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dear honey,


i've been praying the novena as i want you to get high marks in school. i want you to always be inspired. and if i am indeed, your inspiration in your two more years of law school, i'm honored. i will never leave you. but along the way, please do not stop your search for the right woman. you need to be with someone who wants marriage. someone who can be your wife. because i can't. i don't believe in marriage. i don't want a wedding. i don't want a ring on my finger.


take care always. i worry a lot about you. i hope you get enough sleep, and you don't drink too much. maybe after your exams you can visit your mom in batangas. you know she's always happy to see you. and don't forget to call her even to just ask how she is. be patient with her. even when she can be too much at times. and fussy, too.


i'm always here for you. your friend for life.


i love you.

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Dear friend,


So often when troubles come our way,

We need a lift to brighten the day;

Someone whose there in our hour of need,

Willing to help with a word or a deed.


This week I was feeling sad and blue;

I prayed for a friend to help me through.

Then you arrived and came to me...

Thank you so much - you brightened my day.

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to HON


the more I see you

the more I want you

somehow this feeling

just grows and grows

with every sigh I become

more mad about you

more lost without you

and so it goes

can you imagine

how much I love you

the more I see you

as years go by

I know the only one for me

can only be you

my arms won't free you

and my heart won't try


each time I look at you

is like the first time

each time you're near me

the thrill is new

and there is not a single thing I wouldn't do for

the rare delight of the sight of you

and there is not one single thing

I wouldn't do for

the rare delight of the sight of you

and the more I see you

and the more I want you


the more I love you



-- Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark



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please let me know

if this is the end

of the show


I think I see

the puppet master

behind the screen

throwing bullsh*t


I'm glad I kept

my ass in my seat

or else I would

have gotten up and

gotten some right

in my fu**ing face


the guy who


said to them

"you live and learn"


never had to

pick the crap

out of his eyes


can i go now

the seats all smell;

the stink of the


and here I was

wondering how

to avoid it

but already

I was knee-deep

in it

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Forget Him


Forget him

forget hs name, forget his face

forget his love nd his warmest embrace

forget the tym he cared for you

remember now that he has someone new


forget the tym you spent 2geder

forget d tym dat ud tink it wil last 4ever

forget d love dat uv once shared

bcoz now he does'nt evn tink to care


forget the night dat he made u cry

wen you even tink dat u wan to die

forget the days wen he spoke your name

remember things are not the same


Forget the days that went so fast

fotger the things thtat has been a memory of the past

forget the dreams that cannot be true

forget him girl for he has forgotten you!!!





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to HON


The sun comes up - I think about you

The coffee cup - I think about you

I want you so, it's like I'm losing my mind


The morning ends - I think about you

I talk to friends and think about you

And do they know it's like I'm losing my mind?


All afternoon doing every little chore

The thought of you stays bright

Sometimes I stand in the middle of the floor

Not going left - not going right


I dim the lights and think about you

Spend sleepless nights to think about you

You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?

Or am I losing

My mind?


Or am I losing

Losing my mind?


You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?

Or am I losing my mind?


Were you just being kind?

Or am I losing my mind?

Losing my mind?


--- Pet Shop Boys



please WAKE UP now !



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i can't stop crying, my tears keep on falling, whenever i think of you and our times together. tell me should i say goodbye to you? i can never say goodbye to someone who had loved me so much, someone i love so much... never... i miss you so much ma...

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spit the past out

breathe the future in

help the worried

mind find a way


the devil inside

may not care

but the angels are

always looking for

the light


evening comes on the

heels of twilight

the alabaster

sun rising high to

greet the darkness


enclosed in darkness

the mind sees nothing

in the vise grip

of painful despair

the salt sits on

the cheek while the pain

remains and the shoe

is drenched

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to you that holds me


Im feel sad becoz

you assumed a lot of things and

you did not change at all


change of heart? who did?

its you who did


you never really understand me

you never really bother to know whats happening to me

you never really care about the crisis im into

you never really care if im happy or not


well damn you care about me now

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i hate u...

i hope u die....

u think i like what ur doing

u think i enjoy ur company....

i can't even stand u....

y do u keep on pestering me....


im not ur paid maid who will be there

to ur beck and call

im not ur paid assistant who u can boss

around... im smarter than u....

well connected than u....

and i have a life....

and besides u can't even afford me

y will i choose to be ur maid....


i do not live vicariously through anyone

i live my own life... and ur not part of

it... :grr:

:grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:

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im not what u think i am...

i did not betray u in any way

if u think i did, im sory....

but please believe that

i did not lie about it not being given

because even i was made to believe that it was....

im not denying anything when u asked

about it because i know that i was given...

i was not able to give it personally

how can i give it personally when for a fact

i always come home at midnight or past midnight

then i leave the house before 10 in the morning

how willl i be able to hand it personally

i promised to give it personally but i

did not have the time.... i seldom go home...

even i don't have the time for myself.....

u think im making up excuses....

i tell u now i did not hand it personally

when u ask me if i had given it on the said day

when i told u i did it was becuase i really

thought that it was given....

:( if u believe him that i was able to hand it personally

to him more than u believe that i was not able to hand it

to him... then so be it....

but please erase the thought u had that i used something

that isn't mine and did not tell u about it....

because i will never do it....

its just hurts to think that u could think of the worst

in me well in fact i know u know everything about me....

i may be needing that.... but im not the person

who will use a personal property of someone

without asking their permission....

i know u know that fact because i don't like it

to be happening to me.....

:( but since u don't believe.... i'll let it stay that way

i can't bring back the past stupid bad action

but at least i have memories of the good ones....

thank u for that....

u don't want anything to do with me already.......

i know yr decision is final so

this will be the last......

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Well.... there is no turning back now. its time that i move and live with my decision. Not that it matters greatly to my family but i simply can't just leave it be. i have been thinking greatly about this the past 10 days.



Dear God,


Since i did not get any warning signs from you i went on with my decision to go into the business. Sana i can get to live some semblance of a normal life. so now i have to work for a living about 3- 4 days a week. work for my business about 5 days a week. work for my family's business 5 days a week. Sana kaya ng katawan ko.


Paano ngayon ang personal life ko? Am i condemned to singleness for life?


Do i really want to earn that much? is this what i really want? Parang i have solved one problem but now face 10 more.


Please Help me

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To walk the streets in the dead of the night

Without a care, without a fright

Wind’s caress, bristling in a starry night

The blissful slumber, my mind, my sight

Surrender my might, no taste for the fight

Just walk the streets in the dead of the night



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And so it begins.... everyday brings n added jitters to what already is an overflowing bag of shakes and rattles.... hope i really do make it. now another chapter begins in my life... hay why can't life be easy...



On top of it all comes A.... why now when my world is in tumbling wild and wheely. are you the one. parang na akong nasa marix. any way am sending this to you again God.

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