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cut back on everything you drink. just drink water. nothing but water (about a gallon a day). you can save about 500 empty calories per day by doing this.


fruit fasting works. just eat nothing but fruits for a few days (once a week).


eat like a caveman. never touch any of that refined white crap, those artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. eat your food as raw and as unprocessed as possible. eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.


just ask yourself, "how bad do you want it?" life is too short to be average.

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Good tool in dieting, right attitude..


Well I guess for me, if you're really a hardcore eater, don't just think and decide today that tomorrow I'll be eating veggies and no rice and I'll eat steamed fish and chicken breasts. I would drink no iced tea, softdrinks, smoothies and no ice cream or cake for dessert.


That would be suicide, and in a few days, you'll realize that you're really punishing yourself and struggling too much and you'll go back in your old habit of crashing.


Do dieting in a transition, taking away as little as possible week after week. You could say, next week, "I'll just eat 1 cup of rice instead of 1 and a half" or next week, instead of ordering blizzard from dairy queen, you could order the smaller cone sundae instead. Do that week after week and replace unhealthy food with healthy ones, cut serving size by 20%, do any method that suits you and be creative. By this technique, you wouldn't struggle as much from hunger pangs or guilt food trips. I did this and the transition stage took like 3 months. I am regularly losing weight and what I like best is that I don't struggle. I eat less now but I do it like it's a normal thing.


Hope this helps

Edited by JesusFreak!
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as one very well informed poster said, it is more of genetic factors rather than environmental. I enjoy food and i enjoy cooking them. somebody will always say that something is carcinogenic but it takes a lot to mutate our cells. enjoy variety and you won't be taking a lot.

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