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Women To Avoid - merged thread

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Guest globetrotter

pretending someone she isnt for her to be part of a group.some girls purposely change the way they look, speak and think so that they can be part of the "in" crowd. attention-seekers,social climbers, and the like.

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simple lang....


ayoko sa babae...yung marumi at yoko munag losyang...dapat alam naman nila yun ano...


ang guys natural madumihan...dahil...lalaki nga eh...magaslaw at syempre trabahong lalaki kadalasan...kahit na sang lupalop ka pa pumunta...lalaki ay madumihin...


at sa makalyong mga kamay naman sa mga guys...natural yung dahil masipag...ako nga nawala na kalyo ko sa mga kamay eh...naman na inayawan ko kasi numipis na balat ko madali nang masaktan...dapat ang guys makunat ang balat de ang ugali...kaya nga ang guys are hard and girls are soft dapat....opposite atrract..parang magnet yan...de pwede pareho positive...de magdidikit...


nature na na tao yan...mula pa panahon ni adan hangang kay samson at dumating kay brad pitt!! baka de nyo alam na si brad pitt ang pinaka maantot na celbrity sa hollywood...#1..at baka de nyo pa nalalaman na si britney spears ay may maantot na paa!! stewardess pa ang nagsabi nya...binalita na yan dati pa!...=]

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pasosi d naman bagay.........ang hirap kasama dahil sa daming kaartehan sarap sipain....



hahahaha, grabeh naman kabahuan ng info mo, ngayon ko lang nalaman yan ah, lol, \

pero medyo disagree ako na natural sa mga lalaki ang marungis, hehehehe, syempre naman

dapat mukang laging mabango at malinis noh. Pwede naman i-maintain un, nasa nag dadala lang yan

opinion lang po, hehehehe....

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hahahaha, grabeh naman kabahuan ng info mo, ngayon ko lang nalaman yan ah, lol, \

pero medyo disagree ako na natural sa mga lalaki ang marungis, hehehehe, syempre naman

dapat mukang laging mabango at malinis noh. Pwede naman i-maintain un, nasa nag dadala lang yan

opinion lang po, hehehehe....




naku po, wrong sent po, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

ung post ko po para dun sa nasa ibabaw ng name niyo

na nag post din po, choweeee

mali po nai-click ko, waaaaaaaaaaaaa...

sensya na po ha,,, huhuhuhuhu :(

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pasosi d naman bagay.........ang hirap kasama dahil sa daming kaartehan sarap sipain....



naku pow, wrong sent pow, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

ung post ko po para dun sa nasa baba ng name niyo

na nag post din po, choweeee

mali po nai-click ko, waaaaaaaaaaaaa...

sensya na po ha,,, huhuhuhuhu


mali mali na ko, naguguluhan na po kasi ako,

bago lang po kasi ako eh, chowee po ha..



=( Lungkot

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i know girls say that they hate airhead guyz...


but girlz hve their own share of airheadz too...


girlz who would alwayz talk about how dey look, dey kikay stuff, and


sum other shallow stuff...


thats an automatic abort-ice-berg-ahead signal to us guyz...

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  • 1 month later...

Every single one of us has made mistakes with women. We've been conned, duped and dazed by physical attraction. We've made fools of ourselves by kissing the feet of females who treated us like dirt. We've wasted countless hours and spent small fortunes chasing after women who lied to us and used us, and turned out to be rotten.

But do we learn from our experiences? No. Every time we think it's going to be different. We think if we just try harder, or do one little thing differently, the result will change.


Well, it's not going to change. If you keep pursuing the same kind of woman, you'll just get your heart broken over and over again.


Keep a watchful eye out for the following list of women, and you'll be one step closer to curing yourself of habitual bitch-dating:


1- Miss Feminist

This woman postulates that all the ills of society are orchestrated by men and the best thing a man can do to improve himself is cut off his testicles and grow a pair of ovaries. She believes that women are angelic creatures who would make the world a utopia if only the male "patriarchy" would allow them to. Any woman who promotes these absurdities lives in a fantasy world and will have no problem at all treating a man in a way that she would never herself abide by. You can easily identify her by her incessant mantra, "All men think with their penises." Avoid her at all costs.


2- Miss Take

She's out for your money -- pure and simple. Miss Take is the ultimate in high maintenance. She expects a man to finance her entire life just because she is biologically female. To her, a man should pay for drinks, dinners, trips, flowers, and jewelry, while she feels absolutely no guilt or compulsion to reciprocate. She is nothing but a whitewashed prostitute. Miss Take thinks her vagina is plated with gold and is worth a million dollars. She is greed personified. Since she has no concept of someone else's feelings, her only interest is in getting what she wants. And don't be fooled -- some apparently very "nice" girls are the greediest of them all.


3- Miss Romance

This type of woman lives in a fantasy world of Lifetime Channel movies and romance novels. Every night she goes home alone to spend hours flipping through her bride magazines, imagining that, at any moment, Prince Charming will ride up on his white horse, sweep her off her feet, and offer her a problem-free existence for the rest of her life. The Miss Romances of the world have been coddled by parents and family, told they are "princesses," and have absolutely no idea that real life consists of paying bills and cleaning toilets. Miss Romance will expect to be taken care of, will be a dud in bed, and will, almost overnight, turn into a shrieking nag. Run.


4- Miss Elusive

This woman is closely allied to Miss Romance, but with a dark side. She is usually one of the "walking wounded" -- someone who has been hurt in past relationships and so subconsciously avoids or sabotages new relationships in the present. Your association with her will be one of utter frustration, as first she shows great interest in you, but very quickly runs away -- then repeats this cycle over and over again. Miss Elusive is the queen of mixed messages. She will flirt with you and date you, but you'll never get past "friend" status. What you will get is a million excuses for her unavailability, all calculated to deceive herself that she just doesn't have time for a relationship. Save yourself some heartache -- don't get involved with her.


5- Miss Angry

Like Miss Feminists, Miss Angrys really don't like men. They scorn the male gender and can rattle off all the wrongs and misdeeds of every man they've ever encountered. To Miss Angry, there's no such thing as a nice guy -- they're all "jerks," "creeps" and "pigs." Many of them have lots of simmering anger at men, which can explode at any moment like an erupting volcano. Unless you're into lots of drama and screaming, stay away.


6- Miss Insecure

This woman seems great at the start because she's very nice, accommodating and treats men well. But her inner insecurities don't take long to surface. Pretty soon she's calling you 10 times a day, asking to see "where the relationship is going," or because she "just wants to hear your voice." She needs constant reassurance that she's attractive, and worries incessantly about her makeup, hair and the alignment of her clothes. She's clingy, needy and compulsively agonizes that you're going to leave her at any moment for "someone better." This kind of thing can get really creepy really fast.


7- Miss Bitch

Miss Bitches are the sulkers, pouters and ball-busters of the female world. They are very unpleasant people who treat their fellow humans poorly, care only about themselves, and aren't concerned at all if they hurt you or anybody else. Most Miss Bitches qualify as Miss Takes, too. Miss Bitches are usually good-looking and well dressed, and you can easily identify them by the scowls on their faces as they imperiously strut through the world.



8- Miss Me

A close relative of Miss Bitch, Miss Me is entirely focused on herself. Miss Me needs to be the constant center of attention no matter what she does or where she goes. She is a selfish, self-indulgent, self-serving narcissist who was raised as "daddy's little girl," and expects the same from you. Unless you enjoy the company of spoiled brats, stay far, far away.


9- Miss Desperate

Whether it's her baby clock ticking or she's the last of her girlfriends to trap a man, Miss Desperate wants to get married -- now. She doesn't care who the guy is or what he does -- as long as he's got a penis she can drag him to the altar. Watch out for this one!


10- Miss Turncoat

She's a conniving little piece of work who's an expert at conning men. Miss Turncoat will tell you exactly what you want to hear until you're hooked deep into the relationship (or married)… and then the truth comes out. Overnight, your sweet little girl turns into a demanding, greedy, mercenary harpy who will browbeat you into submission if she doesn't get her way.


11- Miss Tease

Usually, you can spot Miss Teases a mile away because she flirts with anything in pants and flaunt her sexuality at every opportunity. Sometimes she sponges off older men; sometimes she's a ball-buster who enjoys getting men sexually excited and then walking away; and sometimes she just basks in her sexual power by attracting men like bees to honey. No matter how she operates, you can't trust her because she craves male attention and if somebody better comes along, she'll dump you in a heartbeat.


12- Miss Controlling

She is a subtly nasty one who will wind up directing every phase of your life. She will tell you what to wear, where to go, who to talk to, what friends you can have, what you can eat -- everything. And if you try to stand up for yourself, she will cut off sex, cry, scream, pout, or use any other deceptive female tactic until you give in and succumb to her demands.



you've been warned!


These are some of the worst of them. Obviously, there are some good women out there who share only portions of these negative qualities. But it's always best to be on the lookout for the Misses listed above.

And now that you know better, if you hook up with one of these women, you have only yourself to blame.

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Hehehe.. comment ko lang, meron ding male version yan.. so dapat lagay mo instead mr/miss... then edit the title to Types of People to Avoid. :P


Yun nga lang, di ka na magkakapartner nyan pag avoid mo lahat yan. :D


oo nga naman. pag naghahanap ka ng relationship tapos meron kang checklist, walang mangyayari sa iyo. :P


the key is identify the bare minimums and adjust. :)

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I opted not to create a single thread for both guys and girls because experience dictates that the discussion will be leaning towards Men to avoid (There is another thread for this). This will create an imbalance in the love and relationships forum which will be aggravated by certain assholes who would pretend to agree with what the girls will post in hopes of befriending them and possibly getting in their pants.

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oo nga naman. pag naghahanap ka ng relationship tapos meron kang checklist, walang mangyayari sa iyo.  :P


the key is identify the bare minimums and adjust.  :)

Though it appears to be a checklist, I wouldn't really want to look at it as one. Instead, I would look at it as a forewarning as to the possible consequences if I ever get to become romantically involved with the above women. Ika nga, love is blind and love can leave you dumbfounded so at least you can be aware di ba?


It so stupid to find romance with a checklist but it's even more stupid to refuse awareness.

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making distinctions between women according to how desirable they are and if they should be avoided is going to hurt no one else but those men who do it. it's limiting and paralyzing.. it keeps men from finding out for themselves what works and what doesn't. remember that when you decide to go into a relationship, you don't go fall in love with a "type".. you fall in love with a person. so instead of avoiding people, why not get to know as many people as you can and hope that one of them will strike your fancy enough to want to pursue something with them?


just a thought.

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