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Writings of the Heart

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On 8/1/2019 at 1:50 PM, sleekbabe said:

Dear You,

I've been supressing my feelings for the longest time... been hiding the reality that I am so tired of giving my all (when I know it shouldn't be that way). It hurts to know that I love you much more, than you love me. I tried my best to ignore that feeling... What's so frustrating is I am scared to tell you this and be honest with you because it always backfires... I never win in our arguments and in the end it's ALWAYS my fault... You always find your way out and never own up to your mistakes... I've given my best and I've given my all... It hurts and it saddens me that I feel that there's nothing left for me to give... I am so tired of this...


I hope somehow I'll find someone who will love me the way that I do...

 Natamaan ako Dito 😌

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i miss you ...

i miss your hands running through my hair as you put me to sleep

i miss you snuggling on my chest both of us not even noticing the traffic as we listen to OUR playlist on spotify

I miss you carefully toting  up the items you put in our cart when we do our groceries so we don't go over budget

I miss your cute little dance when food makes you happy

I miss you driving for me as I sleep exhausted after a long day at work

I miss the food you so carefully prepared so that  I eat on pn the road using the  car tray you so thoughtfully bought

I miss making love to you for hours and hours on end

I miss you everytime I see that superman keychain on my car keys

I miss you everytime I see a fishball cart

I miss you still.

Just to let you know .




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You are like a beautiful and terrible scar on my mind, my heart, my soul. An anomaly of dreams and imaginings. An ultimate fantasy that won’t go away. A fissure in the desolation of my self control. The un-Zen obliterating the calmness, the proverbial tempest in a tea cup.

I love the sparkle that describe your eyes, the radiance of them, the unbearable lightness of being they impose on me. The sun moon and stars of a universe Id like to know. All the languid pools of thought and terrible tempests of your inner self that I might discover. Such is my longing for your frontiers.

I adore the erudite sweetness of your lips, how they speak of rarified climes and vast plateaus beyond my poor imaginings. How you sing the world to me, and all the things not within my philosophy. They remind me of my exquisite ache for understanding the infinite. And more so the infinite spaces that we might traverse.

I cherish you. You make everything seem within reach. Your soul is the purity of purpose and the proof of life this world needs. The stars and flowers in your wake give eternal bloom to all. Your laughter is the only song one needs to strive for.

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The inescapable truth is that we all wish to be loved in the way we wish to be loved, and to feel moreso than material security that special feeling of belovedness. To love and be loved in the concept of a lover, not just tender loving care to caresses; not just intimacy to hot monkey loving abandon; but the feeling of the infinite- that special moment where everything stands still and the heartbeat of the universe is ours, regardless of the act or lack thereof. The moment we share that secret smile which simply says everything there is to be said. No words can convey as much as that crinkle near your mouth and the shared mirth which renders the world’s worst into nothing but stuff and nonsense. 

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In these past few weeks I feel like a beggar. The type of beggar who moves around, walk to people asking for anything just to survive. I am tired of doing that but I don't want this feeling to die. Maybe not right now. So I will still be a beggar. But the one that only waits on the sidewalks. Waiting in silence. My phone is my can and your message is my alms. If one day I become unresponsive, please understand that you are not giving enough to keep my feelings alive.

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Just you. Just being close to you. Just hearing about how your day went. Just your humor, wit and charm. Just friendship and companionship are enough to warm me to the farthest extremities of my soul. And make me feel the sunshine, that loving fuzzy warmth full of saccharine sweetness, bursting with redolent decadence and withheld permissions. Your sweetness wins over all else, and makes me feel that yesterday is behind me and tomorrow is calling with the sweet siren call to enjoy the endless now. Just you. Just you. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A year has passed. I feel like the past two months has been a good progression of even more healing and recovery for my heart. While there have been several recent episodes of tears and breakdown, I've been able to recover better from it compared to the never-ending episodes the past year. I know I can't fall down anymore cause I've hit rock bottom, and I'm just climbing back again to the light.

Losing you made me realize so many things, and the biggest of it was how much I really loved you and how your mere presence meant to me. You were my world, you will always be. Someone might eventually find its way to my heart, but your memories will always be here.

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