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Digital Cameras

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i've been a cybershot user ever since i remember. though there was a time i owned a canon powershot a60 yata yun. all point and shoot types. never had a dslr though i've been thinking really hard to get one soon.


oh, btw, i got a new (as in never been used) sony dsc-w55 coming this week. with local warranty, of course. pm me na lang for details. (sabay plug eh :lol: )

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P20,000!!! ok ka rin pare noh!!! :thumbsupsmiley:



Naalala mo pa yun hahahahahahahahaaaaaa nabiyayaan ng pambili eh kaso poor parin :lol:

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can anyone here suggest any digcam with 10 or more megapixel?????


You didn't say whether you wanted 'good' or you wanted 'cheap'.


I won't waste your time with cheap because unless you are new to digital photography in which case the subtle flaws of small CCD units (which allow them to be sold a lower prices) won't be too noticeable.


I looked at all the dSLRs and decided that the cheapest 'good' camera that I am sure I can keep for 10 years or more will have to be only the Leica Digilux 3. Other brands will continuously release newer models that will render your investment obsolete before you can shoot too many pictures. Leicas hold their value. And image quality is professional grade.

Edited by boomouse
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You didn't say whether you wanted 'good' or you wanted 'cheap'.


I won't waste your time with cheap because unless you are new to digital photography in which case the subtle flaws of small CCD units (which allow them to be sold a lower prices) won't be too noticeable.


I looked at all the dSLRs and decided that the cheapest 'good' camera that I am sure I can keep for 10 years or more will have to be only the Leica Digilux 3. Other brands will continuously release newer models that will render your investment obsolete before you can shoot too many pictures. Leicas hold their value. And image quality is professional grade.


Aren't most digital Leicas just rebranded Panasonic cameras? The only digital Leicas that are true Leicas are the M8 and R8 (by virtue of their backwards compatibiltiy with the M and R series Leica mounts).

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Aren't most digital Leicas just rebranded Panasonic cameras? The only digital Leicas that are true Leicas are the M8 and R8 (by virtue of their backwards compatibiltiy with the M and R series Leica mounts).


I agree that Leica uses more or less the same electronics on the D3 as it does on the Lumix DMC-L1. When I bought my D3, the price difference was only US$500, which made it an easy decision in favor of the Leica. At US$1,300 - 1,500, I'd have gone with the L1. I do think that the finish details (subtle things like typography, and more obvious ones like the shape of the top plate) are a lot nicer on the D3, and I prefer Leica's JPEG output. The improvements included in the recent L1 firmware update will no doubt be coming very soon to the D3 as well. Still, the current $1,500 price difference between the two is enough to buy the new 25mm f/1.4 lens (a masterpiece).


Of course the D3 would not be compatible with the M and R Leica lenses. This is a four-thirds system which in my opinion is the ideally suited to digital photography.


But to say that this is a rebranded Panasonic is taking it too far. You get a bigger memory chip, better software, slightly different firmware, a lot better warranty, and a red dot, but I am a rabid Leica fan and would always say 'to hell with the price' if my wife would let me all the time. Besides, we all know that Leica does not have digital technology int he same way that Panasonic and Olympus for that matter do not have the lens technology that Leica has.


I am sure even with similar electronics, build quality on the Leica would be better. I wish i could say how. But then, that's what makes me a Leica fan.


Its like cars. You shoot with a Leica, drive a Benz; shoot with a Lumix, drive a Toyota. Both are good cars, both good cameras. The leica would have a better second hand price down the road though--not that I would even consider selling.

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Better that nikkon?


The superiority of Summicron's/Sonnars/Elmarits vs Nikkors has been proven long ago. From a price-performance standpoint though, the Nikkor lenses would be preferred by most people. The price disparity does not justify the marginal improvement in image quality (which most people do not see). Ah but a red dot is a red dot is a red dot...

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I don't mean to step on anybody's toes... but we can all go on debating which brand is better than the other... frankly its tiring... all I can say is... stick to your choice... whether it would be Canon... Nikon... Leica... Sony... etc.


Always remember that owning a top of the line camera will not make you a good photographer... it will always depend on your sill... the camera will just make things easier for you... nothing will ever replace a good eye and a creative mind...




Just my 2 cents... prolly a bit more ^_^




So not to be OT... I own a Nikon D80 :P

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