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The Mail Box

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Dear C,


After all these months I chance upon you again. Why is it that thoughts of you surface in my already near perfect world? Obviously its an answer I wasn't all too willing to admit - that I had hurt myself so. I do not rue the fact I have loved so deep but my choice, my price to keep. I do not hate or loathe you the fact since I truly am to blame - who else can make me happy? I thank you for what has been shared, the lessons to remember, for having cared. Wishing you the best.





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Dear D


Watch your hands move in circles

Is this your fate, an all too familiar cycle?

Not the first nor the second to hold

But a third, its quickened pace be unburdened


So much to rue, willfully clueless to the truth

Seemingly bound to your place, heart hanging on a vitual precipice

Winds that wail, goading you to be bold

Just embrace your roots, a hearth of warmth, melt the cold


Where to stand, where to go, harken your soul

Who am I, what do I see, do I dare show?

Masks to beguile, sheltered and free

Whatever side you place, always I feel the one true face


Fret not the overcast sky, the pouring rain

Relish the scenery as paths clear, guide ever so near

Just one request, a thought, a word away

A prayer whispered, heart sincere



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completely all alone

with no one

to hold, no one to give my love

all alone

with no one to share my life. no one

to offer myself tp.


yet all alone.

all the time i have

alll the love i can give

with no one to receive

cold are my nits

gloomy are my days

everywhere i turn

i see couples, groups

but im all alone

no to run and talk to

earth and wind are my friends

rain and thunder are my brothers

fire and water are my lovers

i am totally alone

desperately needing

to cling to someone, but

wanting to be with anybody

but alone as it used to be

lonely and alone


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To You-Who-Is-About-As-Welcome-As-Wart-On-My-Butt,


I didn't recognize you last night. I heard you calling out my name several times, but I did not stop. You had the audacity to actually lay your filthy hands on me.


Contrary to what you think, I AM NOT HAPPY TO SEE YOU. My reaction made that pretty obvious. I guess you're just too damn dense.


How did you get the nerve to call me again this morning? You act like everything's ok. You told me I was unforgiving.. cold.. brutal.

Join the club. You made me this way. I am not going to bother putting up an act.


I cared for you once, I admit. I was young, I was easily fooled. But not anymore.


You were weak. You still are.


There's nothing more humiliating than finding the object of your love unworthy.


You are not needed. You are not a loss on my part. Get outta my life.


Or more simply said.. F*CK OFF.

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For Always (Lara Fabian and Josh Groban)

A.I. Original Sound Track - OST



I close my eyes

And there in the shadows I see your light

You come to me out of my dreams across

The night



You take my hand

Though you may be so many stars away

I know that our spirits and souls are one



We've circled the moon and we've touched the sun



So here we'll stay

For always


Beyond here and on to eternity

For always


For us there's no time and no space



No barrier love won't erase



Wherever you go

I still know in my heart you'll be here



With me



From this day on (day on)

I'm certain that I'll never be alone



I know what my heart must have always known (known what my heart must have known)



That love has a power that's all its own

And for always


Now we can fly

And for always

and always



We will go on (we will go on)



Beyond goodbye



For Always






Beyond here and on to eternity



For Always



And ever



You'll be a part (you'll be apart) of me



And for always


A thousand tomorrows may cross the sky

And for always

And always

We will go on (we will go on) beyond goodbye

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completely all alone

with no one

to hold, no one to give my love

all alone

with no one to share my life. no one

to offer myself tp.


yet all alone.

all the time i have

alll the love i can give

with no one to receive

cold are my nits

gloomy are my days

everywhere i turn

i see couples, groups

but im all alone

no to run and talk to

earth and wind are my friends

rain and thunder are my brothers

fire and water are my lovers

i am totally alone

desperately needing

to cling to someone, but

wanting to be with anybody

but alone as it used to be

lonely and alone


sorry lusty


i know i've neglected you lately. and i usually sleep before midnight now... promised SOMEBODY.


and you know my situation.


trillian's coming back. we three should get together.

we should talk.

therapy again.

miss you my friend.


please call me. we'll talk. have coffee. ok?

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Guest gorgeous_23

to you.....


i missed you too.... damn! i know u wont be able to read this since u are not a member here but let me just tell u that i really miss you.too... but all i can i give is friendship yet ur asking for more of that....


i understand our past, but the reason why it is past because its over....


i wanna say goodbye... not to the friendship, but to the love that is so real but never could be.....


i might not be answering ur mails, msgs and everything else but its because im afraid i might not get over this feeling that i have for u....


im trying to forget the forbidden love.... pls help me do that!!!!!


i miss the friendship....


its me....who still cares!

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Dear Crush,


Shall I compare you and your words to a summer's day? Thou art more beautiful, by far.


The moment I saw a glimpse of you... of your being... I can not help but admire your beauty, your skill and your magic on words. I was captivated by your grace. I tried to ignore this profound effect you had on me and forced myself to develop an apathetic attitude towards it. yet I can control it no more... so here I am writing a letter for you, hoping, wishing and praying that you'll know that this letter is meant for you. Even though this is quite out of my league... the need to express my regard for you overpowered my sense of propriety.


You have captured my heart without you even knowing it, What should I do to make you hear it, sense it, know it, and feel it?

But then deep inside me I know that even if I figured a way, Im not sure I can, for I am less than worthy of someone estimable's attentions. I admit to have a certain degree of anger, jealousy and envy to your friends and the people dear to you for their good fortune cause whatever their apparent shortcomings are, clearly they have somehow managed to earn your regard, and with it the pleasure of your company on a daily basis. But me.. here I am.. still lurking in the dark, dreaming your presence from a respectable distance. ahhhhh if only I had the courage.. if only...


Ohh I remember...I had it once. I tried to come near.. yes I did...and somehow i thought it worked.. yet I was wrong... it didnt. You shunned me out... so here I am.. alone again, back to where I was before.

I have already accepted my fate, still has high respect on you amongst others... most of all still admiring you from afar.



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Guest gorgeous_23

to you.....


stay away from me..... i want u out of my life coz ur no good to me....please u know hu u are..... find someone else hu could live with ur style.... please....i dont wanna hurt u... i already told u that i can be a good friend but if u insist.... im afraid i would have to stay away from u....i hope u understand...

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