy moss.. as unofficial "league" punishment for disrespecting the game ... like they say "lets settle this out in the field"


The McLaren team got the $100M fine coz they did steal something worth more or less a $100M worth of blueprints (schematics)...and as DH said, it is like stealing the playbook from an NFL team...


The pats taped defensive signals from defensive coaches in a prohibited location, which means they can tape those signals, just not on the location the assistant was caught taping it...a borderline violation since the rule prohibits something that may be conditional...much like in basketball, wherein it is legal to ram into a defensive guy as long as he is on the dotted no-offensive foul area...


Since only the NFL operations manual didn't specifically provide a penalty on what BB did, it was the commissioner's call on how much BB and the pats had to pay...considering that the rule is spotty in a sense that it can be interpreted in a lot of ways and is conditional, the penalty may be light to the view of most, but it was still a hefty sum for violating a rule...


vindication by force is always an option, the problem is how to do it and if it's worth doing it...at the end of the day, the one who loses focus on the task at hand so he can repay the so called "disrespect of the game", will always lose the battle...

Edited by Metz
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^I never really got that part as to why Pats fans defended and continue to defend Hoodie's actions.


I mean c'mon.


You got yourself a good club, now arguably the best in the history of the game.

and by all accounts, you're a pretty good coach, again, arguably one of the best minds in the game.


Then why go out on a limb and do something stupid?

If you really didn't stand to gain anything from it, why the f#&k would you bother to do it in the first place?

If it's really all about execution, most importantly yours, why bother stealing the other teams' signals?

Doesn't he trust his team, his staff and himself enough?


the fact is, well, he broke a rule. it shouldn't change things. and there's no way to sugarcoat it so yes, it smacked of cheating.

and if he's getting flak for that, well he deserves it.


but in the end, like you all say, this doesn't count anyway `coz no one can hold a candle next to a team that went 16-0.

winning is all that matters.


one reason: because i see more than spygate...more than the exaggerated call of cheating...more than the media circus around it...


i've said it in my previous post, all the positives outweigh the negative, thus why not defend it...is the negative so much more important than the positiveS (capital S for plural)...if so, i don't know what the society cares about anymore...when the only thing they tend to see are the flaws and not the strengths...i don't know if they really do value values, when there are a lot of things you can learn and yet still go back to that single mistake...


Maybe to him, nothing meant something or everything...to him it just takes one play to change the outcome of a game...to him it is part of his preparation for his team to execute well...maybe that's why he's such a good coach...he prepares for anything...


then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, popular or not...if you call him a cheater, we respect that...if we call him a genius, i hope you respect it...



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no matter how you guys keep on rotating it, just like bro g_o_g posted, the Pat's still broke the rules. I give him all the credit in the world for all his accomplishments, but the fact of the matter is he still was found guilty of breaking the rules this season.


if it was done in another season, then we can start talking about past actions should not be taken into consideration for current achievements.


plain and simple.

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main thing here is, he brought it upon himself.

if he gets too much "undeserved" heat and hate for it, well, that comes with the territory.

if people start talking about the record being tainted, well, again it's all his fault.

if he doesn't want to apologize for it---and he didn't even muster a convincing apology for it---it just sickens me to the stomach why some people have to do it for him.


if that isn't all-star level jock-sniffing, I honestly don't know what is.

it isn't seeing the whole thing as it is missing the forest for the trees. Or getting blinded by 16-0.


should the positives outweigh the negatives?

maybe not. it's not fair.

they blasted teams to the ground week in and week out en route to 16-0.

they're the best team assembled in the free agent era to go 16-0.

they broke a whole lot of records along the way to go 16-0.


heck, I ought to name my kid "Tom 16-0" just to make sure it's never ever forgotten.


but again, should this "little" matter be ignored, set aside and never be heard of again just `coz of they went 16-0?


I guess that's just how low the sporting world has gone these days.

Edited by gift_of_game
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IMHO, the AP awarded Bill Belichick the COY award simply because of his coaching...his team went 16-0 and became the first team in NFL history to do so...he preaches the following things to his team: hardwork, dedication, teamwork, focus, mental toughness, quick situational decision making, and most of all, humility....he preached it so hard, the formerly primadonna Randy Moss was viewed like a saint this year...these are things i look into when i watch ball games, when i root for a team...i look for the things that they do well and the positive things they have...


People will always see and use Spygate as the sole factor why Belichick shouldn't have won the COY award...but that's why the AP is the AP....because as press people, they are preached and taught not to be biased and judge winners by merit, not failure...to see the positives, and not the singular negative...to view the whole as a whole, and not the spot in the whole...that's why they are tasked to do the voting, not the large percentage of people who rode Spygate like it was monumental...like it had to do largely of what Belichick has done for his team...like it was the only thing that mattered, no matter how good and fair they play...


the fact that it was more of a violation of a rule than a grave offense like game fixing or bribing, specifically illegal only by the location it was done (they are allowed to tape as long as they do it in a spot enclosed on all sides with a roof overhead and not on the sidelines, press box or in the locker room within the game), much like cussing the official in a basketball game (which can penalize a player a technical foul, but not all players are whistled for it), it simply didn't gave the pats the advantage to go 16-0...the violation didn't measure the way Belichick coached...what he did (violated the rules), he paid for...what he did (coach his team), he was rewarded for...


Let's all have fun watching the games...

C'mon guys, it's playoff time and everyone's intense. Be ready with the popcorn, nachos, and hot dogs because this is going to be one helluva weekend :goatee:


Go Cheatriots! :lol:

Edited by Guernica
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