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Dreaming To Be A Famous Photographer


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hello kapwa photographers! sobrang tagal ko na di nakakpagshoot dahil busy sa work but luckily itong long vacation, nakapgshoot ako ng onti.


anyways parang dko ma-enhance ung speed ko sa pagshoot pag nakamanual focusing ako. tapos ung ibang shots ko pa blurred. so is it ok na mag autofocus ako when i shoot outdoor, tapos magmanual focus nlng ako pag still life at portrait?


thanks in advance!


Ey bro..nice to see you pop in once in a while :) Please share the settings you used together with a sample pic that didn't come out as you expected it to be when you used manual focus so that the seasoned practitioners of the ART/Trade here could provide their insights.


Sometimes, pictures gone wrong are good subject matters so everyone can learn when the comments and ideas on how to fix/prevent it from happening again starts pouring in :D



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somewhere among the numerous snorkeling spots of puerto galera, mindoro...using a Canon Rebel SLR

Bro Kap, On your caption sa kabila you mentioned corals. If your'e going for the reflections and swirly patterns of the water then the pic works... But if you were meaning to let the other viewers see the colorful and beautiful corals that you've seen 'neath the surface, then perhaps employing a Cicular Polarizing Filter would help in letting us experience what you saw :) If you generally shoot outdoors and do scenics, skies, and bright subjects, perhaps using the CPL in place of the customary UV/Haze filter as a lense protector may not be a bad idea :) It can also be stacked ontop your choice of lense protector filter.


my attempt at nudes


NICE! Can't comment actually as I've never had the chance to do nude portraits nor even glamour protraitures (Calling Bro PK and Sir Benj! :D). Comparison-wise, with other photos I've seen on the subject, perhaps a little bit more contrast to suite my taste. But that's just me... Keep on shooting and sharing! :D




Thanks for sharing the link! This made me grin as I just bought a "PointnShoot" CoolPix and I'm guilty of not opening the Manual and jumping into "P-Mode" (pangangalikot - mode :) ) agad and just thumb through the Manual when I hit a snag ( like... Is that spring suppose to pop out? and, what is that crunching noise? :D) ... Anyway, I'll mend my ways tonight and try the suggestions on the link and pray it's not yet too late to repare any damages caused by my over eagerness.


Cheers All!

Edited by fire_breather
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congrats on your aquisition. try mo sa Program mode instead of Full auto (represented by the letter P on the dial). this will make camera compute the f stop and shutter speed but without popping the built in flash


Hmmmm???? Don't think that's right. P (Program) mode refers to the use of many different "programs" to determine what's the right exposure for the scene. For example, the camera tries to figure out if you're shooting a landscape, a portrait, etc and changes how it determines exposure based on that.


A (Auto) mode simply takes the meter reading(s) off the sensor and makes the best guess possible, weighting all in a constant fashion.


AV (aperture priority) mode looks at a manually-selected aperture and makes the best guess for shutter speed. TV (shutter priority) bass its guess on the shutter speed you choose.


M (manual) makes you select both aperture and shutter manually.


In an SLR, you simply DON'T pop up the lash and voila! - no flash! In a p&s usually there's setting to run off the flash. RTFM! (which means - Read The F$%^&ng Manual!)

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Hmmmm???? Don't think that's right. P (Program) mode refers to the use of many different "programs" to determine what's the right exposure for the scene. For example, the camera tries to figure out if you're shooting a landscape, a portrait, etc and changes how it determines exposure based on that.


A (Auto) mode simply takes the meter reading(s) off the sensor and makes the best guess possible, weighting all in a constant fashion.


AV (aperture priority) mode looks at a manually-selected aperture and makes the best guess for shutter speed. TV (shutter priority) bass its guess on the shutter speed you choose.


M (manual) makes you select both aperture and shutter manually.


In an SLR, you simply DON'T pop up the lash and voila! - no flash! In a p&s usually there's setting to run off the flash. RTFM! (which means - Read The F$%^&ng Manual!)


i read the manual and actually tried shooting. galing mo mag copy verbatim on what the manual says. I actually understand what the manual says and apply such. wy not try posting some shots you took bro lets see. get out and shoot and stop reading your manual

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Hmmmm???? Don't think that's right. P (Program) mode refers to the use of many different "programs" to determine what's the right exposure for the scene. For example, the camera tries to figure out if you're shooting a landscape, a portrait, etc and changes how it determines exposure based on that.


A (Auto) mode simply takes the meter reading(s) off the sensor and makes the best guess possible, weighting all in a constant fashion.


AV (aperture priority) mode looks at a manually-selected aperture and makes the best guess for shutter speed. TV (shutter priority) bass its guess on the shutter speed you choose.


M (manual) makes you select both aperture and shutter manually.


In an SLR, you simply DON'T pop up the lash and voila! - no flash! In a p&s usually there's setting to run off the flash. RTFM! (which means - Read The F$%^&ng Manual!)



i read the manual and actually tried shooting. galing mo mag copy verbatim on what the manual says. I actually understand what the manual says and apply such. wy not try posting some shots you took bro lets see. get out and shoot and stop reading your manual



Gentlemen, theres no need to be sarcastic, why dont you be constructive in your criticisms. :thumbsdownsmiley: :thumbsdownsmiley: :thumbsdownsmiley: :thumbsdownsmiley: :thumbsdownsmiley: :thumbsdownsmiley:

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i read the manual and actually tried shooting. galing mo mag copy verbatim on what the manual says. I actually understand what the manual says and apply such. wy not try posting some shots you took bro lets see. get out and shoot and stop reading your manual


Bro, let cool heads prevail... Flower Power!!! :flowers:


The thread is for comments and as with all comments and personal opinions/views of the posters and contributors ...should be taken with a grain of salt and not taken as a personal attack. :)


Perhaps, some clarifications on what you mean on your post. "... this will make camera compute the f stop and shutter speed but without popping the built in flash" ought to help clear some misunderstanding. ^_^

Edited by fire_breather
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CPL used for blues on the sky and the Danube river on this capture of Budapest Castle Hill :)

(AS noted on the link... the sun is about 90deg to the left and can be discerned from the shadows on the castle ramparts)


Edited by fire_breather
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Bro, let cool heads prevail... Flower Power!!! :flowers:


The thread is for comments and as with all comments and personal opinions/views of the posters and contributors ...should be taken with a grain of salt and not taken as a personal attack. :)


Perhaps, some clarifications on what you mean on your post. "... this will make camera compute the f stop and shutter speed but without popping the built in flash" ought to help clear some misunderstanding. ^_^


sorry bro. peace

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i read the manual and actually tried shooting. galing mo mag copy verbatim on what the manual says. I actually understand what the manual says and apply such. wy not try posting some shots you took bro lets see. get out and shoot and stop reading your manual


Copy the manual? Who, me? I don't need to copy the manual. I KNOW what each of these modes mean. I've been doing digital photography since 1991 - one of my cameras (the Apple QuickTake150) is in the NY Museum of Modern Art as an example of good design, and I own a couple of patents in digital photography. I've been doing photography since 1969 - I process my own film and do my own printing, both film and digital. And I was on the IT8 committee that defined the first ICC color profiles. I HAVE posted some of my shots. Do some back reading, why don't you? I'll go down any rathole talking about photography that you want to - try me any time! But be prepared to back up anything you say with solid technical data!

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