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The Mail Box

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what's happening? it used to be pure fun here, but i can't say the same anymore

misunderstandings and hurt feelings, everything is taken personally nowadays

everyone seems to criticize anything and everything about everyone else

one bites then the other bites back then others join the biting session


but then again, everyone has his or her own free will

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thanks for the revelations. i realize that it could have been a waste of my precious time, but then again, i think that it helped me know you a little better. all those nonsense paid off in the end. i'm glad it's over (at least, for me). that's all it ever was -- nonsense!!!


i wish you well though.



Edited by mayella76
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it's been a while now.... and i really thought i was finally over you...


it's been exactly one year since we first met... and up to now, you still have a significant impact on me...


I truly miss you a lot, but... as you said... we have to do what we have to do...


everything changes... but nothing is every truly lost


take care... i miss you....

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It's been six months since you left me. In a month's time, I will pay respect to your remains. You, my love, my soulmate, who has been reduced to ashes. After all this time, I will finally come to you. It still pains me that we will be reunited in such a circumstance. Nevertheless the thought that you're in a happy place now comforts me. A person as good and as caring as you deserves nothing less than heaven.

You may be gone, but never you will be forgotten. I love you.



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I heard you're working nearby... saw you online in YM... wondered if we're friends again... wondered if you're happy... wondered if you're doing well...


Sometimes, I also wonder... should I have not said that goodbye...


Then again, I really didn't think I can handle another year of tears and crossing my fingers... hoping you'd be the man I know you can be...


I loved you then... in my own may, I still love you now... you've carved your part in my heart, so I guess you'd have a niche there forever...


So... just take care... and yes, sometimes, I really miss you...


Especially when the full moon is out... and the night sky is all lit up...



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my angel, my love and my soul ,you are the only reason that's why im still here. I know that life will hold many triumphs and trials for you. I want to be there to share in your joys and to be your shoulder when you need to cry. I will protect you from all the evils of this world.


I love you more than life itself and I would give my life for you . Please know that you are and will always be the light of my life. You made my life complete.



i love you



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Funny. I feel like Galadriel, at that time she tried to take the One Ring from Frodo.

I was tempted out of my wits. Still, as hard as it is, I passed the test. We both did.

It was great seeing you again. It has been more than a year, hasn't it? I've always missed you, but I was never aware just how intense that feeling was until I found myself with you again. You make me happy, and I thank you for that. Your presence means so much to me.

As always, "goodbye" never passed our lips when we parted. I don't think we ever will say goodbye.

A mere thirty minutes, and I'm already missing you.




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At the crucial moments, when the big decisions are made, the huge losses are suffered, or the big victories are won, we are often alone; no friends or family around as we cry or cheer or shake in indecision. This is an irony of life; you can never entirely predict when fate ambushes you, thus, you often face it bereft of suitable company.


Yet I was not always alone in those moments.


I hear your voice again, that quiet, cool counsel, telling me that this is why I have spent so much time in training; so that I can move in quick confident steps. This why I have been made very aware of the weaknesses and shortcomings afflict so many people, so that I will learn to always have a plan B to carry the day.


I hear your voice again, low, husky, whispering in my ear as you go on tiptoes, that precise english diction perfectly clear to my gun-shot hearing. You were always a part of me during the big turning points, my lady. I wonder if you ever knew it?


You may have left me to pursue your destiny. But during many of my crucial lonely battles, I realised that, in spirit, you never really went away. I pray that in the same manner, a part of me still serves you, whispering in your ears the words of hidden black magic that will give you understanding and strength over the dark forces, to command them even.


And I pray that, in truth, all partings are but temporary.


-Felix Villaflor IV

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