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The Mail Box

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time to let you go sweetie

cant give you what you deserve

its a dead end for you and me since am leaving

and i dont believe in LDR's

am not worried for you since the moment people know

without a doubt, the countless offers will come

as if theyre arent that many already


but admittedly, am worried for me

ill see you out in makati

and if i dont, am sure

ill see you on TV and mags

and will always have to remember

the fate that life gave me

oh well


life goes on

this too shall pass


wish you all the best dear

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hey you!


your question last week hit me like a road truck coming at me out of nowhere. i never felt insulted in my entire life. do you really think i am that sort of person?! i'm keeping count, you know, and that definitely is one point against you. please don't think that everything is still okay after this. nothing has ever been okay in the first place.



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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

fear nothing

for my love will be more than enough to protect you.


take my hand

that you may never be afraid of growing old for i will be with you.


seize my soul

cuz i surrender to you my all.


think of nothing

but of the happiness, the bliss, the warmth, the passion and the love that burns within us.


fear not

because i will always be beside you.

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from the email of deciever in our kamanava yahoo groups.






(Notes from a talk by Mike George)


1. Be quiet. Shut off. The source of peace is our own consciousness.

It's called the soul, or spirit. It's also what we truly are. As spirit,our original quality is peace. And so it is an inner crime to disturb your own peace. Peace is our truest power, emerging in us only the mostbeautiful and positive thoughts. We only lose connection with the true self and its qualities because we have believed in false images of ourselves for so long (i.e. ego, anger, vices). Our true work is to remeber who we truly are and reconnect with that peace as often as we can through the day. Spend some quiet time in between work and activity. Even at work, stay centered in your power. Stay in your peace.


2. Let go. Don't hold on to anything. Everything in our life comes

to go. Everything comes and then moves on. If we cannot release, we cannot receive anything new. Change is the most essential law of life. Learn to detach and allow change to happen.


3. Let be. Accept. Be content. Contentment means understanding that

whatever I am doing right now is exactly what I am meant to do.

Where I am right now is exactly where I am meant to be. Don't waste your time interfering, commenting or living other people's lives for them. Live your own life. You cannot control others but you can influence a situation.

This habit makes you more creative and responsive, and stops you from

merely reacting.


4. Listen in. Stop seeking other people's approval. Go deep into the

self Listen to your intuition, your inner wisdom, the inner teacher.


5. Wake up. Eighty percent of our life is lived by habit. Write your

habits and strike out those that you don't want. Create the image of

your new positive habit and visualize yourself expressing it. For example, if you want to develop the habit of patience, imagine yourself waiting patiently at home or in the office. To "wake up" means to consciously choose our behavior and deliberately create our highest and best personality.


6. Know yourself. Happiness is a decision, not a dependency. Do not

depend on external things (i.e. other people, material things,

(position)for your selse of self-respect and happiness. Youy are happiness. You are a source of happiness. It is not anything outside of you. People search for love, peace and happiness in external, material and transitory things and relations. But we already have inside us the qualities that we seek.What keeps is away from them are false beliefs about the nature of yourself.

The great spiritual leaders, from the Buddha to Jesus to Mohammad, all

had one message: Know thy true self.


7. Pass on. Give the gifts of your realization to others. Empower

and give life and energy to things that are valuable to you. Share them

with others. We are like rivers. Our highest purpose is to nourish creation indiscriminately. Our highest purpose in life is to nourish our fellow travellers in the path. Share with others the gift of wisdom.




1. We can possess something. The truth is, whatever I have is just

for me to use and not to own. I am only a trustee of this idea, this house, this body, or this relationship. Fear of losing someone or something is what kills the world today and has made us vulnerable to so many diseases.But I cannot really own anything. A Buddhist truism goes: If you die before you die, then you won't die when you die. It is easy to let go when you are detached from the external, material things. Real death is to die form the illusion that I can possess anything, be it people, relationships or objects. Real death is to die from selfishness.


2. The Beauty myth. The myth of our society says that beauty can be

attained by consuming something. It also says that the greates

beauty is physical. We see women's and men's magazines showing "beautiful" bodies, hinting that you can be like this too if you buy this or wear that.The truth is, real beauty is internal. Inner beauty does not fade the way material things wear out with time and age. Beauty is being filled with the inner light of virtues. True beauty is spritual. It comes from one who is filled with that inner light of awareness of one's true worth and value as an individual. One thing that we all have in common is that we are each unique. I am a unique soul. No one in the world can ever be exactly like me. I am precious. I am one in a million.

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Here I go... I've never done this with anyone before... at least not for someone I don't really know that well...


Maybe it's because of circumstance, but I've never really had to work that hard to meet people before...


But remembering they way I felt in the brief time we spent together last week... stirs something in my gut that tells me that I have to get to know you better, I have to find out if something can come out of this attraction I have for you...


I've only known you for five days...


But I'm going to ask you out...



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Guest cool_k@reem



i tried reaching you

unfortunately i didnt get any reply from you

what seems to be the problem?

is I the cause of your problem?

again..I apologise for what ever I have done

to hurt you :(

missing you



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