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Women To Avoid - merged thread

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Girls you should avoid if you want a healthy relationship:


Teen moms, or single moms

-obviously they made a really wrong choice, and they're finding someone who is crazy enough to help the through it.


Anime girls or cosplayers

-about cosplayers, and this is not a generalization of all of them, but most of them suffer from a psychological problem or they channel their life through this form to escape from the truth, yes they may look cute but remember this girls may be hiding from something specially those girls who are way to easy going.

-anime girls, this are the 100% fans of anime; not to include those that simply watch anime; this girls who think that Tamahome is so handsome or this character is so cute or boyfriend material, problem with this type is it'll be hard for you to meet their expectations, or you might get easily bored with them.


Girls that are way too young for you

- the common problem here is the generation gap, the bigger the gap between your age and her age the more likely it would be hard for you to cope or understand her.



Here is a simple rule/formula to follow:


(your age + 7) / 2 = bottomline age you should pursue


so if you're 30 years old then (30+7)/2 = 18.5 years old


this formula serves as a guide, remember guys don't mature fast enough as girls, and you'd be surprise that a 22 year old guy ranks the same maturity as a 14 year old girl. This formula deals with the level of maturity that is ideal for your age, and I've known some girls who have bf way older than they are, and they're already 4-6 years in their relationships


Drama Queens

- those that suffer from a personality disorder or those who seek attention; aside from this girls being annoying; it is just not worth your time and effort.


Overly Attached

-even girls don't want someone who is overly attached, we all need space, we all need our personal time. Yes at first it would be nice to have this type of girls, but once this girls starts liking all your FB posts, commenting on all your post, and tagging you on all their by the minute status update of how much they love you, that is where the fun and games end.


Girls you meet at a club or bar

- first of all you shouldn't find love in this places.

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Girls you should avoid if you want a healthy relationship:


Teen moms, or single moms

-obviously they made a really wrong choice, and they're finding someone who is crazy enough to help the through it.


Anime girls or cosplayers

-about cosplayers, and this is not a generalization of all of them, but most of them suffer from a psychological problem or they channel their life through this form to escape from the truth, yes they may look cute but remember this girls may be hiding from something specially those girls who are way to easy going.

-anime girls, this are the 100% fans of anime; not to include those that simply watch anime; this girls who think that Tamahome is so handsome or this character is so cute or boyfriend material, problem with this type is it'll be hard for you to meet their expectations, or you might get easily bored with them.


Girls that are way too young for you

- the common problem here is the generation gap, the bigger the gap between your age and her age the more likely it would be hard for you to cope or understand her.



Here is a simple rule/formula to follow:


(your age + 7) / 2 = bottomline age you should pursue


so if you're 30 years old then (30+7)/2 = 18.5 years old


this formula serves as a guide, remember guys don't mature fast enough as girls, and you'd be surprise that a 22 year old guy ranks the same maturity as a 14 year old girl. This formula deals with the level of maturity that is ideal for your age, and I've known some girls who have bf way older than they are, and they're already 4-6 years in their relationships


Drama Queens

- those that suffer from a personality disorder or those who seek attention; aside from this girls being annoying; it is just not worth your time and effort.


Overly Attached

-even girls don't want someone who is overly attached, we all need space, we all need our personal time. Yes at first it would be nice to have this type of girls, but once this girls starts liking all your FB posts, commenting on all your post, and tagging you on all their by the minute status update of how much they love you, that is where the fun and games end.


Girls you meet at a club or bar

- first of all you shouldn't find love in this places.






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