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The End of the American Century?

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among you of course. Look at asia. Our country achieve 7.1 percent growth. While america is on a fiscal cliff. As i have said in my post. Asia needs asia only. No americans.. Now. Because america wants a share of our wealth.. They are pivoting here. They must remember its not their time and century any more.

Come on US, remove all your call centers from the Phils.

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On top of all your equations for the US' supposed coming demise, add this: they are now sitting on energy reserves that are increasing everyday, recoverable thanks to (government sanctioned) fracking innovation.


Innovation - why the Kano remain number 1. Years studying and working with the best and brightest in the US prevents one from thinking otherwise.


The f*cktards who invented Peak Oil will now have to wait a few more decades for their wet dreams to come true - they forgot all about innovation and engineers. And if luck is on our side, we engineers may even have commercialised alternative energy sources by then, making Peak Oil much less relevant, if that.




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That surge of Philippine economic growth should have happened more than 20 years ago. Unfortunately save for the last quarter, this country was deteriorating and second only to Bangladesh in terms of development position. We have been overtaken by China, Vietnam, India, Thailand etc.





This is a silly time to be proud. of uncertain growth and showing off during a tricky moment that people elsewhere are all preparing for the next great war. Many of these countries that appear not to earn are already in a war economy mode and the economic loss is attributed to the heavy burden of secretly raising a huge military force. Moreover, this government is completely misled trying to court improved credit rating AFTER the major developed countries have floated more than three times the value of money in circulation to avert complete world economic standstill.


Why is there a need to borrow money today when the truth is there is just too much in circulation already that the world currencies are all carrying unusually high risk of default? Moreover, what growth are you talking about? You mean the boom based on real estate bubble of condominiums? Read more about the world economic debacle; they are all centered on bursting real estate bubbles. The USA, Ireland, and Spain, even China got surplus real estate capacity and it is really a poor or blinded leadership that this country is still taking the same strategy despite the historical record of failure.


The American Century is gone but that century gave opportunity to defeated rivals Japan and German to rise above the ruins of WW2 and dominate industries such as electronics, automobiles and even movies (Sony). China started out with a handshake with Nixon, formally joining the free world and the next thing we see is it has become the world's largest economy.



Unfortunately, the NPA peeps still make believe that Mao is their god and that that China is still under that regime. It is time to learn and play catch up. Do not depend on propaganda. The age of information has given opportunities never before available. A lot has happened after WW2 and in the free world, cooperation rather than domination is the game play. Yet with America down and out again, we need to anticipate a weakening of the "free world" and the coming dark days of intensely bloody and violent competition. With our existing technology, we must even expect for total annihilation, which is byword in WW2 had Hitler developed the WMD weapons first.



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^^Hmmmm.... i don't agree with you there. I worked with some Chinese before and some of them also have the OFW mentality.

If you think about it, Taiwan doesn't want to be part of China. I assume that Hongkong is or was the same.


Yet here you are, wanting to align with China when other 'actual/real' chinese countries don't want to.


But to each his own.

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While the scenario you painted of civil war is not beyond the realm of possibility, the likelihood of it happening is remote.

If the secession happens on all 50 states, then it is a statement of solidarity AGAINST being asked by the Federal Government to pay taxes for the mindless expenditures to prevent CHANGE - particularly climate change.


Change is inevitable, and weather has always been fickle. Why do we fear Climate Change? If climate is a statistical representation of weather over a period of time, then like weather, it can also be fickle. Climate change is an absurd issue that has no solution since climate has always been changing or is destined to change completely.


People who got a grasp of science must agree unanimously that changes shaped the world we live in and without change, there can be no life. People who understand what living means in the physical world ought to anticipate death and an end to whatever started. There is no way it can be altered. Be it in geology, biology, chemistry or astronomy living things are never permanent and cycle itself. A star is born while another dies or fades on the same day.

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intervening in mindanao under the cover of vfa. Instead they support rival milf. To dismember our country. Subic toxic waste dumping. American stooges in their employ. And antagonizing china. But running away fr0m a fight. And making us their front line like ww2!



Subic toxic waste dumping was done by Filipinos - Glenn Defense Marine Philippines


Cannot even invoke the VFA since it was done by Pinoys.


Even if they were American stooges, it's still the locals who are doing the damage to Subic.

I remember the illegal dumpsite for the hospital waste and others.


Antagonizing china? Isn't the philippines the one having a territorial dispute and asking the US to help defend?


China and US have their own quarrel and that is separate to the Philippines. Whether it's being used or not, don't ask the US for help and defend our own land then. See where that will get you/us.

Edited by friendly0603
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doubtful! Scenario. If they have those reserves.. They should renounce their oil grab policy. Such as the asia pivot. And the carter doctrine


it isn't whether they have reserves, it's will they get out of their own way to tap those reserves. in the internet age, narrow-mindedness is easily remedied. use your mouse, the cure is just a click away.




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You cannot expect an NPA yearning for communism to understand democracy. Even Marcos during EDSA 1 did not allow the military under Fabian Ver to annihilate the street protest crowd. In contrast, China did not blink when the tanks run over student activists. Look what happened in Tienanmen Square. I guess this alignment with China is truly anti-Filipino People Power more than anything else.

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  • 1 month later...

Pards, like what I said, once the 50 states agree to secede, there will be no more USA, hence, no more US president and, consequently, the command structure (obviously including the Joint Chiefs) of the US will, likewise, be dissolved.

This scenario would make for a great movie IMHO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

All great societies end given a specific amount of time. The British Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, etc. all had their heyday but all have since vanished. That's the nature of evolution. Of change. What will the United States be like 100 or 1,000 years from now? I'm pretty certain the US as we know it today will no longer be the same. Neither will the Philippines nor the rest of the world.

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