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mukhang postponed mga running events due to the rains/floods



closest thing i had was a slight drizzle/shower before nung sa NBA Fit Run and during my sunday runs

pero havent really experienced running soaked during a heavy downpour


i think last year's Milo marathon participants ran during the rain.. anyone tried running in the rain? can anyone share their experience? what to expect? TIA


i once got caught in a drizzle that turned into one of the regular downpours we are seeing so much of these days. i had just begun my run so i didn't feel like taking cover yet, but it wasn't as miserable as i thought it would be and since where i run cars pose no particular danger, i finished my 40-minute route. by the time i was done my ponytail was plastered to my nape and my shoes were squishy, but i was elated. the only tricky thing is avoiding clay-like mud and mossy pavement but if you run outdoors in trail shoes these hazards are easily overcome. i run outside in my NB 310 or my asics gel enduro which are both great at gripping terrain in inclement weather. if you're not a fan of the wet look on yourself, just make sure you wear something that won't reveal too much even when you're drenched. as for me, i wear dark clothing with reflective accessories when the skies are gray. like Droidz said, work out in advance where you can change out of your wet clothes. or, even better, run all the way home ;) in the rain, it can feel pretty darned grand.

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mukhang postponed mga running events due to the rains/floods



closest thing i had was a slight drizzle/shower before nung sa NBA Fit Run and during my sunday runs

pero havent really experienced running soaked during a heavy downpour


i think last year's Milo marathon participants ran during the rain.. anyone tried running in the rain? can anyone share their experience? what to expect? TIA


Ayos ang post mo kay Michelle ha??? and btw na visit ko na Memphis... (thumbs up)


Regarding running in the rain I have almost run most rainy race last year... I even run with a flood... around 50meters on the Chevy power run...

My recent run in the rain is the RU2....2012


Well I don't like running in the rain.... I put my cap on when running so I have a clear vision...

And its very uncomfortable when your feet is soaking wet...

And its hard to maintain a pace due to the conditions...


Anyway... I ran last weekend... on Alabang Bank Run 10km July 22,2012

Here's my FR...


The route was very nice with many uphills 10/10

Organizer (Active Moments) 9/10

Hydration 10/10

Bananas even the 3km do have it! 10/10 (but I dont eat banana during race)

Portalets and Garbage Bins 3/10

Raffle Prizes 10/10 (Banks ba naman sponsors!)

Booths 6/10 2 booths only have freebies Big Chill and Coffee! Lahat may bayad na... I ate Shawarma for Bfast...

Loots 7/10 The best part I got the commemorative coin of Rizal... for his anniversary (Well di naman ako coin collector, but pede na display)


My time on 10k... definitely broke my PR... still waiting on the results... maybe its on the 55mins to 56mins window :)

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thanks for sharing guys (and girl - Ms.Dungeonbaby :lol:)


Kellogg's Special K run resched on Aug5.. kitakits


eto isa pa.. what socks do you wear during your runs? thick, padded socks? or thin ones?


personally, i use the five fingers socks of Darlington ("ang medyas na walang himulmol sa sakong" hehe)

300 for 2pairs sa suking department stores

manipis lang sya. i once ran using double of these socks pero it was a bit uncomfortable. so i went back to wearing only 1

nothing special except for the individual cover for each digits on your foot (at syempre walang himulmol sa sakong)

i chose this kasi dati may issues ako when i run (when i was a kid): nagpapaltos yung daliri ko sa paa because of rubbing with each other (ouch)

luckily, it only happened once last year when i started running and joining events

this is the one i also use for bball games nowadays...

Edited by ppdd
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thanks for sharing guys (and girl - Ms.Dungeonbaby :lol:)


Kellogg's Special K run resched on Aug5.. kitakits


eto isa pa.. what socks do you wear during your runs? thick, padded socks? or thin ones?


personally, i use the five fingers socks of Darlington ("ang medyas na walang himulmol sa sakong" hehe)

300 for 2pairs sa suking department stores

manipis lang sya. i once ran using double of these socks pero it was a bit uncomfortable. so i went back to wearing only 1

nothing special except for the individual cover for each digits on your foot (at syempre walang himulmol sa sakong)

i chose this kasi dati may issues ako when i run (when i was a kid): nagpapaltos yung daliri ko sa paa because of rubbing with each other (ouch)

luckily, it only happened once last year when i started running and joining events

this is the one i also use for bball games nowadays...



Sir... I used Nike.... Drifit around 300 per pair

or the Under Armor brand... wub.gif



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Joined milo's national marathon, 1st time to run 21k finished in 3hrs something. Personally, no regrets since hindi naman tayo serious runner i just enjoy the raced and i finished it until the end despite the heavy rains, cramp muscles, at paltos na sa mga paa ko. Overall, had a great experienced sinced i first joined the milo. Marathon wayback 2001. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif. I really liked their advocacy giving a pair of shoes to those students who dont have one thats the main reasons i've joined in.

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(late) FR on Kellogg's Special K: Run for a Healthy Filipina


Category: 16k

Weather: Raining with light shower

Venue: Venice Piazza, McKinley Hills

Time: 2hrs 2mins+


Pros: route was very challenging. Plenty of uphills and downhills. Hydration stations were strategically placed along the route. The marshalls and volunteers were very helpful (lalo na sa pag cheer!). Nice lootbags and freebies, nice weather (even though it was raining)... and Aubrey Miles!:wub:


Cons: Too much cars near the runners or along the route. i guess more volunteers next time is good


Mental Note: Next time, no spa session with a regular thera 5hrs before the actual run!!! (or a day before ng run) Tsk tsk.. dapat talaga 2-3days before ng run eh, wag the day before, much more yung oras lang pagitan.. pero ok lang.. sulit pa din naman. solid experience! (both dun sa session and yung sa run hahaha)



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Repost lang natin para sa tatakbo sa REXONA run 2012


Quoted by coach rio


Dear Runners, <br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; ">Due to the heavy rains and floods the past days, we will be postponing the REXONA RUN 2012 event to SEPTEMBER 23, Sunday still at the Mall of Asia grounds. We feel that due to the current calamity, it would be inappropriate to still push through with the event. We have taken into consideration that a lot of the runners may be living in affected areas, and that our route marshals are part of the AFP so th ey will be busy with relief operations.


Instead, we will be focusing our efforts on relief operations this weekend, particularly in Marikina. You are very much welcome to participate or help out in any way. More details will be posted soon.


Thank you for understanding. Please stay safe and dry!


Coach Rio

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