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The Mail Box

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This thread must be called the "rant box." :grr: :boo: Express yourself, fine. But once said is said. Enough already, OK?? I'm sure there are other things about your life that warrant attention. If you really have to say things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and again and again and again and again and again and again, use a different style and a different treatment. OKI? Am i complaining? Yes! Still I can opt not to read, but you are glaring at me. :evil: :thumbsdownsmiley:

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I don't know why I held on to long. The mere idea that you actually cared for me was enough to make me crazy for you for 4 long years. I didn't mind that I loved you for that long but your mere hi or hello or even just a smile made me hope every single day for a happy ending. Instead, I just became like an obsessed fan to you. Almost a stalker even with my incessant calls to your house. For that I am truly sorry. My selfish feelings right now of being hurt that you're actually happy with someone else doesn't make me worthy enough for you. I do not deserve you. With this, I say goodbye to you. You don't have to worry about me anymore as I really want you to be happy. Even if that means staying away from you, I will do it with all my heart. I am just really sorry that I've turned into this horrible person. You really deserve someone better. Goodbye.

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I remember the first day I saw you; the way you looked at me and the way my eyes shined. My eyes showed what my heart was feeling, but I was going through something, I was in the process of healing.


I remember the first time that we kissed: at that moment, I knew you were the one. I remember when you broke my heart. I remember when I cried and said, "I understand". When I was hurt you were still by my side where you said you would always stand.


The love shared between you and I will never change - only time and age. I know that we have a love that counts - a love that will experience many things from being tested and even questionable at times, but in the end there's no doubt, I know we have a love that counts.


Love always,

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I know you want me to move on, but I can't.


It still hurts too much but I couldn't tell you this when I replied to you.


I don't want to burden you more as telling me that, I think, is hard enough for you.


You never told me in the first place to keep on loving you this past few years but I did. And I don't regret ever falling for you.


Now that you actually told me to go on with my life without you, I don't know if it's even worth it at all...

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So you're finally gone...sorry i didn't care to talk...there was nothing left for me to say....and don't think I'm hurting coz i'm not...I've been actually wishing for this to happen...I sincerely hope this time it's for good.

Cold...yeah i guess that's all i'm feeling right now...sad...yes but not for us,....it's something more...still can't put in the right words. Loud and out of key...http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/love/love_155.gif

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you don't know how truly i am blessed in having you in my life, in your childhish candor, i see myself in you. thank god! i wasn't even desperately looking for someone, you came in gradually like the rain, so unexpected in this warm sunny day. Everything so positive in my life since you came, and god! i'd be stupid to let you go..so darn stupid! i can't wait to see you later..i'm cooking your favorite.. :heart: i love you very much

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thanks for being my backup when im on the dumps you pull me out when im down you lift me up when im weak you teach me how to be strong now i understand why im havin a smile is to concieve all my weakness and gives me a gift to inspire the unspired thanks

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this is so familiar..


i thought id never pass this thread again..


but hey..


i thought everythin was fine..


but wat is happening?


i cant understand..


why do u always leave me hangin in doubt?


id rather you tell it to me NOW..


than make me wait another 2 months..


is there sumthing that i did?


sumthing that i said?


are the things i told you not enough to prove how much i wanted to keep this thing we have?


do u still want me?


do u still want us?







Edited by viktoria
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all this was good while it lasted

but as in all good things

they must end.


there were many lessons learned along the way

lessons that will not be forgotten.

lessons that will be lived; not just learned.


there were tears cried

but alongside the tears

there was laughter too.


maybe in time

there will be laughter again.

i hope.


ill see where this road leads

ill limp along as best as i can

in time maybe ill be whole again.


in time.



the melted pink popsicle bids you all .... au'voir.




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dear you, my dearest, dearest you,


it was so good to see you again after all that time apart. two hours since i got home and i still can't stop smiling. i wish we could have had more time to talk, just the two of us, but i understand that you had to do your duty as the gracious host for the evening. still, it was enough that you spent most of the evening by my side though people were congratulating you left and right.


funny how some -- if not all -- the people we spoke to earlier this evening thought we were a couple. not surprising since we were being so sweet all night long. one of your staff members even went so far as to ask if i was your girlfriend, and i have to admit i was touched when you said "muntik na, muntik na talaga." you even scolded me when i tried to deny it. i had no choice but to agree.


after all these years, it's good to know that i wasn't the only one feeling the spark, that elusive undercurrent of something running through our so-called friendship. i'm somehow tempted to believe that there just might be another chance for us somewhere down the line. i'm tempted to believe that perhaps this time, our timing would be perfect, and things would fall into place. i guess we'll never know till we try, sweetie.


should we give this another chance? are you willing to take the plunge? are we ready to try, or is there too much time in between us? how i wish i had the answers to these questions.


let's just see, shall we? let's start with lunch and see where it goes. love or friendship, it's fine by me. after all, as sir jeremy irons once said, "love is friendship set on fire." let's see if we should still fan the flames, or simply allow the embers to smolder on forever.


with much love, as ever,

your m.

Edited by pussycatdoll
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Don't you think there a lot to be thankful for? - Is it really wrong to end a sentence with a preposition? You are empowered by your directness and disregard to norms. You are mocked as being unlikable by people who live in disney land and fairy tales. They who love and are unloved and still cry to be taken back by those who'd rather not have anything to do with them. Well, that's how it works in their secret garden world. My world is just right here. Am I so happy not to be one of them silly, cry babies!



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It's all about you,

Strange...i never felt the connection you were talking about. Cruel...how can your own soul deceive you? :( Who's to blame now? Is it your heart? Is it your mind? Is it your overtly active imagination? How can you let yourself fall for an illusion you created?...you must be smarter than that...i hope.


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Oh, oh, oh

For the longest time

Oh, oh, oh

For the longest time

If you said goodbye to me tonight

There would still be music left to write

What else could I do

I'm so inspired by you

That hasn't happened for the longest time


Once I thought my innocence was gone

Now I know that happiness goes on

That's where you found me

When you put your arms around me

I haven't been there for the longest time



Oh, oh, oh

For the longest time

Oh, oh, oh

For the longest

I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall

And the greatest miracle of all

Is how I need you

And how you needed me too

That hasn't happened for the longest time



Maybe this won't last very long

But you feel so right

And I could be wrong

Maybe I've been hoping too hard

But I've gone this far

And it's more than I hoped for



Who knows how much further we'll go on

Maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone

I'll take my chances

I forgot how nice romance is

I haven't been there for the longest time



I had second thoughts at the start

I said to myself

Hold on to your heart

Now I know the woman that you are

You're wonderful so far

And it's more than I hoped for



I don't care what consequence it brings

I have been a fool for lesser things

I want you so bad

I think you ought to know that

I intend to hold you for the longest time

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My dear friend,

I haven’t told you this,

I always guess that you know,

But you are a part of my existence,

Part of my reality

And heart.

I can carry on

And cover simple words

With complicated meanings,

But at the end

All I will say is

Thank you and

I love you..


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To each his Dulcinea

That he alone can name...

To each a secret hiding place

Where he can find the haunting face

To light his secret flame.

For with his Dulcinea Beside him so to stand,

A man can do quite anything,

Outfly the bird upon the wing,

Hold moonlight in his hand.

Yet if you build your life on dreams

It's prudent to recall,

A man with moonlight in his hand

Has nothing there at all.

There is no Dulcinea,

She's made of flame and air,

And yet how lovely life would seem

If ev'ry man could weave a dream

To keep him from despair.

To each his Dulcinea...

Though she's naught but flame and air!

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I love you...i really think I do...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I know you don't feel the same...and this is all gonna hurt me eventually :( Still...I need you...I don't know how or why...but you complete me in ways...i never thought possible :( I love you. :heart: ...I'm sorry...http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/love/love_61.gif I'll always cherish your friendship.....your friendship.... :cry:

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