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Dreaming To Be A Famous Photographer


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...anyway, the photo shoot for the clothes was held inside a small boutique, the original background was a white cloth that was laid on the floor. i also used two 110 watts studio strobes to light this. i shot using RAW file format to give me enough color space to play around with. on post process, i selected/copied and pasted the image on to a new file with a white background. finally, converting it to CMYK mode @ 300 dpi and saving it as .TIF.


oh i see.. but with the lights that u used, was the outcome good enuogh even without retouching in photoshop? tnx :)

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mig22: looks like the lab that developed your negatives seems to have a dirty roller, as evidenced by the streaks. that happened to me with my roll from my rolleiflex.


Actually sir it's my 7 year old scanner. The negatives were fine, I am having trouble pinpointing the problem on it. :D

But I didn't know that it can happen on an actual negative. Thanks for the tip.

Edited by mig 22
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What: LomoLove, a photographic exhibit on lomography


When: September 9, 2006 7pm


Where: Marikina Shoe Expo at Cubao


Why: To spread the love of lomography to the Philippines!


Additional Information


What is Lomo?


In 1991 a group of Viennese students discovered the Lomo Kompakt Automat when on holiday in Prague. This mass-produced Soviet camera was so cheap and easy to use that they shot rolls of film, ignoring the established rules of "good" photography. The resulting snaps were often odd to look at, out of focus and, due to the character of the Lomo lens, garishly coloured. But they were wonderfully fresh. The craze for Lomo spread so fast that when, in 1996, the St Petersburg manufacturers threatened to stop making the camera, Lomographers stepped in to guarantee all future sales.


Today the Lomographic Society has embassies across the globe with Lomography.com as its base. Hundreds participate in international Lomo events and add to the ever-growing LomoWorldArchive.


Visit the Lomographic Society website at www.lomography.com to find out more about LOMO.


The following are the company's 10 Golden Rules of Lomography:


Take your LOMO everywhere you go & whenever you go.

Use it anytime — day or night.

Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it.

Shoot from the hip.

Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible.

Don't think.

Be fast.

You don't have to know beforehand what you've captured on film.

You don't have to know afterwards, either.

Don't worry about the rules.

(source: bbc.co.uk)



Lomography in the Philippines


Very little is known about the beginnings of lomography in the Philippines. Noted artist At Maculangan is said to be the first to formally introduce the concept of lomography in the country, having shown lomo exhibits during his tour of Europe. Together with fellow lomo lovers, At initiated an e-group in 2003 to keep the growing band of Filipino lomographers together. Since then, Lomomanila has mounted two exhibits comprising individuals from as diverse professions as photographers, advertising executives and students. After being dormant for a few years, the group with its old and new members launches its first of a series of exciting new activities with LomoLove, a lomo exhibit at Blacksoup Projects Gallery in Cubao-X (formerly Marikina Shoe Expo)


Details of the Exhibition


Participants of the lomographic exhibition include Monica Barretto, Marge Francia, Sarah Encabo, Zoe Ezequiel, Francis Hernandez Inton, Mike Policarpio, Jed Quiambao, Katrina Rodrigo, Joanna Francesca Tripon, Dek Tinawin, Timmy Tuazon, At Maculangan and Jake Verzosa.


LomoLove is a celebration of life, a journey to discovery and a flight to freedom.


This exhibit aims to fill the entire Black Soup Gallery with lomographs by the participating lomographers listed above, with each contributing ten of his/her best shots. These shots are replicated ten times each image to build a Lomowall, an entire wall filled with images that have a discernible pattern when seen from afar. This mosaic of images will use approximately 1,000 prints of 3R size photographs. Lomographs taken with Holga cameras are sized 4x4 inches, and are displayed separately in a standee


See the recent feature on Lomomanila on Philippine Daily Inquirer at http://showbizandstyle.inq7.net/you/2bu/vi...rticle_id=15439.

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Friends, If you are around town this saturday do pass by at cubao. Especially pnoize2k4, nooblet, gooei, linuzdviruz, and everyone who is reading this thread.


I want to pass you personally an invite but this is the only way I could give it to you guys:



An exhibit of more than 2000 lomo images


Be there at the Exhibit Launch

and see our Lomowall of more than 2000 photos !


BlackSoup Projects Gallery

Cubao-X (Marikina Show Expo), Araneta Center, Cubao, QC

Sept 9, Saturday 7 PM onwards


With live performances by :

Outerhope Bagetsafonik The Sleepyheads Drip

Moscow Olympics Shoulder State Free Beer


Entrance is Free of Charge.


Brought to you by FujiYKL, CCA and LOMO.PH


Lomographers Participating:

At Maculangan

Bibingka Maculangan

Mon Guinto

Marge Francia

Monica Baretto

Sarah Encabo

Jo Tripon

Jed Quiambao

Jimmy Hilario

Timmy Tuason

Dek Tinawin

Bong Rojales

Sharon Atillo

Danielle Faber

Mike Policarpio

Katrina Rodrigo

Jill Lejano

Angel Joyosa

Zoe Ezequiel

Cary Reyes

Jake Versoza

Ria Henares

Richelle Vibal

Francis Inton

Melanie Valera

Ana Lim

Ice Lim

Rollie Valenzuela

Tere Salvador


Links :

Cubao-X ( cubao-x.blogspot.com )

Lomomography ( www.lomography.com )

lomomanila ( groups.yahoo.com/group/lomomanila )

Lomo.ph ( www.lomo.ph )

- web.mac.com/sparklemind -

Edited by mig 22
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