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hunghang! sa dami ng idea sa isip mo, indi makahabol bibig mo...yan tuloy, parang walang sense ka kausap, hehehe...lintek, example sabi mo kanina, bago tayo maguwian game na! pack-up na tayo, wow pare, an labo mo! tapos nag tataka ka kun bakit ka pinagtatawanan....hunghang ka talaga...magisip bago magsalita, OK?


pareng paengot

Edited by smaug
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Dear Ikaw


JUST DO IT INDAY! :thumbsupsmiley:


Don't be like that song of Dianne's (ya know, para kang sirang plaka chuva). Promise, you won't regret it.


Stone stone in heaven, don't be galit if you get hit. :lol:


lovingly yours,


Cooking Ng Ina Mo. :hypocritesmiley:


p.s. oh another thing... wax darling, wax.

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Heartache's and desire passion

Have no fear of dark pathways in the dreams,

in the mine and in the soul.

Fly so far away,

to a place where your wild dreams come true with lust, passion, no care,

no love, no sin, no worry, no fear

To wonder, no one around Quiet,

lonely as two hide from human source.

Passion and lust take over thier souls and mind.

Oh be the highest,

Be the lust longing for...

Crazy as the wind,

Crazy can be in the soul.

Life with confussion and wondering thoughts floating about in the mind...

Oh such imagination in the mind,

Imagination in the soul,

but then ~

Is it, or is it not,<br> I ask...


May it be, only time knows

...Only they


Edited by Apollo
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What does "special" mean? When you say I'm special, why does it seem that I am as special as the next special one on your list? You want me to think I matter to you than the others? You don't have to. I'm happy to be your #27 or #132, it doesn't matter. Just so I am on that list. So if you choose to prioritize him, and bump me off for the night, I will simply think that his card is higher than mine. I won't expect that if I say I'm going at this certain time, you will make sure that you are free and not simply accept the next regular or special person that asks for you. So don't ever say I am special. Do not tell me I am SPECIAL until and unless you are ready to ACT as if I am special. Words are simply words. Simple to say I love you. Difficult to prove. So stop it. I will likewise erase you from my "special" list. Because after what you did, I just can't believe you anymore. I don't know if we will be able to go back to the way it was. You will have to prove that you mean what you say. Otherwise, everything you tell me will be considered as bola. You will have to prove yourself all over again. Something I think you will not do, nor are capable of. So that's it then. I have only one thing to say. Sayang.

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You make me smile just by making me feel you're always around. I know that may not seem like much to you, but it's everything to me. See, before you I never really smiled. Well, I smiled, but my smile was not real. I smiled because everyone else was smiling....I smiled because I had to. But since you came in my life my smile is more meaningful. I smile just from the thought of you....http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/mini_icons/mini_icon_63.gif

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i'm sure you'll read this. so far, it seems that you have taken note of every single post i've made, especially those with attached pictures.


i'll play your game. i'll feed your curiosity.


now let's see who's playing on who.




don't you realize it dude/dudette? i'm legendary!

Edited by chipmaker
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You surprised me! You're not afraid of letting them know? I'm flattered beyond words. Had to PM you right away, left a few things on your YM, everything except send you a text message. I think I texted you enough yesterday. I feel so much better now and all because you posted that little hello on the board. Thanks, I wasn't wrong about you, and I meant everything, EVERYTHING I said and texted to you. Love you po!

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You set it ALL up.


I didnt know things would turn out that way.


Of ALL things, you even DENIED it to my face!


You knew how I felt about that kind of arrangement ... yet, you still made it happen.


To think I thought well of you ... decent, kind, generous.




When will I learn?


Yes, you can AFFORD ... but you CANT and WILL NOT buy me, through your sheep's clothes while you hide under there as a SHREWD wolf.

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Am happy for your opportunity in Cambodia.


Shame we didnt get to MEAT up before you were scheduled to leave.


Hope you'd be safe and happy with your new surroundings and work.


You will always be special to me ...


Thank you for being good to me, a friend to lean on and have a shoulder to cry on during the lowest time in my life ... when we were.


Thank you for the nice, sweet and intimate moments we shared.


I love you ... then and still, as a friend (now).


I'm just here ... should you CUM back.





To honor your departure ...


Leaving On A Jet Plane


All my bags are packed

Im ready to go

Im standin here outside your door

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin

Its early morn

The taxis waitin

Hes blowin his horn

Already Im so lonesome

I could die


So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that youll wait for me

Hold me like youll never let me go

cause Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go


Theres so many times Ive let you down

So many times Ive played around

I tell you now, they dont mean a thing

Evry place I go, Ill think of you

Evry song I sing, Ill sing for you

When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring


So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that youll wait for me

Hold me like youll never let me go

cause Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go


Now the time has come to leave you

One more time

Let me kiss you

Then close your eyes

Ill be on my way

Dream about the days to come

When I wont have to leave alone

About the times, I wont have to say


Oh, kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that youll wait for me

Hold me like youll never let me go

cause Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go


But, Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go

Edited by barenaked
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You can't fool me. I think myself luckier than your girlfriend. I know your evil side she doesn't know. I've been to your secret garden which she refuses to acknowledge because you fool her to believe you are a perfect man and a good catch. Poor, poor girl. :cry:


:lol: :lol:


One more thing, I know what you did last summer... :boo: :lol: :evil:

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Dear J,


When word gets back to me that you want to say "hi" or "kamusta" or that you miss me, I take a step back. I wonder if I'm being too harsh. Maybe its true that you don't know how to express yourself. But then I remember what you did and your reason for it. And it makes me angry all over again. It's really easier to feel angry than to feel hurt. Much, much better. At least being angry doesn't make you feel insecure, know what I mean? Maybe in time the anger will burn itself out. It's happened before. By then I'm sure it will be too late for us. I have little faith that you will still feel the same way for me. And if you ever did, you would never know how to say or show it. Do you expect me just to understand all the time? I tried, for the first two times I did. But I can only take so much, I can only expose so much, I can only be hurt so much. You need someone much more mature and understanding than me and I sincerely hope you find him. I just have to deal with missing you. Anger is a good substitute. Take care.


Dear F,


I hope you mean what you say. Just to make sure, I will just consider everything as hyperbole, caused by the circumstance that you will be leaving in a while. I know you believe me but it will be proven only when you come back. If you do come back. Please do. I'll still be here waiting.

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General order number 11:


That was a good solid blow we landed; the insight into modularity was more than mere musings. Now we are ahead of schedule and the bastards are on the run.


And you will not rest, not when winning.


If you are tired, the other side is likely exhausted. If you are bruised and bleeding, the other side is most likely haemorhagging in the ICU. If you are limping, the other side is probably already crawling. While the other side is down and dizzy, now then is precisely the time to stomp on their noses, and with our thick leather steel-toe safety boots too. This is not the movies, were we wait for the other side to get up; in real fighting we must gang-up on them right now, precisely when they are down and weak. And we must jump up and down their faces, mouths, necks, ears, fingers, groins, jugulars; all the now-undefended soft-spots. This is exactly the moment we have been working for; now, you must let neither weariness nor success itself make you hesitate landing the final fatal blows.


Life is neither fair nor merciful to anyone, least of all for the losers.


It is not our task to be fair to the other side; it is our task simply to k*ll them all and finish our job. General Patton once demanded of his men gallons of sweat spent in maneuvering and chasing the other side no matter how tired they were, so as to save drops of their blood during the actual combat encounters that would happen if the other side was ever given a breather, and got up and fought. In the same manner I will ask of you even more sleepless nights whilst we add necessary details to this winning architecture and to smoothen off any snags and misfit corners, finish off the remaining stragglers and wounded whilst they are stunned and their wits are still down, and to finish and submit ahead of all other divisions so that they will be forced to re-work their their architecture to conform to ours. And not have our hard work be re-done to conform to theirs.


Life is hard for both winners and losers, and hardest of all for the clueless.


No rest for the weary, no sex for the successful (at least, not yet),




P.S. - I am near the breaking point. So are all of you. My fingers shake as I type this; we have had naught but little sleep, caffeine mornings, flying in and out and in and out again, sleeping on planes longer than in hotels. Numbers and math and science mixed with decades of combined experience and hard lessons; uncommon skills on display everyday.

I myself am running a fever, and two of our group are living on fever pills and paracetamol, and going to work day after day. We question ourselves, what for? But you all know the answer. We are doing the sort of work we do not do on the everyday, or maybe would never again. Thank you folks, thank you.


I am yours and you my friends would own me.


P.P.S. - You. Those who claim me, would never possess me. Those who don't, do.



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hey old man!


how many years has it been since you were young and innocent and respectful and human? yes, i heard. can you blame her for telling me, you schmuck!


was it not enough that you got her despite your decrepit state? a girl who must have lost her mind to even consider the likes of you to sit with her in a coffee shop, you nincompoop! yes, a nincompoop like those who populate anton chekhov's novels. you think you will pass for a d.h. lawrence, huh? duh!


you are not a king to encroach on one's territory just like that. and even kings don't just overstep borders with abandon. you are not free to impose your pathetic fantasies on someone who refuses to take part in them. hear that?!


you insulted her for deceiving her, making her feel all the more foolish. and you insulted her for bringing an elephant in the bedroom! fock tasteless desperate dickhead!


yes, i am ranting! so sue me!

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Thank you. For so many things. For the love that you showed me during our happier times. For standing by me when I needed you most. For caring. For making me feel pretty when I have always felt like such an ugly duckling. For the passion. For being someone I could lean on.


So much to be thankful for. And also so much to apologize for. For making you feel that you were not a priority, for being heedless and careless, for senseless words and petty fights. For losing sight of what was essential.


Which is not to say that I think I did nothing right in the time we were together. I loved. With abandon. With all my heart. I cared deeply. I forswore others.


The things you do and say now maim me. They have all but taken away my spirit. But ill hang on.


I still know in my heart ... As I know you do in yours.


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Shame that it's only recently we've had the chance to talk over the phone.


Yet, we've been chatting on/off since last year.


Only thing is ... you're leaving soon. :(


Oh, boy!


The MEN are flying away ... from me.


Hope we get THAT chance to MEAT up sometime ... to make up for all the occassions we did plan/hope to MEAT.


Talk to you again ... soon!



Edited by barenaked
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We didn't get to talk much today....i missed you so much...wanted to text you everytime you cross my mind ( which would be...umm...every split second! :wub: too bad this girl's got too much pride :( ). I'm anxious...could this mean something...not good? am i gonna lose you soon? I hope not... :cry: Oh please stay with me...I need you to stay with me...friend

:( http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/friends/friends_59.gif

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dear ___,


hay naku.


if you want to know something, just ask me directly. i'll give you a straight answer, whether or not you're ready for it. if you want to tell me something, just come right out and say it. i'm not a mind reader, you know.


this runaround is getting really old really fast. if you don't even have the guts to try, then i'm walking away. you should know me well enough by now to realize that once i lose interest, it stays lost. please don't come running to me after the fact just to ask me to come back. trust me, i won't.


the clock starts now.


- m.

Edited by pussycatdoll
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Mahal kong Empie,


Alam kong madalas tayong nagkakasama at marahil ay sawang sawa ka na sa akin... Mantakin mo ba naman pag kasama ko mga barkada ko kasama rin kita, pag-ako'y nag-iisa kasama rin kita. Minsan naipapagpalit pa kita kay RH.


Alam mo bang ikaw ang laman ng isip ko? Pag ako'y nag-iisa, pag-ako'y may kasama, pati na rin sa opisina! Mura kasi ang serbisyo mo... Sa sisenta y singko pesos ay solb na solb na ako sa'yo. Ipagpaumanhin mo nga lang kung may ka-partner ka pag ika'y aking kapiling. Alam mo naman na di kita ma-take pag wala sila, masyado kang matapang sa aking panlasa...


Salamat sa iyong pagkalinga at alam mo namang sadya kitang pinapahalagahan. Ninanamnam ko ang mga pagkakataong humahalik ka sa aking bibig, ang samyo ng iyong bango at ang init na dulot mo sa aking katawan. Nalalasing ako sa kaligayahang hatid mo sa akin.


Huwag ka sanang magbabago, pati na rin ang iyong presyo...








(Siyanga pala, wala akong pakialam kung ma-Lapad ka man o Long ang Neck mo...)

Edited by BlackWizard
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I really really really don't understand. Why make life complicated? Why not tell me or ask me? I've always tried to tell you, to show you what I feel, what I think, what I intend to do. Don't read between the lines too much because that simply isn't my style. I try to be transparent to everyone I consider close to me, and that includes you. yes YOU. I always take everything at face value. I hate to assujme things. But most of the time I'm forced to do so. Like writing this inane letter, which I'm sure you will assume to pertain to someone else and not you.


Just go ahead and take the risk. Being honest does make you vulnerable. So what? Take the goddam risk. If it does hurt you, it won't be forever. But at least you settled it, instead of letting the uncertainty gnaw at you most of the time.


And in case you're still wondering, I love you.

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