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Guest Insomnia Girl

Who cares about the subtleties of flavors now?


I bite into a piece of strawberry, which everyone had assured me would be sweet. I bite down. Hard. Like my hunger is a curse. Like I'm famished for something that I can't have. Like I have been starving for an eternity. My teeth sink into the fruit. The juice flows into my mouth. My tongue refuses to taste anything else but the salt of my tears.

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Guest Insomnia Girl

I have no way of knowing when today becomes tomorrow. The nights are all white to me. They say that one trick the sleepless play to get some sleep is this: They pretend it's time to get up. But, you see, they forgot to ask this question: What if there's nothing worth getting up for?


What if you knew that tomorrow would only be a rehash of today and the bleak days before? Would pretending that it's time to get up still lull you to sleep? You're better off counting sheep. Or counting snails. Or catterpillars. Anything to numb your mind.


If you're brave, you count the hours that pass. It's a risky game to try to figure out how much more time you can allow to slip away. You look as the hands of the clock inch closer and closer to another day. And you can't do a thing. The world will not stop to comfort you.


If you remain awake as the days change, you can deceive yourself into thinking that you've just had one very long day. Then you can stop being guilty for your sadness.


I don't know exactly what to do. I just stay awake. I count sheep but the third one I envision always dies on me. I watch the clock but the ticking drives me crazy. The days bleed into each other, heedless of my inconsequential pain. And it make sense--my troubleshardly cause a ripple in the world. My torment is confined to my own private universe of white nights and evil clocks. And sheep who let me down.

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hen I first talked to you

I felt like I had known you forever,

telling you my problems

and what I didn't want ever.


You listened to me

I bet you thought I'd never end,

who would have thought

we would be the best of friends.


Over a period of time,

I got to know the real you.

A guy so charming and gentle,

with a heart so true.


You've survived your life

with me by your side.

I told you I'd never leave

because of the feelings I have inside.


There was a time

I wanted to explore,

what would have happened

if I would only open the door.


I know you

like no one I have ever known,

and sometimes I wonder

what do I do when we're alone?


So I have decided

time answers all.

If it is meant to be

time will remove the wall.


Standing between us,

holding us back,

allowing us to feel

It's the relationship that we lack.


I love the way we are together,

you can always make me smile.

Will it ever really be forever?

I guess I will have to wait awhile.


Time will reveal, what lies ahead

but always remember

what I have said.

Meeting you has changed my life

and I really love you so,

the feelings I feel for you

I am never letting go.

Remember me always

and I will too.


I will always think of

me and you.

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Dear God,


Thank you! All of what was, what is, and things to come are encapsulated in those two words. It is all I can endeavour and hope for in the entirety of my existence, and it is all that you ask of me put simply. You have never let me down, not once, and in the moments darkness seems to swathe around me I catch myself with eyes closed. Even there the light shines brighter. So what else can I offer to one who has and has given everything but gratitude? Thank you for the blessings, for the love of friends, the gift of family; the love and life I've been given and their fruits hundred fold; for every little experience especially ones hard to hold. Thank you thank you thank you and for stories yet to be told.






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How much pain can 1 heart take before it gives up and move on everytime I see you I must remind myself that there can never be a me and you if I can keep all those words my room would be already full of such sad reminders that life with you is impossible I love you the best that I can but my love is not what you need I know that one day I see a life beyond you

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Is it possible to love you too much?

To feel this feeling I have so much that

I long for you constantly

I wish to be with you every minute

I am willing to risk everything I have for you.


Because all these I feel for you so much

that it hurts so much if I cannot show it to you

and I feel that my heart could not take it anymore.


But then, whenever I'm with you

Loving you too much

Is loving you just enough.

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tired soul, tired mind, tired body

weary heart, restless spirit

searching for a sloace




the will to live must be heeded

but the weight of past wrongs

threatens to k*ll even that


i move forward, alone

on a path towards a future

that may no longer

include you

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now iv realized... time is a tease. fate is a jester. life is strange.


often we know that our chosen path is THE one. we know that the course we have charted for the ship called our lives is the right one... one that is guided by our true north... its such a wicked twist of fate when... after following that one guiding star we look at the opposite direction and we see yet another star waving at us and enticing us to go that way instead of this.


thats when you give yourself a kingsized wop on the head for speaking too soon, deciding too hastily and running instead of walking...


thats what im doing right now. i made a choice. one that i must stick to. and then when i had made that choice i found something pulling me in the opposite direction of that choice.


irony of ironies. all is irony.


you are my biggest irony.



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I just don’t understand

Why you runnin from a good man baby

Why you wanna turn your back on love, why you’ve already given up

See I know you been hurt before but I swear I’ll give you so much more

I swear I’ll never let you down, cuz I swear it’s you that I adore &

I can’t help myself cuz I think about you constantly & my heart gets no

Rest over You....

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doubts doubts doubts... i have lots of that.

esp on you - YOU, yourself, your intentions, your feelings, everything! I know its not good, im sorry. but i cant help it. can u blame if i am being wary?! if im having a "self-protection-kind-of-attitude"?! of course you can not...

i do not know if they will go away

i do not know if they will fade.. eventually they might..

i dont know when though...


i need your help on this matter.

pls bear with me.

im scared.

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