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What have You Learned Lately?

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that through all the hurts and pains that life brings, there is still enough room in one's heart to wish the best for others...


~~ May the rest of your life bring you happiness & peace and the strength & courage to follow your dreams. May you forget the weight of yesterday and focus on the path ahead, guided by your heart & the light of hope. May you find beauty in everything and goodness in every heart. May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet, trials to keep you strong, sorrow to keep you human, hope to keep you happy, failures to keep you humble, successes to keep you eager, friends to give you comfort, wealth to meet your needs, enthusiasm to look forward, faith to banish depression and determination to make each day better than yesterday! And may you always remember that you are blessed. ~~

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Girlfriends bring you chicken curry and scrub your bathroom when you need help.

Girlfriends keep your children and keep your secrets.

Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it, sometimes you don't.

Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest.

Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.

Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.

Girlfriends pull you out of jams.

Girlfriends help you get out of bad relationships.

Girlfriends help you look for a new apartment,help you pack, and help you move.

Girlfriends will give a party for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that comes!

Girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and when the hard times come.

Girlfriends will drive through blizzards, rainstorms, hail heat, and gloom of night to get to you when your hour of need is desperate.

Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a friend.

Girlfriends ! listen when your children break your heart.

Girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail.

Girlfriends cry with you when someone you loved dies.

Girlfriends support you when the men in your life let you down.

Girlfriends help you pick up the pieces when men pack up and go.

Girlfriends rejoice at what makes you happy, and are ready to go out and k*ll what makes you unhappy.

Times passes.

Life happens.

Distance separates.

Children grow up.

Love waxes and wanes.

Hearts break.

Careers end.

Jobs come and go.

Parents die.

Colleagues forget favours.

Men don't call when they say they will.

BUT girlfriends are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley, and you have to walk it for yourself, your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out.

My daughter, sisters, mother, sisters-in-law, mother-in-law,aunties, nieces, cousins, extended family, and friends bless my life! The world wouldn't be the same without them, and neither would I.

When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other.

Every day, we need each other still.


Part of an e-mail I received.


Everyday I realize just how lucky I am to have so many friends who love me unconditionally.


I have learned no man is worth giving up your friends for.

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True friends are not that easy to find, finding yor way to fit in a group is not just saying Hi and Hello.

You have to be true to everyone else and specially to yourself, there's more to learn about camaraderie, it takes time to know each other.

And once you fit in, you'll know that you've gain friends, not just merely friends for goodtimes sake, but a buddies who will be there till you aged.



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