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Spooky Nights!

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hehe... sorry ulet, yung isa ko pala kabarkada yun. :D


anyways, sa saturday gusto mo manood? :)

the phone pla ung palabas sa sm manila.. nde pa ata palabas the grudge ehh.. san ba tayo manunuod? check ko ulet kung san sha showing na or coming soon pa.. hokey? :P teka lilibre mo bko? haha :lol: kafal! joke lng po! :P


nga pla nde pede this sat kz me class ako tpos derecho night swimming eh.. sama ka? hihi :D


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hehe... sorry ulet, yung isa ko pala kabarkada yun.  :D


anyways, sa saturday gusto mo manood?  :)

the phone pla ung palabas sa sm manila.. nde pa ata palabas the grudge ehh.. san ba tayo manunuod? check ko ulet kung san sha showing na or coming soon pa.. hokey? :P teka lilibre mo bko? haha :lol: kafal! joke lng po! :P


nga pla nde pede this sat kz me class ako tpos derecho night swimming eh.. sama ka? hihi :D


ah, oo nga. parang wala pa rin ako nakkita eh. saan mall ka ba malapit?


libre kita? shempre naman! :)


wow swimming! sama! hehehe :D

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Mr M and Pepper


Last month, I had a 91 year old hospice patient, "Mr. M" who was dying of CHF. His wife had died 2 years ago, so he was alone. He had long since given up being able to care for his pet dog "Pepper", a small, rat-looking, yappy dog who was 16 (112 in dog years) herself. Pepper had to be taken away a few weeks ago so she could be taken care of by Mr. M's daughter, who lived 10 miles away.


I was called in to see Mr. M after he had declined to the point that his doctor had discharged Mr.M from the hospital to go home and be comfortable for his last few hours.


By this point, Mr. M was catamose, nonresponsive to family and obviously near the end. Only myself and Mr M's son-in-law were in the house. The rest of the family kept their vigil at their own houses, wating for my call.


All of a sudden, Mr. M opened his eyes and said " Come on Pepper", and died.


While not unexpected, the death was so quick and strange, we were kind of stunned. Not 2 minutes later, Mr M's daughter telephoned to tell us Pepper had died.


I have heard of things like this before, but this was my first experence. Has anyone else heard or experence similar deaths?

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The Lady of the House



We own this farm house. It's haunted by a ghost named Catherine. The reason we know that the ghost's name is Catherine is because one day this lady stopped by and asked if she could see the house. We wanted to know why she wanted to see the house and she told us that her father and grandfather built the house in 1900. Her grandmother, Catherine, loved the house. Catherine and her husband had to move she didn't want to move because she loved the house and, while she was away she died. I guess her spirit came back to the house. Let me tell you why I believe this.


When we first bought the house, my Uncle Pat was living there. He would sleep in the living room of the house and during the night he would hear doors shut and no one else was in the house.Plus this happened more than one time. Then we rented the house to some people. We never told them about the doors shutting. These people that we were renting the house asked us if the house was haunted because they could hear someone walk across the attic floor, slam a door, walk back across the floor and slam another door. There are no doors up in the attic. When the renters moved out, my grandma and grandpa moved into the house. They said that they didn't hear anything. My Uncle Pat would sometimes come and visit them and stay in the guest bedroom, which we believe was Catherine's bedroom, all night long he would hear something tapping on the window. There is nothing close enough to even touch the window. Also Catherine has stared at my Uncle Pat and even called his name. One thing that freaks me out is that on New Year's day I had a dream and in this dream Catherine told me why she kept my Uncle Pat up at night. The day after I told my Uncle Pat this, he heard someone call his name and everyone else in the house was sound asleep. I know that some of this is hard to believe, but its all true.

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Animals are ghosts too !


I have a real deep believe in the paranormal. I believe animals like humans can be ghost too. For example if you see a cat run across the street and chase and you are unable to see it you think "Oh well it is pretty fast" but if you did the same with a person you probaly say" Holy ...".


One day last year one of of my families old cat fell ill, we soon elected to put her to sleep to help ease her pain. I was soooo upset until that night. I was lying in bed when the cat walked right though the door. She was healthly look'in and much younger looking too, she turned right and headed to my sister room. That mademe feel so much better.


When I was little I had a cat I loved so much. Like the prevousy story we put him to sleep and I upset. Starting a few years ago while tring to sleep i would feel a cat on my back I would look back and see no cat but still feel its wieght right where he like to sleep. A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night to the bathroom. In the bathroom there was a cat near the door. We had some strays in our house that night so I thought it was one of them. I was blocking the door way and I reach down to pet it. It dis appeared right in front of my eyes. The odd thing the cat in the first story would always stand there. This incident started my interst in ghosts.

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The Baby


One night me and my friend sat up telling eachother ghost stories. My dad has told me of many things that had happened to him and I told Emma (my friend) all of these. Emma's cousins Tom and Louise kept on knocking on the door and just being really irritating. Emma's Grandad had just died the week before and she decided to tell me a story which he had told her when she was younger. Her grandad was about 5 years old when his mother died giving birth to his brother. The baby survived and went home to their house where the family took care of it. After about a week of the baby coming home, Emma's grandad was standing at the bottom of the stairs when he saw his mum at the top of the staircase. He shouted `mummy' but she just seemed to hover there before looking down to him and saying `it's okay sweetheart, I've just come for the baby'. The baby died the same day. After Emma told me that story, we got talking about other things when we saw a torch light shining onto the wall. Emma shouted `Louise! I'm gonna come after you in a minute!'. The light then disappeared but we never heard any footsteps. Emma looked out of the window and her Aunty's car had gone so it couldn't have been her cousin. Her dad was outside in the garage and her mum was sat downstairs watching TV!

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ah, oo nga. parang wala pa rin ako nakkita eh.  saan mall ka ba malapit?


libre kita? shempre naman!  :)


wow swimming! sama! hehehe  :D

dodong 79, sa sm manila po :P


nakz! galante lolz :lol: joke lang po un nho ;)


sama ka? sure ka? :P


archer dude, ano ano sabe mo? hehe :P


manila? magkabilang dulo pala tayo! nasa marikina kasi ako eh. :lol:


kelan ba talaga showing nyan?


joke lang yun pagsama sa swimming, may EB nga mga scorpio bukas pero di rin

ako makakasama... no money! :P enjoy!

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