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Uncomfortable Questions

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What's your vital stats/waistline?

- that is so rude and one of my major turn-offs sa guy. Let's not be superficial, and if you are, at least try to pretend otherwise. It's just like us women, asking how much money you have in the bank.


How many guys have you had sex with?

- Awkward and if you ask that question, don't expect an honest answer.

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don't u miss me? (from a guy u wish will drop out of your life)

pede pa utang? (from the same guy after mo nireject)


are you still a virgin? and similar questions (ahm....get to know me and you'll know....if you're good u'll be able to broach the topic and know my stance on the topic)


what's your weight, vital stats? (asking is rude! ask for pics or meet in person. if u don't like them so be it. u don't have to be a jerk about the whole thing. not everything is about getting laid.)

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being straightforward is not a filipino trait though...that is why sometimes these questions are uncomfortable, because you can't answer them "straightforwardly"...


unfortunately so. and that is the very reason why i couldn't answer the question myself. answering that would probably have made things messier.


straightforwardness is something i greatly appreciate in americans. the downside is sometimes they have too much of it that it becomes inappropriate. still it is something we filipinos should learn from. can only imagine how much easier our lives will be.

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