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Falling For A Therapist - Merged Thread

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Ckyfny, Cinnamon, Big Joe and everyone who reads this thread. I just back read a little so I wanted to share my story which happened around 7 years ago. During my single days I used to go to a lot of MPs and clubs to a point it became a part of my life aside from my work. I had my fair share of relationships and break-ups with MPAs and GROs. Maybe more of me separating myself because I always thought that a relationship would never materialize into a normal one, also I always thought that I would just marry my long time girlfriend and we would supposedly live happily ever after… Apparently NOT!!!!


After I got married, I was of course back to “normal routine”…Ok… roughly three months after… I was invited by my cousin to pick up his “girlfriend”. Of course being the good cousin that he is he would never leave me high and dry. This was around 2 in the morning, so being married at that time I had to hurry back home because it was late. His “gf” said that we needed to pick up one of her friends. So we went to their apartment and waited in the car. It took her friend around 30 minutes to go down!! I was late and she took so long!!! When she finally came down and approached the car I turned on the lights inside the car so they could talk. All I saw were her long black wet hair. WOW!!! She looked very pretty (of course in my eyes…) but it was late so I told my cousin’s “gf” to invite her out nalang on the following Saturday.


When Saturday arrived my cousin and I booked hotel rooms so we could both be “happy” and have a good time. When we were able to separate both friends from each other we each went to our own rooms. I tried to play it cool even if it was our first time so we both sat on the bed and we talked then I started to kiss her. Luckily she retaliated too but when it came to the “deed” she said that she did not want to and that she did not do that… WHOA!!! BLUE BALLS!!! She was not angry after but we just then cuddled and talked after which she forced me to drive her back to…Work?!?. That was the only time I knew that she worked in a club. I could not put two and two together… Meaning she works in a “club” and she said “no”. IMPOSSIBLE!!!… I said to myself that I would make her fall in love so bad she would “MAKE LOVE” to me… HAHAHA yabang ko… To make a long story short after all the courting (flowers, dinners, movies, small gifts and being concerned with her) I finally was able to make love with her but it was the other way around I fell in love with her… I fell sooooo hard it hurt sooooo much but it felt sooooo good. Even up to today that I am writing this I can feel that love. She pushed me away because she knew I was married… She pushed me away because she knew that we could not be together… She pushed me away because from what she knew of my background at that time WE could never work. Most of my best friends knew of US…some supported me but most never agreed. I then started living with a time bomb in my heart. I wanted to tell the world of this person I love so much but I couldn’t. After three months of loving her I wanted to get caught “so bad” so I could bring my relationship out into the open. I decided in my heart that she was the one that I loved. I reflected on everything before I made my decision and made sure it was not infatuation or “insextuatuon”. I made sure I did not need to support anyone but the both of us because in case I would go against the world I could take care of US. In December of that year I left my wife of 6 months, I said I needed time to think, she gave me my time but was suspicious already. The following year January I got caught and by February I was separated with my wife and by March 1 I was living in with my “one true love”. It was very difficult because everyone in my family was angry at me. Most of my friends stayed away from me. It was a big scandal in our family. I haven’t talked to my mother since then and have only been in contact with one of my siblings since. I left everything, I left the good life, I left the money I earned, I left my cars, I left our home, I left our businesses but I was convinced I loved this person so much I would get back on my feet and show everyone that I made the right decision. I had a helping hand though in all the rough times. The person I turned my back on in my teen years is the person who helped me get back on my feet, my father. Incidentally, that was the year of the “blue moon” and as the myth goes those who are out to see the “blue moon” and are together on that day or I mean that night shall stay together for life. It has been 7 years since that time and we were blessed with our first “love” child after living together for about 2 years and again blessed with our second child on our 5th year together. Today we are living happy together, I am annulled already, We are a regular couple who love each other, we are just like any other couple who have their ups and downs; hopefully more ups than downs. We have a happy family with my dad. We plan for our future like every family and in all those plans we hope to stay together “till death do us part” even if we haven’t exchange our vows yet.


In my opinion, each story has its different deciding factors. For me bottom line was to trust the person I loved and was going to live with. No thinking of the past, no looking back and stand on what you have decided. Calculated risks must be involved in all your decisions but most important is that you LOVE each other 100%, if there is a shadow of any doubt then you must re-evaluate your relationship. I’m not saying we were perfect but maybe we were just both lucky.

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Ck: Just wanted to share some of the things I have gone through:


This is one damn roller coaster ride I'm going thru---Yup, at the start before you are able to set both of your lives straight it will really be difficult (I wanted to say hard but having it hard on a roller coaster ride might sound different...hahaha). I went through the same situation. I think ACCEPTANCE is key... once you accept her background, where she worked and her past then everything will be better. Accepting that you love her for who she is and what other people may say will make the roller coaster seem like riding a Benz through a rough road.


This will be one helluva f*cking life I'll be living if things do turn out this way (if only the world aint that judgmental)---The world is not judgemental... Its all in your mind... If you think the world will be judgemental then it will be. Be HONEST to yourself that you will and may be attacked because of your decision. Be open about your relationship if other people ask. Tell them that in your heart you know there is no wrong in what you are doing. If you TRULY believe that there is no wrong in your actions, f*ck what everyone says. You or "We" have only one life. We must do what makes us happy and not what will make others happy. Just make sure we do not step on other peoples toes. Believe me when I say I have heard people talk s@%t bout what I did... I look around and say I have a great life and I am with the person I really love... They can kiss my ass... hehehe


The funny thing with this life is that even though youre so happy with what's happening, its hard to share it with everyone. (As much as you would want to share your happiness with the people close to you, somehow this simple rule just doesnt apply to us)--- at the start, SHARING to others our happiness will be easy but for them to accept us will be more difficult. Don't be afraid to share if you know that you are not hurting anyone else. Love is universal. I have never kept my story a secret. I have told everyone and everything about my relationship. {Read my last three sentences in the last paragraph.}


The norm of our society. --- a lot has changed already, its 2007... people are more understanding... ata...hahaha


But please dont crap us too much. --- They wont if you don't let them or if you don't give them the reason to. Keep your head up. Its our life not theirs. As long as you are happy...


And if we do fall, we will be the first to admit our mistakes.--- Whats wrong with falling in love. Its one of the greatest feelings in the world. Its one of the greatest gifts of God. Its not perfect cause no one is. Its not a mistake... Its not a sin... It sould read.. "And if we do fall, we will the first to admit that it feels so good to be in love and it make us feel so alive"

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Sir, dont get me wrong regarding my story. I really love this girl. Im just afraid to cross the next line and the point of no return. I need some stong advice on what to do on my side and what to do about her.




Dude lockoff8, my reply was for "ckyfny". Sori pare. I'll re-read ur post and try to reply. Thanks.

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It never ends! Love is the most amazing thing that will ever happen to us. I had my share of falling in-love with those kinds of women I dont know why there is so much taboo in their line of work but some women here are really intresting I know some MP who is really really smart always top of her class but stopped studying after highschool because of a really bad faith his father died in an heart attack knowing that the father of his is the only one who is working, financial problems blah blah so what did she do? guess what worked as an MP in a known massage parlor what a waste isn't it?

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happened to me twice.. both actually didnt turn out well... so my take on this is theres nothing wrong falling in love wd a gro/prosti/stripper whatever u may call it.. they are like the usual work-at-day girls except that its going to be tough for both of u.. first, u will have to accept her past and even some of her current ways.. second is they are quite used to that kind of work and later on when trouble comes.. they will gravitate back to what they used to do and u will regret it u got involved in that.. and plus, you cant bring her home to ur mom and says she works at nite..(and its not in call centers).. peace.

Edited by gerrysart
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happened to me twice.. both actually didnt turn out well... so my take on this is theres nothing wrong falling in love wd a gro/prosti/stripper whatever u may call it.. they are like the usual work-at-day girls except that its going to be tough for both of u.. first, u will have to accept her past and even some of her current ways.. second is they are quite used to that kind of work and later on when trouble comes.. they will gravitate back to what they used to do and u will regret it u got involved in that.. and plus, you cant bring her home to ur mom and says she works at nite..(and its not in call centers).. peace.


and i agree...nothing wrong with falling for them, had i been a guy. I don't see a reason why I, or anybody for that matter, should look down on them. Their profession doesn't make them any dirtier than me, nor mine should make myself cleaner than them....it's just that, they have their own way of earning.....yun nga lang, the aforementioned disadvantages would make a guy think twice... :blush:

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Ckyfny, Cinnamon, Big Joe and everyone who reads this thread. I just back read a little so I wanted to share my story which happened around 7 years ago. During my single days I used to go to a lot of MPs and clubs to a point it became a part of my life aside from my work. I had my fair share of relationships and break-ups with MPAs and GROs. Maybe more of me separating myself because I always thought that a relationship would never materialize into a normal one, also I always thought that I would just marry my long time girlfriend and we would supposedly live happily ever after… Apparently NOT!!!! .....



I have a question sir. How did you know she was the one for you? How were you able to be so sure, and how were you able to tell that she was not just using you to improve her situation? Ive been through similar but I always had doubts...I guess that's why it never worked for me.

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If you fall in love with someone who works as an MP, GRO and the likes, you must be sure that you are really in love with her and not just because she has caught your senses. Along this line, be not being ashamed of her but be proud of her and not force her to change jobs. Remember give them the love the way you will love a queen or a princess. They deserve love not just hand outs.

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Ckyfny, Cinnamon, Big Joe and everyone who reads this thread. I just back read a little so I wanted to share my story which happened around 7 years ago. During my single days I used to go to a lot of MPs and clubs to a point it became a part of my life aside from my work. I had my fair share of relationships and break-ups with MPAs and GROs. Maybe more of me separating myself because I always thought that a relationship would never materialize into a normal one, also I always thought that I would just marry my long time girlfriend and we would supposedly live happily ever after… Apparently NOT!!!!


After I got married, I was of course back to “normal routine”…Ok… roughly three months after… I was invited by my cousin to pick up his “girlfriend”. Of course being the good cousin that he is he would never leave me high and dry. This was around 2 in the morning, so being married at that time I had to hurry back home because it was late. His “gf” said that we needed to pick up one of her friends. So we went to their apartment and waited in the car. It took her friend around 30 minutes to go down!! I was late and she took so long!!! When she finally came down and approached the car I turned on the lights inside the car so they could talk. All I saw were her long black wet hair. WOW!!! She looked very pretty (of course in my eyes…) but it was late so I told my cousin’s “gf” to invite her out nalang on the following Saturday.


When Saturday arrived my cousin and I booked hotel rooms so we could both be “happy” and have a good time. When we were able to separate both friends from each other we each went to our own rooms. I tried to play it cool even if it was our first time so we both sat on the bed and we talked then I started to kiss her. Luckily she retaliated too but when it came to the “deed” she said that she did not want to and that she did not do that… WHOA!!! BLUE BALLS!!! She was not angry after but we just then cuddled and talked after which she forced me to drive her back to…Work?!?. That was the only time I knew that she worked in a club. I could not put two and two together… Meaning she works in a “club” and she said “no”. IMPOSSIBLE!!!… I said to myself that I would make her fall in love so bad she would “MAKE LOVE” to me… HAHAHA yabang ko… To make a long story short after all the courting (flowers, dinners, movies, small gifts and being concerned with her) I finally was able to make love with her but it was the other way around I fell in love with her… I fell sooooo hard it hurt sooooo much but it felt sooooo good. Even up to today that I am writing this I can feel that love. She pushed me away because she knew I was married… She pushed me away because she knew that we could not be together… She pushed me away because from what she knew of my background at that time WE could never work. Most of my best friends knew of US…some supported me but most never agreed. I then started living with a time bomb in my heart. I wanted to tell the world of this person I love so much but I couldn’t. After three months of loving her I wanted to get caught “so bad” so I could bring my relationship out into the open. I decided in my heart that she was the one that I loved. I reflected on everything before I made my decision and made sure it was not infatuation or “insextuatuon”. I made sure I did not need to support anyone but the both of us because in case I would go against the world I could take care of US. In December of that year I left my wife of 6 months, I said I needed time to think, she gave me my time but was suspicious already. The following year January I got caught and by February I was separated with my wife and by March 1 I was living in with my “one true love”. It was very difficult because everyone in my family was angry at me. Most of my friends stayed away from me. It was a big scandal in our family. I haven’t talked to my mother since then and have only been in contact with one of my siblings since. I left everything, I left the good life, I left the money I earned, I left my cars, I left our home, I left our businesses but I was convinced I loved this person so much I would get back on my feet and show everyone that I made the right decision. I had a helping hand though in all the rough times. The person I turned my back on in my teen years is the person who helped me get back on my feet, my father. Incidentally, that was the year of the “blue moon” and as the myth goes those who are out to see the “blue moon” and are together on that day or I mean that night shall stay together for life. It has been 7 years since that time and we were blessed with our first “love” child after living together for about 2 years and again blessed with our second child on our 5th year together. Today we are living happy together, I am annulled already, We are a regular couple who love each other, we are just like any other couple who have their ups and downs; hopefully more ups than downs. We have a happy family with my dad. We plan for our future like every family and in all those plans we hope to stay together “till death do us part” even if we haven’t exchange our vows yet.


In my opinion, each story has its different deciding factors. For me bottom line was to trust the person I loved and was going to live with. No thinking of the past, no looking back and stand on what you have decided. Calculated risks must be involved in all your decisions but most important is that you LOVE each other 100%, if there is a shadow of any doubt then you must re-evaluate your relationship. I’m not saying we were perfect but maybe we were just both lucky.



Havn't been posting or reading for a long time pero great story talaga, ako well still doing ok, love her still kahit ang dami na akong kalaban all around, but im not afraid, salamat sa kwen2, sobrang nakakabigay saaking muli ng confidence na kaya namin magaroon din ng magandang kinabukasan... salamat!!!!

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mga bro i just wanted to update everyone what has happened to me recently with my GRO gf...i think she has finally given up on me..after several months of working hard to make the relationship work..for some reason she just decided to finally let go!!!..of course i feel so devastated!!!..she decided to go back to the club where she works..changed her cell number and has not called me for weeks...i really do not know whats our status but i am assuming wala na kami!!!!..up to now i am still supporting her and her family with their needs but i keep on asking myself unitl when..for all i know she might have found some else na din!!!..even though..ia m still hoping against all hope that things will not change and that she still loves me as much as i love her!!!!...i am so depressed but i am know i have to move on!!!!...the pain wont go away soon but i have to be strong enough to pick up the pieces and move forward....i have no regrets though..this experience have taught me alot and has made me a wiser and stronger person!!!..just wanted to share it with you bros!!!..hope your stories are not as sad as mine!!!cheers

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Havn't been posting or reading for a long time pero great story talaga, ako well still doing ok, love her still kahit ang dami na akong kalaban all around, but im not afraid, salamat sa kwen2, sobrang nakakabigay saaking muli ng confidence na kaya namin magaroon din ng magandang kinabukasan... salamat!!!!



i am glad that things are working out with you bro!!!....sometimes people do live happily ever after and you are a living testament to that!!!!...i admire your courage bro!!!....keep it up....

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Havn't been posting or reading for a long time pero great story talaga, ako well still doing ok, love her still kahit ang dami na akong kalaban all around, but im not afraid, salamat sa kwen2, sobrang nakakabigay saaking muli ng confidence na kaya namin magaroon din ng magandang kinabukasan... salamat!!!!
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I'm new here, actually I live in the US and everytime I go back to Manila. I get quasi emotionally involved with our beloved "bad girls". Although I learned to control it, sometimes masarap talaga yung GF experience. And you can say lines like "miss you" and "loveyou" to each other all you want and in the end, for the most part it's just shallow words.


Pero ewan ko lang, bakit napaka attractive gawing GF ang mga babaing ito. Is it because we have a need to take care of them? Ako I feel its because I can be myself with them with no judgment kaya free ang isipan ko. Unlike with "decent" girls/wives na may kasaling moral judgment.


Kahit paano, everytime I go home to Manila, pag balik ko sa states, may konting heartache.

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I have a question sir. How did you know she was the one for you? How were you able to be so sure, and how were you able to tell that she was not just using you to improve her situation? Ive been through similar but I always had doubts...I guess that's why it never worked for me.


When we first met or started going out she never ask me for anything nor has she ever asked me to bring her anything (except siomai) "](although I gave her small or token gifts like charger or battery for her cellphone, the only expensive gift that I ever gave her was a gold bracelet all hearts which did not even cost more than ten thosand, others could have just been food and roses)[/[/size]font] or did she ever tell her family who I was. I was only always referred to as her "dryber" even if I looked asian and was light skinned. I don't even think I looked old at that time cos I was only 27 then (she was 18). She never asked one cent from me not even cellphone load. She had always asked me to go home to my wife even if I always wanted to stay. She only asked me to visit her at the club only once and I was her customer only four times at the club. I did not go to the club except if I picked her up at work and that was only 3 times. We saw each other almost daily except sunday, usually before work and I would send her to her "office" hehehe. I or we totally separated her work with our relationship. I respected what she did and in turn she promised me that she would not do anything to hurt our relationship. I TRUSTED her but "did not really always believe her" although she broke my trust (not meaning she had sex with her guest, i repeat not daw, hahaha defensive) a few times, I understood it came with the territory. I had to let her go too... to really know if she loved me too. It was truly hard but she always has a way calming my thoughts and made me believe. Look at it this way, I was married then, how could she believe that I truly loved her and that I would do a 180 degree turn and change my whole life. I could just be using her body for free and used the small gifts I gave her to charm her so her panties would drop. With all the "bolas" she hears everyday and all the indecent proposals how could she tell I was not doing the same thing, for her to invest her feelings wholeheartedly to me.


Also when we started to live together, although we were in a good environment, in a good area, and a nice flat we had nothing but my stuff and her stuff with a little cash. I had left everything I had and saved to be with her. She never pressured me to support anyone in her family cos it was really only her mom and her plus her lola but still she never asked anything from me for them. We were happy with jolibee and colassas or what ever fit our budget. This was how I knew... OK sabi nya " mabait lang daw sha" hahaha. Hey in truth, she is really diffrent from most thats' why I fell for her. I knew she was different. So try not to compare because you may be comparing apples to oranges. She never looked back at her work and we both move forward with our life together. In the end, to tell you the truth if you asked me why I knew it was her or how I knew she did not use me to improve her life... I really don't know??? I just felt it in my gut... my heart told me she was the one and she was not using me. I must have just been too drunk with love then... hahaha. Luck and Trust.


OH.. by the way.. I did not (din't say never) give her any money after I courted her, gifts lang (food etc.) she never asked, Money is usually blinding kc.

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When we first met or started going out she never ask me for anything nor has she ever asked me to bring her anything (except siomai) "](although I gave her small or token gifts like charger or battery for her cellphone, the only expensive gift that I ever gave her was a gold bracelet all hearts which did not even cost more than ten thosand, others could have just been food and roses)[/[/size]font] or did she ever tell her family who I was. I was only always referred to as her "dryber" even if I looked asian and was light skinned. I don't even think I looked old at that time cos I was only 27 then (she was 18). She never asked one cent from me not even cellphone load. She had always asked me to go home to my wife even if I always wanted to stay. She only asked me to visit her at the club only once and I was her customer only four times at the club. I did not go to the club except if I picked her up at work and that was only 3 times. We saw each other almost daily except sunday, usually before work and I would send her to her "office" hehehe. I or we totally separated her work with our relationship. I respected what she did and in turn she promised me that she would not do anything to hurt our relationship. I TRUSTED her but "did not really always believe her" although she broke my trust (not meaning she had sex with her guest, i repeat not daw, hahaha defensive) a few times, I understood it came with the territory. I had to let her go too... to really know if she loved me too. It was truly hard but she always has a way calming my thoughts and made me believe. Look at it this way, I was married then, how could she believe that I truly loved her and that I would do a 180 degree turn and change my whole life. I could just be using her body for free and used the small gifts I gave her to charm her so her panties would drop. With all the "bolas" she hears everyday and all the indecent proposals how could she tell I was not doing the same thing, for her to invest her feelings wholeheartedly to me.


Also when we started to live together, although we were in a good environment, in a good area, and a nice flat we had nothing but my stuff and her stuff with a little cash. I had left everything I had and saved to be with her. She never pressured me to support anyone in her family cos it was really only her mom and her plus her lola but still she never asked anything from me for them. We were happy with jolibee and colassas or what ever fit our budget. This was how I knew... OK sabi nya " mabait lang daw sha" hahaha. Hey in truth, she is really diffrent from most thats' why I fell for her. I knew she was different. So try not to compare because you may be comparing apples to oranges. She never looked back at her work and we both move forward with our life together. In the end, to tell you the truth if you asked me why I knew it was her or how I knew she did not use me to improve her life... I really don't know??? I just felt it in my gut... my heart told me she was the one and she was not using me. I must have just been too drunk with love then... hahaha. Luck and Trust.


OH.. by the way.. I did not (din't say never) give her any money after I courted her, gifts lang (food etc.) she never asked, Money is usually blinding kc.


Swerte mo na yan kadalasan pera pera ang basis ng relasyon

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My suggestion: find out first why she got into that job in the first place.


If she is doing this to help out her family, then be prepared to support her AND her family for a looooooong time.


And be careful, make sure the girl is sincere about her feelings.




player player holla if its true love then it will work out :rolleyes:

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guys, how would you know that her love for you is 100%. How can i be sure im making the right move.


I think the answer to that is you will never know. Unless you spend 24 hours a day with her, the quickest antidote for potential heartache is to have backup, meaning backup gf's. If we can be "in love" with different women at the same time, than so can they right? So let's keep a level head and not stress out over it. As to making the right move, my only advice is to not get ahead of yourself. Don't invest too much, just enough to keep her around and wait and see. Patience will win the day.

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i used to have this dillemma i was so confused as to what was i feeling, but then i realized that it was only lust not love. but seriously i think im capable of loving a girl even if she was an mpa or gro. i just have to find the right one i guess..

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been there, done that.


buti na lang people talked some sense into me. friends, cousins, even strangers i met while drinking. mahirap talaga kasi more often than not itatago mo sa mga kilala mo except for some close friends.


based on my experience and observations, usually yung kwento nyan ganito:

a horny guy sees a hot GRO and wants to f34k her. but it turns out that the girl wants to play first before f34king. so you bring her out to far flung malls like sm pampanga or ever commonwealth :), you have dinner, then go to a bar, have a few drinks, get tipsy, make out. repeat the process 2 or 3 times until you finally get her in bed.


the next day you do not to call her because the mission is already accomplished. you even started calling some drinking buddies bragging about your conquest. then it hits you. you want to talk to her, you actually miss her. and before you even finally realize how deep the s@%t you got yourself into, you're a dead man.


if you have a real friend, you can get yourself out. it will be hard. hell, there might even be tears.


i avoid getting into those situations again. but sometimes, my dick just takes over and s@%t.

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i do feel for you bros that are in this type of relationship!!!..it is a very tricky one...my suggestion is to take it slow..assess the pros and cons..i am in a similar kind of situation right now...have a GF who works in a KTV..we were doing fine for almost 2 years..she has somehow been semi retired..i asked her to stop and provided everything for her..but i guess that was not good enough..she's now back working in the KTV she used to work in..now she is now accepting bar fines or extra service in the VIP rooms which she has never done before!!!!i feel so hurt and devastated with this turn of events!!!..yet i am still hleping her out on the financial aspect..i still love her so much and it hurts me that she has decided to pursue this kind of life despite me being there for her!!! so mga bro..if you love that somebody so much and after carefully analyzing the situation you feel that it is all worth it then go for it without hesitation and regrets!!!..just make it work mga bro......

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Thats true love!


thats correct bro..pure and unadulterated love...sometimes i do reflect and ask myself why am i doing this to myself..i deserve a better life..but hell what can i do..i really fell hard..now my gf is not even talking to me..she is totally ignoring me....i dont know what is happening to her na....maybe she has totally given up on me..i am losing sleep over this...not a day,hour, min and second goes by without me not thinking of her...oh well.......

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OH.. by the way.. I did not (din't say never) give her any money after I courted her, gifts lang (food etc.) she never asked,


So does this mean that if she asked for money, mababawasan ang trust sa kanya? In my experience kasi, as long as she was getting money, we were fine, pero once nawala yun, may dahilan palagi para magtampo....


Money is usually blinding kc.



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thats correct bro..pure and unadulterated love...sometimes i do reflect and ask myself why am i doing this to myself..i deserve a better life..but hell what can i do..i really fell hard..now my gf is not even talking to me..she is totally ignoring me....i dont know what is happening to her na....maybe she has totally given up on me..i am losing sleep over this...not a day,hour, min and second goes by without me not thinking of her...oh well.......


If youll take my advice, cut your losses and move on. If she really loves you, siya mismo lalapit. No one deserves to wait for something that's not really there, man...Just my 2 cents

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