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Dreaming To Be A Famous Photographer


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Arent there also 4-in-a-row-vertical actionsamplers? Or is there a different name for that?



Hey dude, great shots. I like the first one. You paid attention to depth of field and the colors look good too! The second shot is also putting DOF to good use.



The Futura is a Rangefinder camera. If you want to sell your Futura-S Pleae PM me. I have a thing for rangefinder cameras.



Shooting flowers is not easy. I have tried and I have failed to produce outstanding images :P The rule of thumb for floral photography is to look for FIELDS of flowers and let your imagination run wild! btw, checkin out your flickr now

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Shooting flowers is not easy. I have tried and I have failed to produce outstanding images :P The rule of thumb for floral photography is to look for FIELDS of flowers and let your imagination run wild! btw, checkin out your flickr now



Thanks Sir for the advice. Thats why I love online communities like this, knowledge is free as in beer.

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Thanks man. greatly appreciated.



Supersampler! There we go!



dude, you can try the gardens at tagaytay. Some are private gardens and the last time I shot at one of the gardens, I made sure to make prints for the owner too (All on film, if I get to scan them I will post them here)

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amen to that sir! :D

where was that shot taken at? what was your set up?


this shot was taken at Brescia, an italian resto here in cebu.


i had a table set near a large window and shot this using natural light. shot using RAW.


getting paid to do something i love, having to eat dishes like these for free, getting a bottle of good spumante then seeing your work on a glossy. i just love being a photographer. :thumbsupsmiley:

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I have a bunch of photog friends from cebu.


I think the shadows on the plate could have been prevented with the use of a reflector. But for the equipment at hand... I'd say thats a great shot sir.


I dont get paid to do what I do. For now, the excitement of shooting is what fuels me. That and the appreciation and recognition of my work!

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