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Happiest Events Of Your School Days

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Paricipating in rumbles and panty raids. Eating "recycled" food at mother's best. Hunting for John Irving books at maces sa grove. Getting drunk from 8pm to 8am on the roof of the auditorium. Stalking my crush, the moment she goes to her first class until she goes home in the afternoon. Watching 2nd run movies at the condemned agrix cinema. Joining in on the booing and heckling during motion battle of the bands and mad rushes. Feb fairs. Open House. Lantern Parade (?) Listening to Black Sabbath before ROTC to muster up courage. Skipping Class. Being dumped. Scoring. Not Scoring. Passing Stat 1. Passing out before i could do the dirty deed with my girlfriend because i was too drunk. Studying alone in the dorm during holly week to bone up for removal exams---and failing miseraby. Queing up for pre-registration. Graduating and feeling vindicated and elated. Harsh reality checks every now and then. But most of all.......surviving and overcoming all odds and never looking back (well except maybe now).

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finishing my thesis, being exempted from taking final exams, getting even with my enemies, being with my crush seeing the jerks perform at the baker hall--totally rocked my world, booing the introvoys and afterimage during concerts, sleepover at mendiola during the protest rally against gatt and waking up soaked by water cannons............

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GS: I threw a rock at my classmate who was twice my size...it hit him right in the forehead and he ran after me and beat me up while he was still bleeding...


HS: Graduating na ko with 1 quarter to go. 2 of my friends and I were caught ditching school dun sa may carpark sa Shangrila. Some of the people with us were smoking joints. Buti nalang hindi kami naamoy.


College: Graduating na ko. My friend and I smoked a joint in his car but he was cheating and smoking it like a regular cig. Ako lang tinamaan. Closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I saw a vision sorta like the psychedelic graphics in Windows Media Player. Finished a pasta dish and got out of the car. I puked in front of my friends and even the freshmen passing our tambayan saw me.

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college ~ the cutest prof in my univ. asked me for a date... I was hesitant at first because I have a long time bf, due to peer pressure I dated him and as we continously see eachother I end up liking him and dating him for over a year. My bf learned about my "special friendship" with the prof so he confronted him... next thing I knew my bf hit my prof and threatened to file administrative case against him.... Sakit ng ulo...

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