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Uncomfortable Questions

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I have actually answered some straight questions with a straight answer, and the common thing: people will find it hard to accept the truth. Other people's reaction maybe: Ang yabang naman nun, ows...maniwala, or something negative. First of all, people should accept the answer from a question they asked...

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hehe i remember this really awkward moment at work. me and my buds were in the elevator and then one of our gay officemates entered. take note, me and our gay officemate were in opposite sides of the elevator and it was really full during that time. all of a sudden, our gay officemate asked me:


"Oi *****, date tayo!"


haha awkward tlga. naghang ata ako for 3 seconds during which time, sobrang tumahimik dun sa loob. then i finally answered:


"busy ako eh"


BAD TRIP haha wrong answer. it was like i was insinuating na kung nde ako busy, then there's the possibility of me goin out with him. haha wrong move.


i never heard the end of the jokes that came flowing my way after that.

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