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The Mail Box

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“So this is how it ends. You both just stop speaking to each other.”


I was left speechless after reading what my best friend just wrote in his e-mail. Does it really have to end this way, I asked myself. After all, this is "the one" and the once perfect and happy relationship we had that we’re talking about. It is not too often that you find true love at your first try. Some, if not most, spend a lifetime searching for just that. And it makes me wonder if I could really love again…


It’s a no-win situation. We all know that, and I do realize that. With the break-up, he took almost everything and the worst part is, I can never take anything, not even one thing, back. We can never go back. I admit, until a month ago, I still had hope that things could be good between us again. But the news of his wedding just shattered any possibility of that. And when I thought my heart can never be broken again…


I feel no more anger, or hatred, or bitterness. Yes, this is how it ends…let’s just leave it at that…

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stop whining already! You're flooding the board with your off topic comments that are simply too pathetic for the eyes of others.

You do not need help anymore, you are beyond it.


You're too self centered and too happy wallowing in self pity it's just not funny anymore.



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I never expected anything nor demanded much. Love would place me totally out of touch. A simple hug, a warm embrace, the pleasure of your presence within this time and space. No words in the moments, just stride beside me, is this unreasonable to ask? With a friend, a companion, there exists no mask. A silly game, a light hearted laugh, with a pair of dice. No matter what, in all bonds there is the inevitable ouch. I wonder how truly you saw such. In the game of life the reality of rules can be tough...

Edited by Z
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Request For Him Who Lives in the Star


You are there in your

Palace in the star,

Only your sparkle

And my smile


It's good they understand

Each other.

But I have no wings,

I can't touch you

With my hands

Nor with my lips.

All the warmth in my body

Has flown to you.


Come down to me.

I am shivering

In the cold.



You are in my thoughts.



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stop whining already! You're flooding the board with your off topic comments that are simply too pathetic for the eyes of others.

You do not need help anymore, you are beyond it.


You're too self centered and too happy wallowing in self pity it's just not funny anymore.

You tell her :)

I dunno if we have the same "recipient" in mind, but my sentiments exactly. :lol:

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go on and say what you want about other people. but if you foolishly think you are raising yourself up by doing so, then you are greatly mistaken. for never has it happened that, by spreading lies or untruths about someone else, one would turn beautiful. in fact, it makes you look uglier than you already are. remember, in the end, people always get what they deserve. good luck to you.

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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

i love you

i miss you

i cry at night, day and night.


i love you

i miss you

i crave for you day and night.


i love you

i miss you

i want you day and night.


i love you

i miss you

i crave for you.


Yes, you.

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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

melancholic December

sadness embraces me

i sleep in its cold arms

i rest with tears streaming my eyes

day and night.


melancholic December

chilly like death

i am emptied

i am empty

day and night.


melancholic December

hazy and gray

i am dazed

i am confused

day and night.


melancholic December

love dying

i long

i yearn

day and night.


melancholic December


I am Alone.

I am Lonesome.

Day and night.

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