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Hey... I'm having a difficult time juggling my emotions right now. For the most part, I don't want to hurt anybody. But I also think its about time I start giving myself a chance to just be what I want to be, do what I want to do, and be unmindful of how it will affect others, you, in particular. I have always been selfless, regardless of why and to whom. It can be tiring. And although the urge to be selfish is dangling in front of me, nudging my heart, I instinctively stop and contemplate. I am confusing myself and the fact that I am losing control over the situation is driving me insane. I cannot allow myself to break down and falter. I just want to do what I want. I dont want others hurt. I just wish I can go on and be what I want, even momentarily, and for you not to feel anything about it. Thats all I ask. Its not about you, anyway. Its all about me. For once, can it be about me? I wish I can tell you face to face... but while I am still struggling against what I want to do and what I should not do, I'll keep you in mind. There may be a chance though, that I'll just fly like I want to, without asking you if I can. I hope you will understand and just dismiss it as an instinctive desire to try flying. I'll be gliding back to you anyway. :)

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i find it thrilling, scary, and oh so intriguing. I dont even want to think whenever we talk. I know myself. I rationalize too much and I am so damn sure I'll realize its wrong before I even taste how wrong it can be... thing is, I want to and you know that. its the sensibility that you like in me that is making me think twice. But I so dont want to think!!! Urgh!

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i know you'd check this thread and that you'd be able to read this.

you see, i've been longing for your undivided attention for a couple of days now.

i really don't know why you can't see that... despite the fact that you say you're soooo sensitive.


i always look forward to the long talks over the phone... be it in the office or at home...

time spent drinking and bonding at nights... you know, getting drunk and fooling around.


*sigh* i want a million hugs and kisses... and i want them real soon.. :(


i miss you. :cry:

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You got it coming, didn't you? You deserve what happened to you because you're such a possessive and controlling jerk anyway! You simply left her with no choice.


BTW, don't bother to let us in on your activities. We don't care. Continue doing what you're doing to your heart's delight and I'm sure it will bring you your ultimate demise.



Edited by willow_boy
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the sins of my past haunt me to this day. will i ever experience forgiveness for this transgressions? i learned my lesson from it and am trying to move forward slowly but somehow it keeps pulling me back down.

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Whatever it is that's getting you hot and bothered ... dont pin them on me or use me as the object of your angst.


You're lucky with how things have worked out for you.


Not all are as lucky or fortunate.


Sometimes you need to step back a bit ... maybe put yourself in the other person's shoes.


You're affected TOO much ... sometimes it's not even necessary.


Be cool!

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i am afraid to tell you that you're an imbecile. things will never get done because your mouth moves faster than your brain can digest. you seem to forget that you had to climb rung after rung to get to where you are. i suggest you learn to look down from time to time and maybe help who can be helped to move closer to your lofty position. seem to have a lot of air up there. probably getting to your head?


i laugh inwardly everytime i have to face you. i took on this role only because it got my foot in the door. i fully intend to use this opportunity for my own gains. five years from now, you will try your best to make me forget these past few days. and i will finally be able to laugh loudly. and, fingers crossed, in your face.


in the meantime, i have to suffer silently... albeit, amusedly. that little episode today made my blood boil but proved only too clearly what a stupid man you really are.




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just as i've predicted a few nights back, it will change path and head towards you. :lol: :lol: :lol: but thank God there wasn't any lightning in that one. :lol: no light, no batteries, no nothing... my guess is it was really meant to keep you still and give you time to listen to yourself. :goatee:


enjoy the quiet evening. :P

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Thanks for honoring me with your "favorite uncle" piece at last night. It just made me uneasy a bit because you overrate me & I don't deserve it. Moreover, sorry if your Mom & Grandma make comparisons between you & me. You don't deserve that because you are a much much better man than I. My hope is that I have contributed to your work-in-process as a butterfly's wings flapping mathematically contributes to the stirring of a hurricane.


Blimey, though I got a kick out of being mistaken for your classmate, why did the party have to last til 3am?!


Happy graduation!

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sayang...your proposal came too late....had you asked me a few months back...i wonder how i would have answered you?

Yeah...you know...it's my dream....but now...not anymore...not with you. Too sad...how we waste and throw away love...only to find ourselves wanting it back again...dying to have it all back again...but it just doesn't work that way....atleast not for me.

You don't miss your water til the well runs dry.....I'm sorry. You should have realized how much you love me...when I was still willing to work things out. Cause now I'm gone...and I'm never coming back ...It's over when I say it's over. All those tears have washed away everything that i used to feel for you....there's just nothing left here for you anymore. I sincerely hope you find Happiness again.... -_- I'm so sorry.

Edited by iwalkalone
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"Grief is the agony of an instant; the indulgence of grief the blunder of a life". - Benjamin Disraeli


With you, it's the same things over and over. You're going down a slippery slope. For your sake and before you destroy yourself (not that you haven't started), you seriously need to see a pyschiatrist.

Edited by willow_boy
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Now that this period has ended and things are back to the way they were, i’m half ambivalent and half mortified, and mostly I’d just like to think of something else. This is the way the relationship ends. Certainly not with a bang. I’d hoped it’d be more poetic. The tears are mostly melodramatic and I should rejoice the opportunity to end a few months terrorism of my emotions.

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My feelings toward you are ambivalent. On the one hand I hate you with a passion that I normally reserve for stupid inanimate objects, and on the other hand I feel pity for you, the same way I take pity on stupid inanimate objects that are hateful for just being there. But you do not have the luxury of being animate. So I declare total unrestricted warfare on you till the day I die. Forgiveness will just have to wait if there is a life after this. I cannot imagine how a human being could be so venomous and heartless. But wait, you are no human being. You are a wannabe beelzebub without the power, without the means, and without reason for existence except to live out the rest of its life as an example of what a twisted sick and malevolent caricature of a man a person can ever stoop to. Thank God you were not blessed with any redeeming physical attributes. Your lack of hygiene simply reflects the festering rot that somehow circulates through your veins. Whatever reasons you have to go after me personally, why must you attack other innocent people to do it? Cowardice or stupidity or both? Most likely both. At least a terrorist has his idealism. You just want to be noticed. Well, my friend, let us see who outlasts who. I can live without this board, I have a life where I am happy. But you can't. You even have to behave using your current handle, and I would just love to give you an excuse to attack me. But you won't. You're afraid of me. You're afraid of losing that account that you seem to treasure too much. Well those restrictions don't apply to me mister. Let's see how devious you can get. Oh by the way, I have friends here too. Not that I will rely on them. I would rather do this alone, but having friends who alert me about your latest mental diarrheas are such a big help. Go on and do your worst. It is only a matter of time before you get tripped. And you will sooner or later. Don't expect mercy, none will be given. I hate to say this, but I really do pity you. Now do your worst.

Edited by Dr_PepPeR
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Last night before went to bed. Thoughts of you filled my head. I have not cried this way in many of years. Onto my pillow fell six silent tears. The first was for your smile that I miss. And your tender lips I long to kiss. The second was for your gentle face. And thoughts of your loving embrace. The third came as no suprise, As I thought of your beautiful eyes. The fourth came rolling down my face. Instead of my pillow, it should be you in it's place. The fifth came for one reason alone. I felt my love for you wasn't fully shown. I really love and miss you my baby :( And there just fell...the sixth silent tear

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So if I choose to forget you

It' not as if it's easy for me to do

It's coz I feel you've forgotten me


If I choose to stay away

It's not as if i never wanted to stay

It's coz I feel you don't need me


So if you can't find me no more

It's not as if I planned this before

It's coz i feel you don't seem to notice me


If I say I shouldn't have met you

It's not as if you didn't bring me to life

It's coz i feel you're taking it back from me


So if I'm gone and be nowhere around

It's not as if I won't be crying the whole time

It's coz I know I will be crying for a lifetime


Because you have lost me...

and I have lost you...


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damn financial review! can't you just ask me how much money i have in the bank? isn't that what's important? you got businesses that register skyrocket revenues but got zilch positive in the bank.


and you haven't answered my question as to how we can give a good picture of our performance versus budget, versus last quarter, versus year ago when you've just introduced this revenue recognition scheme at mid-stream.


give the president your answer. i am not going to explain in your behalf!


damn f.a.'s and cfo's!

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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I'm thinking about you,

a little more each day.

Holding on a little tighter,

to all the words you say.



Every day I miss you,

more than the day before.

Our time together I love;

and I'm wanting even more.



I used to dream of you,

as I lay in bed each night.

Now you are my dreams,

even through the daylight.



I felt a flutter in my heart,

whenever I saw you online.

Today my heart is glowing;

filled with a brilliant shine.



I was shy to tell everything,

which I was feeling inside.

Now I feel so free to share,

with nothing I want to hide.



I thought you were special,

from the moment we met.

And each day a little further,

into my heart you would get.



I could always feel a bond,

everytime our hearts shared.

When our souls bonded also,

I realized how much I cared.



I find my heart needing yours;

cherishing all that you do.

Now, I'm not scared to admit,

I am falling in love with you

Edited by LoveSpell
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