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The End of the American Century?

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Watched the IRS hearings on Fox News. The IRS is an organization that is so powerful, it can audit, fine and file lawsuits against any individual or group. I hope Fox News will release an online transcript because the revelations in that hearing were shocking.


The complaints of the targeted individual and groups were chilling:


One organization was asked what books, newspapers and internet sites they were reading. In disgust, the head sent what she reads .. The Constitution of the United States.


It asked an evangelical group what prayers they use and who are their parishioners.


A teaching group head was asked what is the political affiliation of their mentors, identify his students, tell his political stand on every issue and reveal what he taught to his people.


It told a pro-life organization that for them to be tax-exempt, they must submit their entire boards signatures that under perjury of law, they will pledge not to protest and picket outside Planned Parenthood clinics.


I can't remember everything but two women gave powerful statements while holding back their emotions. It made me listen intently.


Karen Kenney:

"Liberty through providence."

"Civic virtue."

"We are a grassroots organization."

"The IRS asked data on our volunteers and members, the Employer Identity Numbers of businesses we associated with, and details of communication with legislators."


Becky Gerritson:

"We peacefully assemble. We petition our government. We exercise the right to free speech. And we do not understand why the government tried to stop us."

"I am not here as a serf or as a vassal."

"It's not your responsibility to look out for my well-being and monitor my speech."

"I'm not begging my lords for mercy. I'm a born free American woman, wife, mother and citizen."


The Establishment politicians should watch out. I hope that they can see that these ordinary people feel a crisis in their country. These are not future politicians but potential revolutionaries. I wonder what the government will think if these citizens start quoting the Founding Father's Document 'Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms?'

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Watched the IRS hearings on Fox News. The IRS is an organization that is so powerful, it can audit, fine and file lawsuits against any individual or group. I hope Fox News will release an online transcript because the revelations in that hearing were shocking.


The complaints of the targeted individual and groups were chilling:


One organization was asked what books, newspapers and internet sites they were reading. In disgust, the head sent what she reads .. The Constitution of the United States.


It asked an evangelical group what prayers they use and who are their parishioners.


A teaching group head was asked what is the political affiliation of their mentors, identify his students, tell his political stand on every issue and reveal what he taught to his people.


It told a pro-life organization that for them to be tax-exempt, they must submit their entire boards signatures that under perjury of law, they will pledge not to protest and picket outside Planned Parenthood clinics.


I can't remember everything but two women gave powerful statements while holding back their emotions. It made me listen intently.


Karen Kenney:

"Liberty through providence."

"Civic virtue."

"We are a grassroots organization."

"The IRS asked data on our volunteers and members, the Employer Identity Numbers of businesses we associated with, and details of communication with legislators."


Becky Gerritson:

"We peacefully assemble. We petition our government. We exercise the right to free speech. And we do not understand why the government tried to stop us."

"I am not here as a serf or as a vassal."

"It's not your responsibility to look out for my well-being and monitor my speech."

"I'm not begging my lords for mercy. I'm a born free American woman, wife, mother and citizen."


The Establishment politicians should watch out. I hope that they can see that these ordinary people feel a crisis in their country. These are not future politicians but potential revolutionaries. I wonder what the government will think if these citizens start quoting the Founding Father's Document 'Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms?'

I get the feeling that the US IRS is getting a bit too powerful and is using that power to oppress people. Not unlike our own BIR where Kim Henares issues new revenue circulars on a regular basis. Upsetting the status quo here could have dire consequences for our economy. Capital flight might occur.

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I get the feeling that the US IRS is getting a bit too powerful and is using that power to oppress people. Not unlike our own BIR where Kim Henares issues new revenue circulars on a regular basis. Upsetting the status quo here could have dire consequences for our economy. Capital flight might occur.

correct. another example of intimidation was the IRS sending its agents to a group, True The Vote. after that, the FBI, EPA, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms came to inspect them. i forgot the fifth government agency that visited them.


this group was only applying for tax-exempt status. why did four other government agencies inspect them? the Environmental Protection Agency, FBI, ATF and the other agency have no authority when it comes to audits and tax collections.

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Bro are you suggesting that the Taliban have some sort of mind control technology? That they're capable of creating "Manchurian Candidates?"


I got a collection of Tin Tin comics that depicts the exotic nature of the issue. Well, you may dismiss the source of concern as fictional children story, but come to think of it, much of the Arabian Nights are about magic, potions, hypnosis and will bending technology too. Even Indiana Jones movie series offer more of the same impression how these technologies have existed in that part of the world. Are these pure fiction Hollywood stuff or mind blowing possibilities/reality? But let us not get too intent on exotic and age old know how from far flung places. Focus on what is happening to us today. Look closely at the environmental movement and realize how it was CONSCIOUSLY made into a religion. Despite all the false predictions, it continues to survive. It is the new socialism.


Marx was centered on the person but environmentalism focuses on all else that exist external to that person. The environment has become the object of control and applying the same "socialist" issues that unmade Germany in WW2, the world is now forced to kneel down and serve the planet and save it from changes and alterations.


How do you think it is being accomplished? Where are the funds coming from?


Funds are lavished in media propaganda but the resources have been borrowed from time as governments printed an unprecedented amount of promissory notes, again in the guise of saving the environment from ruin. The clock is ticking and all we can see is one failure after another. While we have all been tricked into pagan worship and now adore the planet Earth, singing praises and jingles of love and affection, the Earth itself seems uncooperative. One calamity is happening after another and there is no end in sight. Science is no longer based on fail-safe procedure but based on authoritative conclusions of self-promoting environmental experts, The world is seen physically changing faster than mankind can ever cope; Governments are losing a grip on reality and the only control they have left is socio-political, which is via taxation and forced social services. There is no payback forthcoming for the huge gamble governments took, thus the real burden is passed on to all people who are made to cough up payments due and raise both principal and interest.





I got no time to edit and probably much is missing in between the lines. However, the controls are being put in place. Government is forcing the need for SSS and Phil Health, despite similar socialist mechanism of imposed welfare funds has led to the most recent collapsed of the financial markets; The ultimate losers and market shock absorbers were these state imposed welfare / mutual funds, so what is really the basis for Filipinos to mimic the weak solutions of now heavily indebted countries? Maybe the doomsday preaching Bible fundamentalist has good insight about fulfilling age old prophesy about the mark of the beast. I thought we would be safe from it but now, our under performing administration is destroying all the positive fundamentals of this country by keeping up with the Joneses or copying the proven failed strategies of other governments.












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I can't remember everything but two women gave powerful statements while holding back their emotions. It made me listen intently.


"I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I'm not begging my lords for mercy. I'm a born-free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen. And I'm telling my government that you've forgotten your place." - Becky Gerritson


that made me pay attention, too. especially after Rep. McDermott's ridiculous assertions that these conservative groups had only themselves (and their beliefs) to blame for being targeted.

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"I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I'm not begging my lords for mercy. I'm a born-free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen. And I'm telling my government that you've forgotten your place." - Becky Gerritson


that made me pay attention, too. especially after Rep. McDermott's ridiculous assertions that these conservative groups had only themselves (and their beliefs) to blame for being targeted.

dr. karen kenney's delivery was more subtle but you can feel her outrage.


rep. paul ryan "let me deviate from my original question in response to what i just heard. i guess the message here is you're all to blame."


it's a waste that the low-information voters rejected a vice-presidential candidate who has a better grasp of the issues than the current president.


still on the IRS, rep. trey gowdy made an emotional statement on the IRS wasting millions during a hearing. it went viral in conservative websites. hope he runs in a primary against sen. lindsey graham next year.


they should also get rid of john mc cain and his kind in their ranks and replace them with politicians similar to gov. mike pence, sen. ted cruz and sen. rand paul.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's a waste that the low-information voters rejected a vice-presidential candidate who has a better grasp of the issues than the current president.


in his debate with biden, ryan was the smarter one, the one with a plan. but biden was just too seasoned a politician, too charismatic despite the boorish behavior. part of the problem is that the public has a short attention span and they seem to care more about how something is said, rather than what is being said.


think it was churchill who said the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

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in his debate with biden, ryan was the smarter one, the one with a plan. but biden was just too seasoned a politician, too charismatic despite the boorish behavior. part of the problem is that the public has a short attention span and they seem to care more about how something is said, rather than what is being said.


think it was churchill who said the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

ha ha! i think chuchill also said: if you're twenty and conservative, you have no heart. if you're thirty and liberal, you have no brain.

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I get the feeling that the US IRS is getting a bit too powerful and is using that power to oppress people. Not unlike our own BIR where Kim Henares issues new revenue circulars on a regular basis. Upsetting the status quo here could have dire consequences for our economy. Capital flight might occur.

Do US IRS also issues Letter of Authority like their Philippine counterparts?

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1) chicago mayor rahm emmanuel wants to build a $100 million stadium for de paul, a catholic university. de paul has a weak basketball program, plays in the former powerhouse big east conference, won a total of 6 games in the conference in the last five years, averages 2,700 fans per home game and de paul turned down the offer of the management of the united center to use their stadium free of charge.


kickbacks to make every special interest group happy.


2) the los angeles unified school board, approved the plan to rename valley region elementary school #13 after michelle obama. they are honoring mrs. obama's focus in healthy eating for students.


michelle hasn't done anything notable yet except marrying a future president. pandering to the obamas is the real reason for the name change.


3) new york city mayor michael bloomberg's group, mayors against illegal guns, held a rally in concord, new hampshire. they read a list of victims from gun violence. among them were tamerlan tsarnaev, christopher dorner, kevin bailey and kurt myers.


if a terrorist and three criminals are "victims", then the lawmen who shot them must be "criminals".


4) the obama administration wants the nba and other sports leagues to promote obamacare.


using private sector groups to promote a bad government program will harm the former. they'll look like propaganda tools promoting government interests.


5) the republicans cut $2 billion from food stamps spending.


the media are calling republicans 'heartless" for cutting a little from the costly entitlement spending that promotes dependency.

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1) chicago mayor rahm emmanuel wants to build a $100 million stadium for de paul, a catholic university. de paul has a weak basketball program, plays in the former powerhouse big east conference, won a total of 6 games in the conference in the last five years, averages 2,700 fans per home game and de paul turned down the offer of the management of the united center to use their stadium free of charge.


kickbacks to make every special interest group happy.


2) the los angeles unified school board, approved the plan to rename valley region elementary school #13 after michelle obama. they are honoring mrs. obama's focus in healthy eating for students.


michelle hasn't done anything notable yet except marrying a future president. pandering to the obamas is the real reason for the name change.


3) new york city mayor michael bloomberg's group, mayors against illegal guns, held a rally in concord, new hampshire. they read a list of victims from gun violence. among them were tamerlan tsarnaev, christopher dorner, kevin bailey and kurt myers.


if a terrorist and three criminals are "victims", then the lawmen who shot them must be "criminals".


4) the obama administration wants the nba and other sports leagues to promote obamacare.


using private sector groups to promote a bad government program will harm the former. they'll look like propaganda tools promoting government interests.


5) the republicans cut $2 billion from food stamps spending.


the media are calling republicans 'heartless" for cutting a little from the costly entitlement spending that promotes dependency.

We keep complaining about the lunacy going on in the Philippines. It's good to know we're not along....

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bryan singer's superman was rated by critics with a 75% rating. the right hated it. they did not like an emasculated superman and they called it the metro sexual superman. the greatest offense was superman peeping at lois lane.


a few weeks ago, rotten tomatoes gave a 53% rating to the man of steel. liberal critics hated it's all-american feel, family values orientation and its religious undertones. they did this to depress ticket sales.


they failed.


warner brothers marketed the film to christian churches around the u.s., similar to what the studios of the blind side and les miserables did before. big hollywood contributors john nolte, ben shapiro and two others plus one from the daily caller, pointed out that the movie's proud embrace of religionl. cnn has a similar and well-written article. they should, because cnn is under time-warner's umbrella.


what i remember from the movie was the scene with clark entering a church and asking a priest for guidance. it was a first for me. i thought the kents were protestants because they lived in the mid-west, a bastion of the protestant faith (it was my assumption because i read comic books for a long time). well, they did not reveal if he is roman catholic. he also said in the latter part that he is 33 and ready to give up his life to save humanity. a thing of beauty was the right's consensus.


at this time, the landscape of hollywood is changing. for thirty years, conservatives ignored the culture. the left ruled showbiz and did not tolerate a contrasting point of view. there were more closet republicans than closet homosexuals in hollywood. dwight (the a-team's howling mad murdock) lost roles because they found out he voted for reagan. his friend, dirk (starbuck, face) benedict was luckier and did not lose any role. there was a silent blacklist that was being enforced and nobody challenged it.


something changed more than ten years ago. barbra streisand said that democracy was in peril if gwb won the florida recount. robert duvall rebuked her and said that america is strong. jon voight revealed his politics during that time. even kurt russell and goldie hawn admitted they have a confusing mix of political beliefs.


during 9/11, the late ron silver strongly supported gwb. he was a founder of the creative coalition. i don't remember if he was the founding chairman but he served in that position. before he died, he told ann coulter that hollywood jews abandoned him. coulter comforted him by saying the right has better jews and they support him. james woods recalled suspicious looking "arabs" in one his flights weeks before 9/11. he realized later that they were holding a dry run. woods then stopped hiding his right of center views after 9/11.


suddenly, an insurgency happened. gary sinise, a tireless worker for american troops, was appointed chairman of the not so secret anymore, friends of abe (abraham lincoln), a group of right leaning industry people. jerry bruckheimer, susan lucci, l.l.cool j., heather locklear, melissa joan (sabrina the teenage witch) hart, freddie prinze jr. and sarah michelle gellar were coming out of the "closet". patricia (everybody loves raymond) heaton never shied away from expressing her christian views. they're hoping denzel washington comes back. he voted for obama twice.


there's more. former teen idol, scott baio's twitter battles with california liberals became a hot topic with some conservatives. sylvester stallone became an active republican donor. even the showbiz oriented pat riley donated the max amount of 5k to mitt romney twice. once in the primaries then in the general election.he then skipped the heat's white house visit early this year.


conservatives became more engaged in reviewing tv shows, films and books. adam (firefly, chuck) baldwin writes for the big hollwood site. ken (wiseguy) wahl did not hide his disgust when then speaker pelosi said "let's pass the bill (obamacare) so we can find out what is in it." wahl gave a series of interviews about the culture in hollywood. then robert downey jr. said that he leans right, they were elated with this news.


the CULTURE WAR is one of the important battles that is being fought now. many hollywood producers have lost their fortunes due to their hedonist lifestyles and liberal themed, anti-american movies. joss whedon and j.j. abrams are liberals but they never insulted half of their audience. they are aware of the potential boycott if they use michael moore tactics. hollywood needs the conservatives' financial power to survive. the right are re-entering this field with new determination. rick santorum recently joined them after being named as ceo of echolight studios. the goal is to a build voter base that they have never tapped before.

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bryan singer's superman was rated by critics with a 75% rating. the right hated it. they did not like an emasculated superman and they called it the metro sexual superman. the greatest offense was superman peeping at lois lane.


a few weeks ago, rotten tomatoes gave a 53% rating to the man of steel. liberal critics hated it's all-american feel, family values orientation and its religious undertones. they did this to depress ticket sales.


they failed.


warner brothers marketed the film to christian churches around the u.s., similar to what the studios of the blind side and les miserables did before. big hollywood contributors john nolte, ben shapiro and two others plus one from the daily caller, pointed out that the movie's proud embrace of religionl. cnn has a similar and well-written article. they should, because cnn is under time-warner's umbrella.


what i remember from the movie was the scene with clark entering a church and asking a priest for guidance. it was a first for me. i thought the kents were protestants because they lived in the mid-west, a bastion of the protestant faith (it was my assumption because i read comic books for a long time). well, they did not reveal if he is roman catholic. he also said in the latter part that he is 33 and ready to give up his life to save humanity. a thing of beauty was the right's consensus.


at this time, the landscape of hollywood is changing. for thirty years, conservatives ignored the culture. the left ruled showbiz and did not tolerate a contrasting point of view. there were more closet republicans than closet homosexuals in hollywood. dwight (the a-team's howling mad murdock) lost roles because they found out he voted for reagan. his friend, dirk (starbuck, face) benedict was luckier and did not lose any role. there was a silent blacklist that was being enforced and nobody challenged it.


something changed more than ten years ago. barbra streisand said that democracy was in peril if gwb won the florida recount. robert duvall rebuked her and said that america is strong. jon voight revealed his politics during that time. even kurt russell and goldie hawn admitted they have a confusing mix of political beliefs.


during 9/11, the late ron silver strongly supported gwb. he was a founder of the creative coalition. i don't remember if he was the founding chairman but he served in that position. before he died, he told ann coulter that hollywood jews abandoned him. coulter comforted him by saying the right has better jews and they support him. james woods recalled suspicious looking "arabs" in one his flights weeks before 9/11. he realized later that they were holding a dry run. woods then stopped hiding his right of center views after 9/11.


suddenly, an insurgency happened. gary sinise, a tireless worker for american troops, was appointed chairman of the not so secret anymore, friends of abe (abraham lincoln), a group of right leaning industry people. jerry bruckheimer, susan lucci, l.l.cool j., heather locklear, melissa joan (sabrina the teenage witch) hart, freddie prinze jr. and sarah michelle gellar were coming out of the "closet". patricia (everybody loves raymond) heaton never shied away from expressing her christian views. they're hoping denzel washington comes back. he voted for obama twice.


there's more. former teen idol, scott baio's twitter battles with california liberals became a hot topic with some conservatives. sylvester stallone became an active republican donor. even the showbiz oriented pat riley donated the max amount of 5k to mitt romney twice. once in the primaries then in the general election.he then skipped the heat's white house visit early this year.


conservatives became more engaged in reviewing tv shows, films and books. adam (firefly, chuck) baldwin writes for the big hollwood site. ken (wiseguy) wahl did not hide his disgust when then speaker pelosi said "let's pass the bill (obamacare) so we can find out what is in it." wahl gave a series of interviews about the culture in hollywood. then robert downey jr. said that he leans right, they were elated with this news.


the CULTURE WAR is one of the important battles that is being fought now. many hollywood producers have lost their fortunes due to their hedonist lifestyles and liberal themed, anti-american movies. joss whedon and j.j. abrams are liberals but they never insulted half of their audience. they are aware of the potential boycott if they use michael moore tactics. hollywood needs the conservatives' financial power to survive. the right are re-entering this field with new determination. rick santorum recently joined them after being named as ceo of echolight studios. the goal is to a build voter base that they have never tapped before.

Bro was just wondering. Are you a Hollywood insider? You seem to know a lot about the political views of a lot of show-biz personalities.

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Bro was just wondering. Are you a Hollywood insider? You seem to know a lot about the political views of a lot of show-biz personalities.

i'm just a regular surfer reading right leaning websites. the fun part is clicking their links. this is where you'll get articles from the left, business, science, sports and culture.

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Bro mind sharing some links to these sites? Seems one can learn a lot from these.

the breitbart sites - there are seven in there (conservative oriented)

townhall.com - around 75 conservative columnists post here (the best are thomas sowell, walter williams and phyllis schlaffly)

the drudge report - an aggregated news and opinion (left & right) site

io9 - a science and science fiction site

screen rant - a cool movie and tv review site

julie borowski's vlog, TokenLibertarianGirl - her videos explain important issues in the U.S. injected with humor

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how is it that paula deen is crucified with lynch mob intensity for saying the 'n' word many years ago, something she has apologized for; and media gets away with applauding the zimmerman trial's star witness rachel jeantel, despite her saying 'creepy a** cracker" is not a racial slur...


is racism only defined one way?



bryan singer's superman was rated by critics with a 75% rating. the right hated it. they did not like an emasculated superman and they called it the metro sexual superman. the greatest offense was superman peeping at lois lane.


a few weeks ago, rotten tomatoes gave a 53% rating to the man of steel. liberal critics hated it's all-american feel, family values orientation and its religious undertones. they did this to depress ticket sales.


they failed.


i liked both superman renditions. never thought of brandon routh's portrayal as girly. and the religious undertones of 'man of steel' eluded me until i read all the hullaballoo on some sites. but superhero movies have become unabashedly patriotic of late, which is refreshing to see after all the bashing that went on in the past.



during 9/11, the late ron silver strongly supported gwb. he was a founder of the creative coalition. i don't remember if he was the founding chairman but he served in that position. before he died, he told ann coulter that hollywood jews abandoned him. coulter comforted him by saying the right has better jews and they support him. james woods recalled suspicious looking "arabs" in one his flights weeks before 9/11. he realized later that they were holding a dry run. woods then stopped hiding his right of center views after 9/11.


surprising that james woods is right of center. i remember well his portrayal of ray cohn in 'citizen cohn.' but maybe that's why he's a great actor.


suddenly, an insurgency happened. gary sinise, a tireless worker for american troops, was appointed chairman of the not so secret anymore, friends of abe (abraham lincoln), a group of right leaning industry people. jerry bruckheimer, susan lucci, l.l.cool j., heather locklear, melissa joan (sabrina the teenage witch) hart, freddie prinze jr. and sarah michelle gellar were coming out of the "closet". patricia (everybody loves raymond) heaton never shied away from expressing her christian views. they're hoping denzel washington comes back. he voted for obama twice.


there's more. former teen idol, scott baio's twitter battles with california liberals became a hot topic with some conservatives. sylvester stallone became an active republican donor. even the showbiz oriented pat riley donated the max amount of 5k to mitt romney twice. once in the primaries then in the general election.he then skipped the heat's white house visit early this year.


and of course there's clint eastwood and his strangely amusing i'm-addressing-an-empty-chair speech.

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the progressives make their own rules.


alec baldwin called a british journalist "queen" when it was reported that his wife was tweeting at james gandolfini's funeral service. just found out that "queen" is now a gay slur. nobody from the left cared except anderson cooper and andrew sullivan.


the top metrosexual, george clooney, attacked a dying charlton heston for being the head of the nra. clooney is not even 10% of the man heston was. heston was one of the first to march for the civil rights movement. people from hollywood wanted him to stop. he was also instrumental in passing a gun control law in 1968. it denied guns for illegal immigrants and immigrants with criminal records. he switched in the 1980's because the left was starting to attack the 2nd amendment.


roland emmerich said that he did not want to make a sequel to independence day while gwb was the president. even snyder shared emmerich's view. they said it's ok to be patriotic now because obama is in office. they can have their say. the right only cares for christopher nolan. the dark knight rises trashed the left's beloved occupy movement. the occupy movement was really a band of nihilists masquerading as a concerned citizens group.


off topic. playwright/film director/screenwriter david mamet became a conservative a few years ago. seems to have no negative effect on his career. btw, loved his cancelled tv show, the unit. i read his memo to its writing staff. made me laugh.

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Let's lighten things up here. Racial slurs, white, black or Mexican jokes. After all, if you heard Juan, you heard Jamal.




Rapper Lil Wayne trotted all over my American flag in a music video; has he gotten railroaded by his record label or distribution company? Last year, they take my Twinkies. This year they want to defame the heavenly creator of sweets, G*d Bless that woman. If I lose another source of sugar due to the frivolous and paltry issues people have with sensitivity, I'm turning guns. Hi DB, you're gorgeous.


*I hope I didn't just offend anyone on this thread because I addressed another person about their appearance. If so, FYI GFY.


GFY = good for you? go fry yourself? lol. hi mtf, you're doubly so. did anyone besides you get angry over that Lil Wayne flap? didn't hear a peep of complaint over it on tv.


how does one do battle with media and academe - the strategic stronghold of the left? conservatives and libertarians need to fight the misrepresentation of their views, but the left wins with slogans (e.g. 'if the glove don't fit you must acquit' / 'bush lied people died') because slogans that take nanoseconds to read are all the public has time for.

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World Boxing Association Heavyweight Title Fight: the Conservative vs. the Liberal

March 16, 2010Featured, Musings, Politics Let’s take a little walk down Fictional Lane. There you are, front row center, at the 2010 World Boxing Association heavyweight title fight.


You quickly discover a disapproving note from your Aunt Suzie in your pocket that reads as follows: Violence is just no good for the soul, Samuel. Shame on you. You give a momentary conceding nod, then shake it off and make a final bet with your buddy Joe on who will win.


You see, this fight’s a little bit different: a hard-core lefty and full-blooded conservative will duke it out right before your very eyes. You bet a whopping $500, some of which will be spent on flowers for Aunt Suzie so that she doesn’t stay mad and withhold her homemade chocolate chip cookies. You just know you’ve got this one in the bag. All of your money is on the RC—Reagan Conservative—in the right corner. Here’s why:


  1. The lefty will get on the referee’s nerves right from the start. Why? Because when the conservative starts off the match with “I’m gonna win, sissy,” the ref will have to deal with all that “No Name-calling Allowed” paperwork the lefty brought with him.
  2. The lefty will let distraction get the best of him. When the conservative gives the lefty his first black eye, the lefty will quickly suffer a follow-up right hook. Why? Because the lefty will have paused to discuss, in detail, why the term “black eye” isn’t politically correct.
  3. The lefty will bring up the equality clause. If the conservative takes the lead, the lefty will insist upon scoring equality. He will make a lengthy case for point redistribution, regardless of performance. When his request is denied, he will fill out an “Unfair Due to Racism or Other Unknown Reason” form, but his exhaustion from the debate will leave him subject to a knockdown.
  4. The lefty will cite an unfair advantage. If the lefty falls behind, he will insist that childhood trauma and economic inequality be factored into the final tally. Because his dad spanked him once at the age of seven, his inner child is at a strict disadvantage. Also, because his parents couldn’t afford boxing gear for him as a kid, his formative fighting years were clearly compromised. When his plea is turned down, frustration will get the best of him in the next round.
  5. The grand finale. When the lefty overhears the conservative’s mom shout, “You go, my American hero,” he will tell the conservative that his mother needs a crash course on how America has made plenty of mistakes, too. Insulting his mom and his country in the same breath? That, my friends, will mark the knockout.


And so the conservative will win the 2010 World Boxing Association heavyweight title. The lefty will file a complaint with the WBA for compensation due to physical and emotional duress. You’ll snag $500. And Aunt Suzie will get two dozen roses.




Cross-published at http://www.amac.us/world-boxing-association-heavyweight-title-fight-the-conservative-vs-the-liberal


Jedidiah Bila

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Why Do Societies Give Up?

Victor Davis Hanson | Feb 14, 2013

Why do once-successful societies ossify and decline?


Hundreds of reasons have been adduced for the fall of Rome and the end of the Old Regime in 18th-century France. Reasons run from inflation and excessive spending to resource depletion and enemy invasion, as historians attempt to understand the sudden collapse of the Mycenaeans, the Aztecs and, apparently, the modern Greeks. In literature from Catullus to Edward Gibbon, wealth and leisure -- and who gets the most of both -- more often than poverty and exhaustion implode civilization.


One recurring theme seems consistent in Athenian literature on the eve of the city's takeover by Macedon: social squabbling over slicing up a shrinking pie. Athenian speeches from that era make frequent reference to lawsuits over property and inheritance, evading taxes, and fudging eligibility for the dole. After the end of the Roman Republic, reactionary Latin literature -- from the likes of Juvenal, Petronius, Suetonius, Tacitus -- pointed to "bread and circuses," as well as excessive wealth, corruption and top-heavy government.


For Gibbon and later French scholars, "Byzantine" became a pejorative description of a top-heavy Greek bureaucracy that could not tax enough vanishing producers to sustain a growing number of bureaucrats. In antiquity, inflating the currency by turning out cheap bronze coins was often the favored way to pay off public debts, while the law became fluid to address popular demands rather than to protect time-honored justice.


After the end of World War II, most of today's powerhouses were either in ruins or still preindustrial -- China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Taiwan. Only the United States and Great Britain had sophisticated economies that survived the destruction of the war. Both were poised to resupply a devastated world with new ships, cars, machinery and communications.


In comparison to Frankfurt, the factories of 1945 Liverpool had survived mostly intact. Yet Britain missed out on the postwar German economic miracles, in part because after the deprivations of the war, the war-weary British turned to class warfare and nationalized their main industries, which soon became uncompetitive.


The gradual decline of a society is often a self-induced process of trying to meet ever-expanding appetites, rather than a physical inability to produce past levels of food and fuel, or to maintain adequate defense. Americans have never had safer workplaces or more sophisticated medical care -- and never have so many been on disability.


King Xerxes' huge Persian force of 250,000 sailors and soldiers could not defeat a rather poor Greece in 480-479 B.C. Yet a century and a half later, a much smaller invading force from the north under Philip II of Macedon overwhelmed the far more prosperous Greek descendants of the victors of Salamis.


For hundreds of years, the outmanned legions of the tiny and poor Roman Republic survived foreign invasions. Yet centuries later, tribal Goths, Visigoths, Vandals and Huns overran the huge Mediterranean-wide Roman Empire.


Given our unsustainable national debt -- nearly $17 trillion and climbing -- America is said to be in decline, although we face no devastating plague, nuclear holocaust, or shortage of oil or food.


Americans have never led such affluent material lives -- at least as measured by access to cell phones, big-screen TVs, cheap jet travel and fast food. Obesity rather than malnutrition is the greater threat to national health. Flash mobs go after electronics stores, not food markets. Americans spend more money on Botox, face lifts and tummy tucks than on the age-old scourges of polio, small pox and malaria.


If Martians looked at the small box houses, one-car families and primitive consumer goods of the 1950s, they would have thought the postwar United States, despite a balanced budget in 1956, was impoverished. In comparison, an indebted contemporary America would seem to aliens flush with cash, as consumers jostle for each new update to their iPhones.


By any historical marker, the future of Americans has never been brighter. The United States has it all: undreamed new finds of natural gas and oil, the world's pre-eminent food production, continual technological wizardly, strong demographic growth, a superb military and constitutional stability.


Yet we don't talk confidently about capitalizing and expanding on our natural and inherited wealth. Instead, Americans bicker over entitlement spoils as the nation continues to pile up trillion-dollar-plus deficits. Enforced equality rather than liberty is the new national creed. The medicine of cutting back on government goodies seems far worse than the disease of borrowing trillions from the unborn to pay for them.


In August 1945, Hiroshima was in shambles, while Detroit was among the most innovative and wealthiest cities in the world. Contemporary Hiroshima now resembles a prosperous Detroit of 1945; parts of Detroit look like they were bombed decades ago.


History has shown that a government's redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector's creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.



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One recurring theme seems consistent in Athenian literature on the eve of the city's takeover by Macedon: social squabbling over slicing up a shrinking pie. Athenian speeches from that era make frequent reference to lawsuits over property and inheritance, evading taxes, and fudging eligibility for the dole. After the end of the Roman Republic, reactionary Latin literature -- from the likes of Juvenal, Petronius, Suetonius, Tacitus -- pointed to "bread and circuses," as well as excessive wealth, corruption and top-heavy government.


For Gibbon and later French scholars, "Byzantine" became a pejorative description of a top-heavy Greek bureaucracy that could not tax enough vanishing producers to sustain a growing number of bureaucrats. In antiquity, inflating the currency by turning out cheap bronze coins was often the favored way to pay off public debts, while the law became fluid to address popular demands rather than to protect time-honored justice.




By any historical marker, the future of Americans has never been brighter. The United States has it all: undreamed new finds of natural gas and oil, the world's pre-eminent food production, continual technological wizardly, strong demographic growth, a superb military and constitutional stability.


Yet we don't talk confidently about capitalizing and expanding on our natural and inherited wealth. Instead, Americans bicker over entitlement spoils as the nation continues to pile up trillion-dollar-plus deficits. Enforced equality rather than liberty is the new national creed. The medicine of cutting back on government goodies seems far worse than the disease of borrowing trillions from the unborn to pay for them.


History has shown that a government's redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector's creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.


one group's objective is to try to take bigger and bigger slices of a shrinking pie. the other wonders why they don't just make more pies.

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