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Dreaming To Be A Famous Photographer


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DIY: Dry Box


We all want to keep our precious cameras & lenses in prestine condition. As we all know lenses & cameras don't come cheap and its our life & soul when it comes to photography... whether film or digital.


Cameras (digital, mechanical, and video) are very sensitive to humidity and mold. Once mold starts growing, it will erode deep inside the lens, making it unusable.In general, most molds grow when humidity is higher than 60%RH.


To prevet this kind of mold from growing, the application of dry box storage is very common.


'Dry Boxes' comes in different sizes... from small Cabinets thats costs from around 5K

Photo by Lampin of PiPho



To kick ass Dry Cabinets that costs as much as 30K+

Photo by Oculus of PiPho



I know... we're not as rich as these guys so the solution would be to Do It Yourself! :cool:


What we need are air-tight containers such as those pics below...

Photos by Goddy Tongco of PiPho


11.2L Klipfresh Container P339.00




13L Keyway Container P250




A Generic Hygrometer P179 (you may opt to buy a digital for around P700)



And a few silica gel packs and VIOLA!! your very own dry box that does the same thing for much much less thumbsupsmiley:


Photo by Makoy Almanzor of PiPho




just remember to keep the Relative Humidity of your box to about 30-50% and that should do you well :hypocritesmiley:

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Not the most interesting of subjects but I just want our resident experts to give their commentary on composition and the shallow Depth of Field effect that I was trying to create. Don't worry, I got my flame suit on so don't hold back.




Edited by RustyXIII
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Not the most interesting of subjects but I just want our resident experts to give their commentary on composition and the shallow Depth of Field effect that I was trying to create. Don't worry, I got my flame suit on so don't hold back.



I would've shot this from a different angle which may make this a little bit more interesting. I guess the subject is too near to the wall to create a good DOF.

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Experimenting with my camera, hehe, ndi ganun kaganda pero nagustuhan ko lang.....





Sir i had to resize the picture that you posted as it was larger that what's allowed.


Maximum allowed size for images/pictures is 640x480 pixels.


Thank you. :mtc:

Edited by maldita_overload
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