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i love him i love him so much!! passion flared out . i was really aiming to snuggle and cuddle at the parking lot but he was so absolutely surprised at my reaction..he said that he can't and someone would catch us and i was focking desperate! i wanna scream at this face and tell him i was in desperate in wanting! wanting to...so badly!! god! to last me another week of utmost desperation...geeeeeeeeeeezus??!!!!!! what the hell am i doing??! i was focking desperate....sigh! if i have my time..i could if i would...ohhhhh the humanity....Bartender another martini please...for a girl with a f**kless life... :blink:

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You can't do anything but to accept what you are. What you have been brought up to be. You will always be the nice guy. I've told you time and again that you will never stay jaded. You could never be ruthless. Eventually, you will be back to what you were, to what you have always been, and to what you always will be. The choice was never up to you.



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heard it over that weather channel on cable tv...hmmm!


Do you know where you're goin to?(theme from Mahogany)

-Diana Ross


Do you know where you’re going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you

Where are you going to?

Do you know...?


Do you get

What you’re hoping for

When you look behind you

There’s no open door

What are you hoping for?

Do you know...?


Once we were standing still in time

Chasing the fantasies

That filled our minds

You knew how I loved you

But my spirit was free

Laughin’ at the questions

That you once asked of me


Do you know where you’re going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you

Where are you going to?

Do you know...?


Now looking back at all we’ve planned

We let so many dreams

Just slip through our hands

Why must we wait so long

Before we’ll see

How sad the answers

To those questions can be


Do you know where you’re going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you

Where are you going to?

Do you know...?


Do you get

What you’re hoping for

When you look behind you

There’s no open door

What are you hoping for?

Do you know...?


Edited by roxysnonie
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What exactly are you pissed off at, i was trying to send good thoughts to

others. It's called a basic human emotion and i can express myself anyway i

choose so if it's my spell or s**t that has pissed you f*** you and your

contraversial life style, i don't need to follow the beliefs and regulations

of others i am an individual! I think if you have an opinion give it don't

just whine oh you piss me off..... as if im supposed to know what pisses you

off. I am not psychic! why do people always think they know what ure on

about and asume if you say that something pisses them off that u should know

what they are whining about.

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Thank you for keeping an eye on my monster dog while i was busy with something. The black chocolate and martini did go together quite interestingly well. Thank you. Those jokes about typrewriters were a blast. kinda pointed at my own little stupidity and slow-wittedness.


Thank you for everything which i'm afraid i can't speak about just right here.






don't fall. don't fall. please...

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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call me cynical... but i have stopped believing in you.

i dont know when, how or why

it just happened.

gone are the days of daydreaming

of hoping

of wishing

on looking forward on what tomorrow will bring

for i know, when it comes to you, there isn't

you're nothing but a word

comforter of the weak

chocolate of diabetics

nothing but a silly "invention" of the mind...

i believe in you, no more.

call me cynic, call me mean

i dont care

for i dont care on what u will say anymore

u're just a f*ckng distorted word.

u're not real.

a heresy if i may say...

u r not real.

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To Kai,


:heart: i know ur just being urself. i luv you for making me smile. but pls, be discreet in your lambings. im proud of you for what you are now, dont let your guard down. you worked hard for that position. earn your colleagues respect. pa twitams no longer applies for you, atleast in public. :heart:

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think it's time to put pen to paper

Time to put finger to the key's

Maybe this time I can get out what I want to say

Maybe this time, I'll save the day

To be the hero you read about in storybooks

It's time for me to be your hero

If you would only let me

I swear I can be all you need

I can be everything you dreamed

Just give me one try and

i'll be everything you asked for.

So take my hand,

And we'll take this world by storm

One day at a time

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Dear Authentic A,


Thank you for putting some sense into my head last night. You are quite right, good men do come few and far between and it is crazy to let one slip away.


there are no assurances, just tons of risks. but i agree he could be, might be. and it is a million times worth a try.


it's amazing how we stumble on people like them. like magic. meeting them defies chance and destiny. they are those who make the unworthy ones forgivable, forgettable.


i owe you, lady.






you ought to have trusted your instinct. next time, remember what happened here.

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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Just saw the movie "The Incredibles" recently.


Growing up a TV and movie-buff, one of the startling realisations you get is that real life isn't as clear cut as the movies. You grow up expecting to see heroes and villains but instead find the world populated with spectators and bystanders. Then you look closer and actually find some of those heroes and villains you were looking for but in the guise of "ordinary" folks.


But we've all heard stories of regular joes going the extra mile to do some good and accomplish astonishing feats (e.g. raising a family, starting a business empire, writing a bestseller, starting a revolution, etc.). When you meet these superstars, you find that despite their larger-than-life rep*tations, they are actually just like you and me.


(Case in point: saw Juday recently on one movie date. Turns out, she watches movies too.)


What strikes you later as an adult is that the converse is also true: the bad villains you were looking for (the type you'd expect to commit the worst things) are just like you and me too. They don't look, talk, or walk any different. They read the same books, listen to the same music, and go to the same schools as you and I. Many of them are healthy, productive members of society--and subject to the same pains, pleasures, and feelings as any of us.


Killers, deceivers, violators, transgressors--all the dark side of human nature, are still very much human.


Most people would not be prepared to accept this fact. And in fact, many rebel against it so much, that they shut off and blindly condemn and condone. We refuse to look at a mirror and admit that we have seen the enemy, and it is us.


Then the jaded: what now separates the line between good and evil? How does one judge say, one who takes one life to save another, or for that matter, allows another to die rather than live an unbearable existence? Just two of many countless instances where our very own notion of morality breaks down.


Outside the movies, there are no good and evil in this world. There are only the human, the inhuman, and those who try their best to live the only way they know how.


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Just saw the movie "The Incredibles" recently.


Growing up a TV and movie-buff, one of the startling realisations you get is that real life isn't as clear cut as the movies. You grow up expecting to see heroes and villains but instead find the world populated with spectators and bystanders. Then you look closer and actually find some of those heroes and villains you were looking for but in the guise of "ordinary" folks.


But we've all heard stories of regular joes going the extra mile to do some good and accomplish astonishing feats (e.g. raising a family, starting a business empire, writing a bestseller, starting a revolution, etc.). When you meet these superstars, you find that despite their larger-than-life rep*tations, they are actually just like you and me.


(Case in point: saw Juday recently on one movie date. Turns out, she watches movies too.)


What strikes you later as an adult is that the converse is also true: the bad villains you were looking for (the type you'd expect to commit the worst things) are just like you and me too. They don't look, talk, or walk any different. They read the same books, listen to the same music, and go to the same schools as you and I. Many of them are healthy, productive members of society--and subject to the same pains, pleasures, and feelings as any of us.


Killers, deceivers, violators, transgressors--all the dark side of human nature, are still very much human.


Most people would not be prepared to accept this fact. And in fact, many rebel against it so much, that they shut off and blindly condemn and condone. We refuse to look at a mirror and admit that we have seen the enemy, and it is us.


Then the jaded: what now separates the line between good and evil? How does one judge say, one who takes one life to save another, or for that matter, allows another to die rather than live an unbearable existence? Just two of many countless instances where our very own notion of morality breaks down.


Outside the movies, there are no good and evil in this world. There are only the human, the inhuman, and those who try their best to live the only way they know how.



How very right you are.


"How many philosophers do you need to change a light bulb?"

answer: Three. One to change the light bulb and two to argue about it :)

The two arguing sides would be the human and inhuman, those who try to live their best get to change the light bulb, experience life as it really is :)

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I've been waiting for so long and finally, you're here! Your presence has removed all the anxiety of prolonged waiting and now, I take comfort in the miracle of life. You're a blessing, born with so much pride, so much promise, so much joy! Your tiny little feet which months ago would kick towards my voice, your perfect little hands, your beautiful mess of abundant hair, your eyes just like your father's. If you only knew how much joy you bring to your mom and dad, and to your grandparents who travelled a thousand miles to cradle their first grandchild in their arms. I will love you like you were my own. Rest assured, everyone in the family will nurture you and protect you in the same loving ways as we've been bestowed before. For now, sleep baby, sleep. The night is as glorious as the moment you were born.


Tita G

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Patton: ey love..ready?

Uchi: ah yeah..i guess sooo..been like what three days nonstop and come thanksgiving yeah i'm ready!!

Patton: Say you hardly had that look!! you've been thinking about that focking guy again?!!! all cock no bite love!!!! hahahaha! blast it love! codawfull!!!

Uchi: bluntly i found it most profound, patton..

Patton: what so profound??!

Uchi:ey..hmmm guys are getting more difficult to understand..i have no clue and i thought we are difficult!

Patton: aaaah..i thought you'd be telling me the time when you want to wring her neck..you know that gal who snaked him sneakily,charmed all the way to your bloke? yeah how was it...ooh yeah ..drown her and make sure she's blue all over..

Uchi: yeah (chuckles) i wonder..if i get to meet her..would i start wringing her neck or broke her nose?...

Patton : i don't know..just quit thinking about it..when you get back here thats the time you'd forget about even doing it..besides let someone do the dirty work!! God!

Uchi: i was only playing patton..or at least i think i was....


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