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On 5/11/2022 at 8:34 PM, deadtired said:

Does that mean...

..(the majority) voted these, so we shouldn't complain about how things will unfold? Or

...these are the people we put in positions so we should know what to expect?

I think as long as you voted, you are entitled to your piece, regardless who you voted for.

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Well we have the marcos, revilla's, estrada, and arroyo in power so what can go wrong? If this is the change that people wants then so be it. But if people can stay off from social media and give time reading leaked docs from panama, they would find some familiar names are hiding their wealth outside the country and not declaring it on their SALN.....in my opinion the only way for progress is transparency in gov't, something that most of filipino's set aside in favor of what we perceived to be the truth as told in social media posts...... Stay safe everyone. 

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Regarding Roberto Tiglao as a 'respectable source' : a short look into the articles he has written not only does he have a bias, there is a reason why he only writes under the 'opinion' section of manila times.

Haven't looked at other sources you mentioned. 

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